Spring-boot application using redis as a caching database


Java Spring-boot application using Redis as a caching database

Running Application

Entities involved

  • Two main entities are involved
    • MasterHouse (master_houses)
    • Wizard (wizards)
  • Wizards have a many-to-one relationship with MasterHouse
  • Example:
    • Harry Potter (wizard) belongs to Gryffindor (masterHouse)
    • Ron Weasley (wizard) belongs to Gryffindor (masterHouse)
    • Hermione Granger (wizard) belongs to Gryffindor (masterHouse)
    • Griffindor (masterHouse) has Harry Potter, Ron Weasly and Hermione Granger (wizards)

Caching Flow

  • The house id is used as the key and the list of wizards belonging to that particular house are kept as the value in redis DB (key-value store)
  • The key is removed from the cache when a new wizard is added/updated/removed to/from that house
  • When the API is hit again, the updated list value is added to the cache and the process is repeated
  • Addition to that the API to retreive wizard by #id is also cached and goes through the above mentioned process as well where the wizard's pkey is used as a key to store the corresponding DTO value

Main classes/files

Technologies used

  • Java-15
  • Spring-boot
  • PostgreSQL
  • Flyway
  • Redis
  • Open-API(Swagger)
  • Lombok

Setup Locally Without Docker

  • Install Java 15
  • Install Maven
  • Install PostgreSQL
  • Install Redis

Recommended way is to use sdkman for installing both maven and java

Create postgres user (superuser) with name and password as bojack


Create Database with name 'bojack' and assign the above created user to the database with preferable CLI or GUI tool

create database bojack;
grant all privileges on database bojack to bojack;

Start the redis server and specify the port in application.properties file

sudo redis-server path-to/redis.conf

Run the below commands in the core

mvn clean
mvn install

Execute any of the two commands below to run the application

java -jar target/redis-caching-spring-boot-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
mvn spring-boot:run

The Default port is 9090 (can be changed in application.properties)

Go to the below URI to view Swagger-UI (API-docs)

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