Docker-compose-integration-tstst - An exploration of how to run integration tests against an application that has inconvenient external dependencies (e.g. a SQL database).



it was supposed to be docker-compose-integration-tests but i was too lazy to fix it at the outset, and now im trying to convince myself its funny so i dont feel obligated to fix it now


This repository is an exploration of how to run integration tests against an application that has inconvenient external dependencies (e.g. a SQL database). I wanted this project to meet the following requirements:

  • The user should not need to manually install a long list of required tools beforehand. I want to address the pain point where a developer is asked to maintain a complicated matrix of software tools (often at a specific version) per project. Ideally, this project will only require up-front installation of Java and Docker.
  • The integration tests should not use dependency mocking. I want to address the pain point where a suite of unit tests using dependency mocking is treated as a replacement for a suite of integration tests. Ideally, this project will allow a user to verify the behavior of the application against a real Postgres database.
  • The integration tests should be runnable with a single command. I want to address the pain point where the developer must perform time-consuming or arcane setup before integration tests can be run. Ideally, this project will expose a single Gradle task which does all of the following:
    • Ensure the Docker image for the application is built and up-to-date
    • Start the application and all of its external dependencies in Docker
    • Run the full suite of integration tests against the application
    • Reset the database to its initial state between tests to ensure proper test isolation
    • Tear down any Docker containers created in the setup step
  • The project should use Gradle as its build tool. I want to address the pain point of using Gradle. I have maintained several Java projects that use different build tools, and Gradle is the one that has caused the most headaches. Ideally, implementing this concept in the build tool I find most difficult to work with will provide a basic framework that can be copied in build tools thast I find easier to use.

All commands in this README were tested on MacOS because that's what I, personally, need. I suspect the commands will work on Linux as-is (as-are?) and that the Windows equivalents would not be difficult to formulate. However, I haven't tested those suspicions, and I don't plan to at the moment.


You will need the following software installed to run this project:

  • java (version 11+)
  • docker
  • docker-compose

Running the Integration Tests

To run all tests in the project, including the integration tests, simply run Gradle's conventional test task, like so:

./gradlew test

To ensure complete test isolation, each test in ItemControllerDockerIntegrationTest creates and tears down its own Docker stack. Because this is fairly heavyweight behavior, I've created two alternate Gradle tasks to allow unit tests and integration tasks to be run independently:

  • The unitTest task only runs test classes and methods annotated with @Category(UnitTest.class). (Currently, there are unit tests, but that would be the way to do it if there were.)
  • The dockerIntegrationTest task only runs test classes and methods annotated with @Category(DockerIntegrationTest.class)

How it Actually Works

Gradle Tasks

Most of the Docker magic in this project is handled by Gradle, using gradle-docker-plugin. This plugin is imported on line 2 of build.gradle. The only slightly awkward aspect of the plugin is the need to manually import its custom task types, which is done on lines 32-33.


Lines 35-41 define a Dockerfile task that creates a Dockerfile at build/docker/Dockerfile. The Dockerfile has the following instructions:

  • Use openjdk:slim as the base image for our Docker image
  • Copy the Spring Boot jar from build/docker/ into the /app/ directory on the image
  • Expose the port (8080) that the API will run on to the host machine
  • On startup, run the Spring Boot jar


Lines 43-48 define a Copy task that builds the project's Spring Boot jar and copies it to build/docker/docker-compose-integration-tstst.jar. When Gradle runs the Dockerfile during the buildDockerImage task, it will use build/docker/ as its root directory, and will throw an error if any Dockerfile commands try to use relative paths to escape from that root directory. Therefore, this setup task is necessary to ensure that all the code needed to build the Docker Image exists in the correct place.


Lines 43-48 define a DockerBuildImage task that depends on the prepareDockerfile and prepareDockerCode tasks to build the Docker image and push it to the local repository under the name dcit. The image receives two tags: latest and the version number that is set on line 10.


Lines 57-59 extend the default test task to depend on buildDockerImage.


Lines 61-65 create a new test task that only runs test classes and methods annotated with @Category(UnitTest.class).


Lines 67-72 create a new test task that depends on buildDockerImage and only runs test classes and methods annotated with @Category(DockerIntegrationTest.class).

JUnit Setup

Once the Docker image is built, the work of standing up the Docker resources is handled by docker-compose-rule. Note that docker-compose-rule rule is written for the JUnit4 API (org.junit), but Spring Boot includes dependencies on the JUnit5 API (org.junit.jupiter.api). Some care is necessary to avoid mixing and matching the two APIs when writing tests. It would be ideal to make a JUnit5 Extension that wraps docker-compose-rule and try to remove the JUnit4 API from the project, but that's not where my focus is at the moment.

Looking at ItemControllerDockerIntegrationTest, the setup to get the Docker containers running is as follows:

  • Lines 31-38 configure the local DockerMachine with some environment variables. DockerMachine does not a method to set an env file, so each environment variable must be set individually.
  • Lines 41-47 define the DockerComposeRule that will handle standing up the Docker resources. The rule will:
  • The use of the @Rule annotation on line 40 indicates that the Docker compose rule should be applied for each test method. This is good for test isolation, since each test will start from a completely blank Postgres database, however it also introduces a lot of time spent waiting for Docker resources to be created and destroyed. An integration test that only needed the rule be applied once for the entire test class could replace the @Rule annotation with @ClassRule.

Running a Test Stack Application Manually

To build the Docker image and stand up a test application stack manually, run the following commands:

./gradlew clean buildDockerImage 
docker-compose -f docker/testStack.yml --env-file docker/test.env up

This will stand up three Docker containers:

  • Postgres (port 5432)
  • Adminer (port 8081)
  • The Spring Boot application (port 8080)

Note that in test.env, DDL_MODE (and by proxy spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto, as defined in application.yml) is set to create. This will cause the Spring Boot application to create the SQL tables it needs on startup or to fail if it cannot do so. This is useful behavior for test deployments where Postgres is constantly being spun up and down alongside the Spring Boot application. In a production deployment where Postgres is persistent, a more reasonable value of DDL_MODE would be validate. That will check that the tables exist and have the expected schema rather than trying to create them every time.

Checking the Test Stack's Database

Navigate to http://localhost:8081/ in a browser to view the Adminer GUI. Connect Adminer to the Postgres server running in Docker by using the following settings:

Field Value
System PostgreSQL
Server host.docker.internal
Username The value of POSTGRES_USER set in test.env
Password The value of POSTGRES_PASSWORD set in test.env
Database The value of POSTGRES_DB set in test.env

Making API Requests to the Test Stack

The Spring Boot application provides an extremely simplified REST API that performs CRUD operations on Items.

The following curl command will create an Item with ID 123 (and parrot back the current state of that Item in the response):

curl --request POST 'http://localhost:8080/repository/item/123' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data-raw '{
    "name": "Perfectly Generic Object",
    "description": "A featureless cube."

Additionally, after running the above command:

  • A GET request to /repository/item/123 will return the current state of the Item
  • A DELETE request to /repository/item/123 will delete the item
  • All changes made by the API will be reflected to the item table in Postgres, which can be verified using Adminer as described above.
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