This is simple project to show how to create a basic API using Java 11 + Maven + Spring Boot + PostgrSQL + Flyway.



This is simple project to show how to create a basic API using Java 11 + Maven + Spring Boot + PostgrSQL + Flyway.

Create new

  • Install sdkman (sdkman installs command line,
    • curl -s "" | bash
    • source "$HOME/.sdkman/bin/"
    • sdk version -> should print version
  • Install spring: sdk install springboot
  • Create new project: spring init --dependencies=web,data-jpa first-mvn

Install a JDBC (required to start server)

Useful commands

  • Start server dev mode: mvn spring-boot:run
  • Install pom stuff and skip tests: mvn clean install -DskipTests
  • Only install dependencies: mvn dependency:resolve


  • Controller (@RestController) -> Service (@Service) -> Dao (@Repository) -> Repo (@Repository) -> Entity (@Component)

Todo (maybe)

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