is a REST+JSON framework for building robust, scalable service architectures using dynamic discovery and simple asynchronous APIs.

Overview is an open source REST framework for building robust, scalable RESTful architectures using type-safe bindings and asynchronous, non-blocking IO. fills a niche for applying RESTful principles at scale with an end-to-end developer workflow for building REST APIs, which promotes clean REST practices, uniform interface design and consistent data modeling.

Source | Documentation | Discussion Group


  • End-to-end framework for building RESTful APIs
  • Approachable APIs for writing non-blocking client and server code using ParSeq
  • Type-safe development using generated data and client bindings
  • JAX-RS inspired annotation driven server side resource development
  • Engineered and battle tested for high scalability and high availability
  • Optional Dynamic Discovery subsystem adds client side load balancing and fault tolerance
  • Backward compatibility checking to ensure all API changes are safe
  • Support for batch operations, partial updates and projections
  • Web UI for browsing and searching a catalog of APIs.



See our website for full documentation and examples.


Quickstart Guides and Examples

  • Schema compatibility rule for removing optional fields is inconsistent with other rules

    Schema compatibility rule for removing optional fields is inconsistent with other rules

    In CompatibilityChecker the removing an optional field is not considered an error. As a result it is not considered an error to remove an optional field and then add a new optional field with the same field name as the field just removed, but with a different type. This is clearly inconsistent with the rule that it is a compatibility error to change the type of field.

    Consider this case:

    • An optional field, let's call it 'title' of type string exists in a record schema.
    • Writers exist that produce data with "title", and readers exist that expect it to be of type string when present.
    • The optional field is removed from the schema. This is not considered an error according to CompatibilityChecker.
    • A new optional field is added to the schema, also called "title", but of type Title (a record type). This also is not considered an error according to CompatibilityChecker.

    It is now possible to have writers producing either a string or a record for the 'title' field. It is also possible to have readers expecting either a string or a record for the field. They are clearly not compatible with one another.

    I believe the correct fix it to make removing optional fields a compatibility error.

    opened by jpbetz 20
  • Error building restli-example-client

    Error building restli-example-client

    When I run gradle startExampleBasicClient command I get this build error:

    Execution failed for task ':restli-example-api:generateMainGeneratedRestRestClient'.
    > 1,1: "com.linkedin.restli.example.AlbumEntry" cannot be resolved.

    More complete build log:

    Add interface file: D:\Projects\Research\\restli-example-api\src\main\idl\
    Add interface file: D:\Projects\Research\\restli-example-api\src\main\idl\
    Add interface file: D:\Projects\Research\\restli-example-api\src\main\idl\
    Generating rest client source files for:
    Destination directory: D:\Projects\Research\\restli-example-api\src\mainGeneratedRest\java
    SLF4J: Class path contains multiple SLF4J bindings.
    SLF4J: Found binding in [jar:file:/D:/Projects/Java/gradle-1.7/lib/logback-classic-1.0.9.jar!/org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder.class]
    SLF4J: Found binding in [jar:file:/C:/Users/Oleg/.gradle/caches/artifacts-26/filestore/org.slf4j/slf4j-log4j12/1.6.2/jar/7dd950c7eeb3004a91720ba8782aa0ded9037110/slf4j-log4j12-1.6.2.jar!/org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder.class]
    SLF4J: See for an explanation.
    SLF4J: Actual binding is of type [ch.qos.logback.classic.util.ContextSelectorStaticBinder]
    :restli-example-api:generateMainGeneratedRestRestClient FAILED
    FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
    * What went wrong:
    Execution failed for task ':restli-example-api:generateMainGeneratedRestRestClient'.
    > 1,1: "com.linkedin.restli.example.AlbumEntry" cannot be resolved.
    opened by extesy 20
  • Add validation mode for trimming and disallowing unrecognized fields

    Add validation mode for trimming and disallowing unrecognized fields

    This gives developers the option run the validator in a mode that disallows or filters out unrecognized fields when needed. For most use cases ignoring unrecognized fields for backward compatibility reasons. But there are a couple system boundaries where these approaches have been found useful.

    Note that I've included a specialized version of called ToTrim. Alternatively, could modified and then exposed some of the currently private functionality from Remover, but that would have resulted in a public API where developers could directly accumulate Remover.ToRemove objects, which is risky because if the order of those objects is not correct, the wrong elements can be removed from arrays. Also, ToTrim needs to track the paths of the elements it visits for validation message purposes.

    Questions for reviewers:

    • Does the naming look reasonable for the new Enum values? "TRIM" could alternatively have been named "FILTER".
    • Did I handle fixup correctly here?
    opened by jpbetz 16
  • fix security issues due to transitive dependency icu4j

    fix security issues due to transitive dependency icu4j

    These dependencies are brought in when using latest release of

    \--- org.antlr:antlr4:4.7.2
         +--- org.antlr:antlr4-runtime:4.7.2
         +--- org.antlr:antlr-runtime:3.5.2
         +--- org.antlr:ST4:4.1
         |    \--- org.antlr:antlr-runtime:3.5.2
         +--- org.abego.treelayout:org.abego.treelayout.core:1.0.3
         +--- org.glassfish:javax.json:1.0.4

    OWASP scanner on a sample project shows these vulnerabilities


    Upgrading to latest 4.10.1 we get these

    \--- org.antlr:antlr4:4.10.1
         +--- org.antlr:antlr4-runtime:4.10.1
         +--- org.antlr:antlr-runtime:3.5.3
         +--- org.antlr:ST4:4.3.3
         |    \--- org.antlr:antlr-runtime:3.5.2 -> 3.5.3
         +--- org.abego.treelayout:org.abego.treelayout.core:1.0.3
         +--- org.glassfish:javax.json:1.0.4

    After update 0 CVEs



    opened by anshbansal 9
  • Fix non-deterministic issue for annotations in the generated data template code by using right schema location for typeref class template

    Fix non-deterministic issue for annotations in the generated data template code by using right schema location for typeref class template

    When process schema files to generate data template java code, the order of the input source file will cause the change in the annotation of the generated java class. For example: When a PDL or PDSC file A contains a data schema definition in B, and B is a typeref, when the input is in order [A, B], the generated B's class annotation comment will have a different class name compare to the two file in order [B, A] In depth, this is caused by parsing result's _schemaAndLocations entry was populated in different order when parsing is processed.

    opened by BrianPin 9
  • Client - issue with building a request Client - issue with building a request

    Hi team, We trying to build 2 servers. One of them (Server A) need to send a request to the other (Server B).

    This is our structure: root project: "apis"

    • Contains the serves api (pdsc + the generated java class). for each server there is a separate module.
    |- build.gradle
    |- settings.gradle
    |- serverA-api/build.gradle
    |- serverA-api/src/main/pegasus/net/servername/api/*.pdsc
    |- serverA-api/src/mainGeneratedDataTemplate/java/.../*.java
    |- serverB-api/build.gradle
    |- serverB-api/src/main/pegasus/net/servername/api/*.pdsc
    |- serverB-api/src/mainGeneratedDataTemplate/java/.../*.java

    root project: "server-A"

    • Contains the "serverA-api" as a library and Implemented the api use cases.

    root project: "server-B"

    • Contains the "serverA-api" as a library - because we want to make a requests to server A.
    • Contains the "serverB-api" as a library and implemented the api use cases.

    While implementing the servers api use cases everything works well, but with implementing the rest client we got troubles... We are a bit confused with how to make a restClient requests on our current structure from server A to server B.

    do we have to create a request builder class? - if yes, how? The docs for this part are a bit confusing, what is the "product_spec.json"?


    is the Web UI dead? it doesn't work - also the "" download link broken.

    Thank you

    opened by loloMui 9
  • RequiredFieldNotPresentException should not result in a 500 error response

    RequiredFieldNotPresentException should not result in a 500 error response

    Passing an entity with missing required files causes a RequiredFieldNotPresentException, which in turn is wrapped by a RestLiServiceException and the service returns a 500 internal server error response.

    Since this is not a server but a client error, the status code should be 400 Bad Request.

    opened by kelihlodversson 9
  • Add a Spotbug plugin that detect and prevent use of avro1.4 and avro1.6 API

    Add a Spotbug plugin that detect and prevent use of avro1.4 and avro1.6 API

    This plugin can prevent user from using of old API before we release the new major version that completely get rid of legacy Avro versions (1.4 & 1.6)

    After all migration is finished, we might or might not need to remove it. (It should be OK to remove it)

    opened by junchuanwang 8
  • Remove deprecated V1 request builders

    Remove deprecated V1 request builders

    This is a backwards incompatible change that aims to remove the V1 request builders and associated APIs. These should all have replacements:

    1. MyResourceBuilders => MyResourceRequestBuilders
    2. MyResourceMethodBuilder => MyResourceMethodRequestBuilder
    3. BatchCreateRequest => BatchCreateIdRequest
    4. CreateRequest => CreateIdRequest
    5. CreateResponse => IdResponse
    6. BatchGetRequest / BatchGetKVRequest => BatchGetEntityRequest
    7. Response#getId => IdResponse#getEntity

    There's no urgency to merge and push this out, but keeping this up to date with the code base will require some work, so I am hoping to merge this some time this quarter and include it as part of the next major version.

    backward-incompatible v31 
    opened by tjni 8
  • Improve support for alternate schema parsers and generator target languages.

    Improve support for alternate schema parsers and generator target languages.

    This primarily cleans up DataSchemaParser to better support alternate generator target languages as well as allow for alternate schema parsers.

    This is primarily for Courier ( but is general enough to be useful to anyone extending pegasus.

    Courier supports multiple target languages (Swift, Scala, Java for Android) and also has it's own custom file format for authoring pegasus schemas, and would benefit significantly from having these extension points.

    Separate from this pull-request I'd like to discuss merging the custom schema language used by Courier into Pegasus, but regardless what we decide on that topic, this seems generally useful.


    ./gradlew test
    opened by jpbetz 8
  • Add an IntelliJ plugin for PDL.

    Add an IntelliJ plugin for PDL.

    This code exists internally at LI. I've done the minimal amount of work to copy it here to open source and get it building.

    Note I did need to disable Werror for this one project. We can clean it up later.

    opened by jplaisted 7
  • what plugins fixed for .pdl file

    what plugins fixed for .pdl file

    question: hello. I would like to know where there has plugins fixed for resolve the .pdl file ?

    ide: intellij idea / microsoft visual studio code.


    opened by jkl0898 0
  • cannot run quickstart example

    cannot run quickstart example

    example url:

    exec cmd: gradle publishRestliIdl

    error log:

    Task :api:generateDataTemplate FAILED There are 1 data schema input files. Using input root folder: D:\code\tool\linkedin\\examples\quickstart\api\src\main\pegasus

    FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

    • What went wrong: Execution failed for task ':api:generateDataTemplate'.

    'other' has different root

    • Try: Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

    • Get more help at

    Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 7.0. Use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings. See

    BUILD FAILED in 15s 1 actionable task: 1 executed

    env: os: windows10 gradle version: 6.6

    opened by jkl0898 0
  • Migrate to Gradle 5.6.4

    Migrate to Gradle 5.6.4

    This PR drops the support of all Gradle versions below 5.6.4. It is a foundation to improve the plugin's support to Gradle 7 and above. It is usually considered a good practice for a Gradle plugin to support only two major versions at a time.

    Testing done

    • local build ok
    opened by bzzzzzz 0
  • keys starting with numeric string are throwing the following exception while generating PDL schema

    keys starting with numeric string are throwing the following exception while generating PDL schema

    Hi Team, We use the maven repo

    Keys starting with numeric string are throwing the following exception while generating PDL schema.

    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: 1,93: "00100030" is an invalid field name.


    Details: We are trying to convert 'dicom' json data/schema to 'PDL'. 'dicom' data has lot of keys(string) that start with a numeral say "0020000D"

    eg: { "0020000D": { "vr": "UI", "Value": [ "1.2.392.200036.9116." ] } } Note: The complete dicom data file can be found

    But the "linkedin pegasus data" library does not allow keys which start with a number, eg "0020000D", while creating PDL schema.

    Please let us know if you need more details

    opened by satsrini 2
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