The react-native Baidu voice library provides voice recognition, voice wake-up and voice synthesis interfaces. react-native百度语音库,提供语音识别,语音唤醒以及语音合成接口。



react-native-baidu-asr react-native-baidu-asr issues License: MIT semantic-release

react-native-baidu-asr It is a Baidu speech library under React Native, which can perform speech recognition, speech wake-up and speech synthesis.

English | 简体中文


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  • React Native >= 0.47.0
  • Android

Currently, the iOS platform is not implemented. I will fill it up when I have time.


  • RN >= 0.60
  1. yarn add react-native-baidu-asr
  • RN < 0.60
  1. yarn add react-native-baidu-asr

  2. react-native link react-native-baidu-asr


The first is that you have to go to the Baidu Voice Console to create an application, get authentication information: AppID, API Key, Secret Key.

  • Speech Recognition
import {
} from 'react-native-baidu-asr';

// Initialize Baidu speech engine
  APP_ID: 'Your authentication information AppID',
  APP_KEY: 'Your authentication information API Key',
  SECRET: 'Your authentication information Secret Key',

// Processing recognition results
this.resultListener = BaiduAsr.addResultListener(this.onRecognizerResult);
// Handling wrong results
this.errorListener = BaiduAsr.addErrorListener(this.onRecognizerError);
// Processing volume
this.volumeListener = BaiduAsr.addAsrVolumeListener(this.onAsrVolume);

// Start speech recognition
// For more input parameters, please refer to Baidu Voice Document
  // Long speech
  // Disable punctuation
  • Voice wake

The first is to export wake word , Pre-defined wake words and custom wake words, both need to be exported and used by the wake word evaluation tool.

import { BaiduWakeUp } from 'react-native-baidu-asr';

// Initialize Baidu speech engine
  APP_ID: 'Your authentication information AppID',
  APP_KEY: 'Your authentication information API Key',
  SECRET: 'Your authentication information Secret Key',

// Wake up result
this.resultListener = BaiduWakeUp.addResultListener(this.onWakeUpResult);
// Handling wrong results
this.errorListener = BaiduWakeUp.addErrorListener(this.onWakeUpError);

// Start voice wake up
// For more input parameters, please refer to Baidu Voice Document
  // Indicates that the WakeUp.bin file is defined in the assets directory
  WP_WORDS_FILE: 'assets:///WakeUp.bin',
  • Speech synthesis

The authentication information of speech synthesis is placed in in the assets directory, please refer to the example.

Then if you need to compile above api level 28, you also need to modify AndroidManifest.xml,


    <!-- Add this sentence. Support api level 28 and above compilation-->

    // ...

import {
} from 'react-native-baidu-asr';

// initialization

// Listen for events
this.resultListener = BaiduSynthesizer.addResultListener(
this.errorListener = BaiduSynthesizer.addErrorListener(

// Speech synthesis
    // For more input parameters, please refer to the Baidu documentation
      PARAM_SPEAKER: '1',
    status => {
      console.log('speak --> ', status);

// Batch playback
    // For more input parameters, please refer to the Baidu documentation
      PARAM_SPEAKER: '1',
    status => {
      console.log('batchSpeak --> ', status);


Speech Recognition


  • BaiduAsr.init(options: InitOptions)

Initialize Baidu speech engine

  • BaiduAsr.start(options: AsrOptions)

Start speech recognition

  • BaiduAsr.stop()

Pause the recording, the SDK will no longer recognize the stopped recording.

  • BaiduAsr.cancel()

Cancel the recording, the SDK will cancel this recognition and return to the original state.

  • BaiduAsr.release()

Release the resource. If you need to use it again next time, you must call the init method to initialize the engine.


The recognition result callback data has a unified format, similar to the api interface return, with code, msg, and data.

IBaseData The data types are as follows:

interface IBaseData<T = any> {
   * status code
  code: StatusCode,
   * message
  msg: string,
   * data
  data: T
  • addResultListener(callback: (data: IBaseData<RecognizerResultData | undefined>) => void): EmitterSubscription
    Voice recognition result callback, the event will be triggered continuously during voice recognition,data is of type IBaseData<RecognizerResultData | undefined>,Its value:

    • code:status code
    • msg:message
    • data:Identification data

The data types of data are as follows:

interface RecognizerResultData {
  best_result: string,
  // If there is no accident, the first value is the recognition result
  results_recognition: Array<string>,
  result_type: ResultType,
  origin_result: {
    corpus_no: number,
    err_no: number,
    raf: number,
    result: {
      word: Array<string>
    sn: string
  error: number,
  desc: string
  • addErrorListener(callback: (data: IBaseData<RecognizerResultError>) => void): EmitterSubscription
    There is an error in speech recognition. The error message is consistent with the Baidu speech document. Its value:

    • code:status code
    • msg:message
    • data:Wrong data

The data types of data are as follows:

interface RecognizerResultError {
  errorCode: number // Error code comparison Baidu voice document
  subErrorCode: number
  descMessage: string
  • addAsrVolumeListener(listener: (volume: VolumeData) => void): EmitterSubscription
    The volume of speech recognition. This event will be triggered when the recognized speech changes the volume. volume is of type VolumeData, and its value is:

    • volumePercent: Current volume percentage
    • volume: Current volume

Voice wake


  • BaiduWakeUp.init(options: InitOptions)

Initialize Baidu speech engine

  • BaiduWakeUp.start(options: WakeUpOptions)

Start voice wake up

  • BaiduWakeUp.stop()

End voice wakeup.

  • BaiduWakeUp.release()

Release the resource. If you need to use it again next time, you must call the init method to initialize the engine.


The wake-up result callback data has a unified format, similar to the api interface return, with code, msg, and data.

The data types of IBaseData are as follows:

interface IBaseData<T = any> {
   * status code
  code: StatusCode,
   * message
  msg: string,
   * data
  data: T
  • addResultListener(callback: (data: IBaseData<string | undefined>) => void): EmitterSubscription
    Voice wake up result callback, data is IBaseData<string | undefined> type, its value:

    • code:status code
    • msg:message
    • data:Wake word
  • addErrorListener(callback: (data: IBaseData<WakeUpResultError>) => void): EmitterSubscription
    There is an error in voice wake-up. The error message is consistent with the Baidu voice document. Its value:

    • code:status code
    • msg:message
    • data:Wrong data

The data types of data are as follows:

interface WakeUpResultError {
  // Error code You can look up the error code against Baidu voice documents
  errorCode: number,
  // wrong information
  errorMessage: string,
  // Original error data returned by Baidu Voice
  result: string

Speech synthesis


  • BaiduSynthesizer.initialTts(options?: ITtsOptions)

Initialize Baidu speech synthesis engine

  • BaiduSynthesizer.speak(text: string, options?: ITtsOptions, callback?: (status: number) => void)

Compose and play

  • BaiduSynthesizer.batchSpeak(textArray: string[], options?: ITtsOptions, callback?: (status: number) => void)

Batch playback.

  • BaiduSynthesizer.pause(callback?: (status: number) => void)

Pause playback. Only takes effect after calling speak

  • BaiduSynthesizer.resume(callback?: (status: number) => void)

Continue playing. It only takes effect after calling speak, and calling pause takes effect

  • BaiduSynthesizer.stop(callback?: (status: number) => void)

Stop the synthesis engine. That is, stop playing, synthesize, and clear the internal synthesis queue.

  • BaiduSynthesizer.release()

Free up resources. Next time you need to use it again, you must call the initialTts method to initialize the engine


The callback data has a unified format, similar to the API interface return, with code, msg, and data.


interface SynthesizerData<T = any> {
   * status code
  code: SynthesizerStatusCode,
   * message
  msg: string,
   * data
  data: T
  • addResultListener(callback: (data: SynthesizerData<SynthesizerResultData | string | undefined>) => void): EmitterSubscription
    Synthesis result callback, data is SynthesizerData<SynthesizerResultData | string | undefined> type, and its value:

    • code:status code
    • msg:message
    • data:Callback data

The data type of SynthesizerResultData is as follows:

// There are many states in the synthesis process, from initialization to synthesis to the end of playback, so the data is actually indeterminate.
interface RecognizerResultData {
  // utterance Id
  utteranceId?: string
  // Synthesis progress or playback progress
  progress?: number
  • addErrorListener(callback: (data: SynthesizerData<SynthesizerResultError>) => void): EmitterSubscription
    There is an error in speech synthesis. The error message is consistent with the Baidu speech document. Its value:

    • code:status code
    • msg:message
    • data:Wrong data

The data types of data are as follows:

interface SynthesizerResultError {
  // utterance Id
  utteranceId: string
  // Error code View the Baidu document in detail
  code: number
  // wrong description
  description: string


Looking forward to making relevant suggestions, contributions are welcome, thank you star.



MIT License

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