Kryptonite is a turn-key ready transformation (SMT) for Apache Kafka® Connect to do field-level 🔒 encryption/decryption 🔓 of records. It's an UNOFFICIAL community project.


Kryptonite - An SMT for Kafka Connect


Kryptonite is a turn-key ready transformation (SMT) for Apache Kafka® to do field-level encryption/decryption of records with or without schema in data integration scenarios based on Kafka Connect. It uses authenticated encryption with associated data (AEAD) and in particular applies AES in GCM mode.


Data Records without Schema

The following fictional data record value without schema - represented in JSON-encoded format - is used to illustrate a simple encrypt/decrypt scenario:

  "id": "1234567890",
  "myString": "some foo bla text",
  "myInt": 42,
  "myBoolean": true,
  "mySubDoc1": {"myString":"hello json"},
  "myArray1": ["str_1","str_2","...","str_N"],
  "mySubDoc2": {"k1":9,"k2":8,"k3":7}

Encryption of selected fields

Let's assume the fields "myString","myArray1" and "mySubDoc2" of the above data record should get encrypted, the CipherField SMT can be configured as follows:

  "transforms.cipher.cipher_mode": "ENCRYPT",
  "transforms.cipher.cipher_data_keys": "[{\"identifier\":\"my-demo-secret-key-123\",\"material\":\"0bpRAigAvP9fTTFw43goyg==\"}]", //key materials of utmost secrecy!
  "transforms.cipher.cipher_data_key_identifier": "my-demo-secret-key-123",
  "transforms.cipher.field_config": "[{\"name\":\"myString\"},{\"name\":\"myArray1\"},{\"name\":\"mySubDoc2\"}]",
  "transforms.cipher.field_mode": "OBJECT",

The result after applying this SMT is a record in which all the fields specified in the field_config parameter are encrypted using the secret key specified by its id with the cipher_data_key_identifier parameter. Currently, the secret keys to work with have to be configured using the parameter cipher_data_keys. Apparently, the configured key materials have to be treated with utmost secrecy, for leaking any of the secret keys renders encryption useless. The recommended way of doing this for now is to indirectly reference secret key materials by externalizing them into a separate properties file. Read a few details about this here.

Since the configuration parameter field_mode is set to 'OBJECT', complex field types are processed as a whole instead of element-wise.

Below is an exemplary JSON-encoded record after the encryption:

  "id": "1234567890",
  "myString": "M007MIScg8F0A/cAddWbayvUPObjxuGFxisu5MUckDhBss6fo3gMWSsR4xOLPEfs4toSDDCxa7E=",
  "myInt": 42,
  "myBoolean": true,
  "mySubDoc1": {"myString":"hello json"},
  "myArray1": "UuEKnrv91bLImQvKqXTET7RTP93XeLfNRhzJaXVc6OGA4E+mbvGFs/q6WEFCAFy9wklJE5EPXJ+P85nTBCiVrTkU+TR+kUWB9zNplmOL70sENwwwsWux",
  "mySubDoc2": "fLAnBod5U8eS+LVNEm3vDJ1m32/HM170ASgJLKdPF78qDxcsiWj+zOkvZBsk2g44ZWHiSDy3JrI1btmUQhJc4OTnmqIPB1qAADqKhJztvyfcffOfM+y0ISsNk4+V6k0XHBdaT1tJXqLTsyoQfWmSZsnwpM4WARo5/cQWdAwwsWux"

NOTE: Encrypted fields are always represented as Base64-encoded strings which contain both, the ciphertext of the fields' original values and authenticated but unencrypted(!) meta-data. If you want to learn about a few more details look here.

Decryption of selected fields

Provided that the secret key material used to encrypt the original data record is made available to a specific sink connector, the CipherField SMT can be configured to decrypt the data like so:

  "transforms.cipher.cipher_mode": "DECRYPT",
  "transforms.cipher.cipher_data_keys": "[{\"identifier\":\"my-demo-secret-key-123\",\"material\":\"0bpRAigAvP9fTTFw43goyg==\"}]", //key materials of utmost secrecy!
  "transforms.cipher.cipher_data_key_identifier": "my-demo-secret-key-123",
  "transforms.cipher.field_config": "[{\"name\":\"myString\"},{\"name\":\"myArray1\"},{\"name\":\"mySubDoc2\"}]",
  "transforms.cipher.field_mode": "OBJECT",

The result after applying this SMT is a record in which all the fields specified in the field_config parameter are decrypted using the secret key id that is specified and was used to encrypt the original data. Apparently, this can work if and only if the secret key id has the correct key material configured using the parameter cipher_data_keys.

Below is an exemplary JSON-encoded record after the decryption, which is equal to the original record:

  "id": "1234567890",
  "myString": "some foo bla text",
  "myInt": 42,
  "myBoolean": true,
  "mySubDoc1": {"myString":"hello json"},
  "myArray1": ["str_1","str_2","...","str_N"],
  "mySubDoc2": {"k1":9,"k2":8,"k3":7}

Data Records with Schema

The following example is based on an Avro value record and used to illustrate a simple encrypt/decrypt scenario for data records with schema. The schema could be defined as:

    "type": "record", "fields": [
        { "name": "id", "type": "string" },
        { "name": "myString", "type": "string" },
        { "name": "myInt", "type": "int" },
        { "name": "myBoolean", "type": "boolean" },
        { "name": "mySubDoc1", "type": "record",
            "fields": [
                { "name": "myString", "type": "string" }
        { "name": "myArray1", "type": { "type": "array", "items": "string"}},
        { "name": "mySubDoc2", "type": { "type": "map", "values": "int"}}

The data of one such fictional record - represented by its Struct.toString() output - might look as:

  myString=some foo bla text,
  mySubDoc1=Struct{myString=hello json},
  myArray1=[str_1, str_2, ..., str_N],
  mySubDoc2={k1=9, k2=8, k3=7}

Encryption of selected fields

Let's assume the fields "myString","myArray1" and "mySubDoc2" of the above data record should get encrypted, the CipherField SMT can be configured as follows:

  "transforms.cipher.cipher_mode": "ENCRYPT",
  "transforms.cipher.cipher_data_keys": "[{\"identifier\":\"my-demo-secret-key-123\",\"material\":\"0bpRAigAvP9fTTFw43goyg==\"}]", //key materials of utmost secrecy!
  "transforms.cipher.cipher_data_key_identifier": "my-demo-secret-key-123",
  "transforms.cipher.field_config": "[{\"name\":\"myString\"},{\"name\":\"myArray1\"},{\"name\":\"mySubDoc2\"}]",
  "transforms.cipher.field_mode": "OBJECT",

The result after applying this SMT is a record in which all the fields specified in the field_config parameter are encrypted using the secret key specified by its id with the cipher_data_key_identifier parameter. Currently, all available secret keys have to be directly configured using the parameter cipher_data_keys. Apparently, the configured key materials have to be treated with utmost secrecy, for leaking any of the secret keys renders encryption useless. The recommended way of doing this for now is to indirectly reference secret key materials by externalizing them into a separate properties file. Read a few details about this here.

Since the configuration parameter field_mode is set to 'OBJECT', complex field types are processed as a whole instead of element-wise.

Below is an exemplary Struct.toString() output of the record after the encryption:

  mySubDoc1=Struct{myString=hello json},

NOTE 1: Encrypted fields are always represented as Base64-encoded strings which contain both, the ciphertext of the fields' original values and authenticated meta-data (unencrypted!) about the field in question. If you want to learn about a few more details look here.

NOTE 2: Obviously, in order to support this the original schema of the data record is automatically redacted such that any encrypted fields can be stored as strings, even though the original data types for the fields in question were different ones.

Decryption of selected fields

Provided that the secret key material used to encrypt the original data record is made available to a specific sink connector, the CipherField SMT can be configured to decrypt the data like so:

  "transforms.cipher.cipher_mode": "DECRYPT",
  "transforms.cipher.cipher_data_keys": "[{\"identifier\":\"my-demo-secret-key-123\",\"material\":\"0bpRAigAvP9fTTFw43goyg==\"}]", //key materials of utmost secrecy!
  "transforms.cipher.cipher_data_key_identifier": "my-demo-secret-key-123",
  "transforms.cipher.field_config": "[{\"name\":\"myString\",\"schema\": {\"type\": \"STRING\"}},{\"name\":\"myArray1\",\"schema\": {\"type\": \"ARRAY\",\"valueSchema\": {\"type\": \"STRING\"}}},{\"name\":\"mySubDoc2\",\"schema\": { \"type\": \"MAP\", \"keySchema\": { \"type\": \"STRING\" }, \"valueSchema\": { \"type\": \"INT32\"}}}]",
  "transforms.cipher.field_mode": "OBJECT",

Take notice of the extended field_config parameter settings. For decryption of schema-aware data, the SMT configuration expects that for each field to decrypt the original schema information is explicitly specified. This allows to redact the encrypted record's schema towards a compatible decrypted record's schema upfront, such that the resulting plaintext field values can be stored in accordance with their original data types.

The result after applying this SMT is a record in which all the fields specified in the field_config parameter are decrypted using the secret key id that is specified and was used to encrypt the original data. Apparently, this can work if and only if the secret key id has the correct key material configured using the parameter cipher_data_keys.

Below is the decrypted data - represented by its Struct.toString() output - which is equal to the original record:

  myString=some foo bla text,
  mySubDoc1=Struct{myString=hello json},
  myArray1=[str_1, str_2, ..., str_N],
  mySubDoc2={k1=9, k2=8, k3=7}

Configuration Parameters

Name Description Type Default Valid Values Importance
cipher_data_key_identifier secret key identifier to be used as default data encryption key for all fields which don't refer to a field-specific secret key identifier string non-empty string high
cipher_data_keys JSON array with data key objects specifying the key identifiers and base64 encoded key bytes used for encryption / decryption password JSON array holding at least one valid data key config object, e.g. [{"identifier":"my-key-id-1234-abcd","material":"dmVyeS1zZWNyZXQta2V5JA=="}] high
cipher_mode defines whether the data should get encrypted or decrypted string ENCRYPT or DECRYPT high
field_config JSON array with field config objects specifying which fields together with their settings should get either encrypted / decrypted (nested field names are expected to be separated by '.' per default, or by a custom 'path_delimiter' config string JSON array holding at least one valid field config object, e.g. [{"name": "my-field-abc"},{"name": "my-nested.field-xyz"}] high
field_mode defines how to process complex field types (maps, lists, structs), either as full objects or element-wise string ELEMENT ELEMENT or OBJECT medium
cipher_algorithm cipher algorithm used for data encryption (currently supports only one AEAD cipher: AES/GCM/NoPadding) string AES/GCM/NoPadding AES/GCM/NoPadding low
cipher_text_encoding defines the encoding of the resulting ciphertext bytes (currently only supports 'base64') string base64 base64 low
path_delimiter path delimiter used as field name separator when referring to nested fields in the input record string . non-empty string low

Externalize configuration parameters

The problem with directly specifying configuration parameters which contain sensitive data, such as secret key materials, is that they are exposed via Kafka Connect's REST API. This means for connect clusters that are shared among teams the configured secret key materials would leak, which is of course unacceptable. The way to deal with this for now, is to indirectly reference such configuration parameters from external property files.

Below is a quick example of how such a configuration would look like:

  1. Before you can make use of configuration parameters from external sources you have to customize your Kafka Connect worker configuration by adding the following two settings:
  1. Then you create the external properties file e.g. which contains the secret key materials. This file needs to be available on all your Kafka Connect workers which you want to run Kryptonite on. Let's pretend the file is located at path /secrets/kryptonite/ on your worker nodes:
  1. Finally, you simply reference this file and the corresponding key of the property therein, from your SMT configuration like so:
  "transforms.cipher.cipher_mode": "ENCRYPT",
  "transforms.cipher.cipher_data_keys": "${file:/secrets/kryptonite/}",
  "transforms.cipher.cipher_data_key_identifier": "my-demo-secret-key-123",
  "transforms.cipher.field_config": "[{\"name\":\"myString\"},{\"name\":\"myArray1\"},{\"name\":\"mySubDoc2\"}]",
  "transforms.cipher.field_mode": "OBJECT",

In case you want to learn more about configuration parameter externalization there is e.g. this nice blog post from the Debezium team showing how to externalize username and password settings using a docker-compose example.

Build, installation / deployment

Either you can build this project from sources via Maven or you can download a pre-built, self-contained package of Kryptonite kafka-connect-transform-kryptonite-0.1.0.jar.

In order to deploy it you simply put the jar into a 'plugin path' that is configured to be scanned by your Kafka Connect worker nodes.

After that, configure Kryptonite as transformation for any of your source / sink connectors, sit back and relax! Happy 'binge watching' plenty of ciphertexts ;-)

Cipher algorithm specifics

Kryptonite currently provides a single cipher algorithm, namely, AES in GCM mode. It offers so-called authenticated encryption with associated data (AEAD). This basically means that besides the ciphertext, an encrypted field additionally contains unencrypted but authenticated meta-data. In order to keep the storage overhead per encrypted field down to a minimum, the SMT implementation currently only incorporates a version identifier for Kryptonite itself (k1) together with a short identifier representing the algorithm (01 for AES/GCM/NoPadding) which was used to encrypt the field in question. Future versions may support additional algorithms or might benefit from further meta-data, which is why the meta-data handling should be considered to undergo changes.

By design, every application of Kryptonite on a specific record field results in different ciphertexts for one and the same plaintext. This is in general not only desirable but very important to make attacks harder. However, in the context of Kafka Connect records this has an unfavorable consequence for source connectors. Applying the SMT on a source record's key would result in a 'partition mix-up' because records with the same original plaintext key would end up in different topic partitions. In other words, do NOT(!) use Kryptonite for source record keys at the moment. There are plans in place to do away with this restriction and extend Kryptonite with a deterministic mode. This could then safely support the encryption of record keys while at the same time keep topic partitioning and record ordering intact.


If you like this project and want to support its further development and maintenance we are happy about your PayPal donation.

License Information

This project is licensed according to Apache License Version 2.0

Copyright (c) 2021. Hans-Peter Grahsl ([email protected])

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
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    • keyset handling
      • change key source config and handling for remote / cloud KMS
      • add prefetch support to KeyMaterialResolver and AzureKeyVault
      • adapt documentation to reflect latest changes w.r.t. tink-integration
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      • add deterministic mode using tink's AEAD AES SIV primitive
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      • further code repackaging and class renaming
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  • some maintenance and small fixes

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    • fix null handling of struct type values with element mode for schema-aware records
    • respects optional settings in accordance with original schema during schema redaction
    • adapt element mode processing in schemaless record handler
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  • preliminary support to retrieve key material from external KMS

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    • further code repackaging and class renaming

    2) bug fixes:

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    4) documentation:

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