A fast and reliable Java micro-library which chooses the sorting algorithm that best fits your needs and sorts the parameter.



A fast and reliable Java micro-library which chooses the sorting algorithm that best fits your needs and sorts the parameter.

About The Project

While I was studying for my Algorithms course I started implementing a Java library which allows you to sort an array of items in the best way.

I implemented it thinking about different necessities and it went out that the time complexity is not everything. Sometimes you could have different necessities like stable or in-place sortings. This library chooses the algorithm that best fits your necessities.

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Getting Started

This is an example of how you may give instructions on setting up your project locally. To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.


  • Download the latest JAR release here or pack the sources by yourself.


Add the JAR library to the dependencies of your your project.

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First, create a class which implements Comparable:

public class Player implements Comparable<Player> {
  String name;
  int points;

  public Player(String name, int points) {
    this.name = name;
    this.points = points;

  public int compareTo(Player o) {
    return this.points - o.points;

  public String toString() {
    return this.name;

Then, if you want to sort your array of object:

sort = new Sort<>(players); // Sort the array players = sort.sort(); // Print out the results for (Player p : players) { System.out.println(p); }">
Player []players = new Player[]{
                new Player("Simone", 100),
                new Player("John", 20),
                new Player("Joe", 1),
                new Player("Robert", 7),
                new Player("Aldo", 2),

        Sort<Player> sort = new Sort<>(players);

        // Sort the array
        players = sort.sort();

        // Print out the results
        for (Player p : players) {

You can also configure the algorithm by yourself...

// Use Selection Sort
// Use Heap Sort
// Use Insertion Sort
// Use Merge Sort
// Use Quick Sort
// Use Shell Sort

... or you can let the library choose the best one using the parameters...

// InPlace: TRUE
// Stable: TRUE
Sort<Player> sort = new Sort<>(players, true, true);

... and you can use a custom comparator too

public class CompareByName implements Comparator<Player> {
    public int compare(Player o1, Player o2) {
        return o1.name.compareTo(o2.name);
sort.setComparator(new CompareByName());
players = sort.sort();

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Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for more information.

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Simone Nicol - @en0mia

Project Link: https://github.com/en0mia/OptimizedSort

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