Spring Integration provides an extension of the Spring programming model to support the well-known Enterprise Integration Patterns (EIP)


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Checking out and Building

To check out the project and build from the source, do the following:

git clone git://github.com/spring-projects/spring-integration.git
cd spring-integration
./gradlew clean test


./gradlew clean testAll

The latter runs additional tests (those annotated with @LongRunningIntegrationTest); it is a more thorough test but takes quite a lot longer to run.

The test results are captured in build/reports/tests/test (or .../testAll) under each module (in HTML format).

Add --continue to the command to perform a complete build, even if there are failing tests in some modules; otherwise the build will stop after the current module(s) being built are completed.

NOTE: While Spring Integration runs with Java SE 8 or higher, a Java 11 compiler is required to build the project.

To build and install jars into your local Maven cache:

./gradlew publishToMavenLocal

To build api Javadoc (results will be in build/api):

./gradlew api

To build the reference documentation (results will be in build/docs/asciidoc and build/docs/asciidocPdf):

./gradlew reference

To build complete distribution including -dist, -docs, and -schema zip files (results will be in build/distributions):

./gradlew dist

Using Eclipse or Spring Tool Suite (with BuildShip Plugin)

If you have the BuildShip plugin installed,

File -> Import -> Gradle -> Existing Gradle Project

Using Eclipse or Spring Tool Suite (when the BuildShip Plugin is not installed)

To generate Eclipse metadata (.classpath and .project files, etc), do the following:

./gradlew eclipse

Once complete, you may then import the projects into Eclipse as usual:

File -> Import -> General -> Existing projects into workspace

Browse to the 'spring-integration' root directory. All projects should import free of errors.

Using IntelliJ IDEA

To import the project into IntelliJ IDEA:

File -> Open... -> and select build.gradle from spring-integration project root directory


See also Contributor Guidelines.


For more information, please visit the Spring Integration website at: https://spring.io/projects/spring-integration

  • INT-3846: Some fixes for the `SimpleMessageStore`

    INT-3846: Some fixes for the `SimpleMessageStore`

    JIRAs: https://jira.spring.io/browse/INT-3830 https://jira.spring.io/browse/INT-3523 https://jira.spring.io/browse/INT-3846

    • Fix the OOM condition, when we release() UpperBound independently of the previous remove result (https://jira.spring.io/browse/INT-3846)
    • Fix "confuse" around groupCapacity, when we really didn't care about individual groups (https://jira.spring.io/browse/INT-3523)
    • Add upperBoundTimeout to have a hook to wait some time for the empty slot in the store (https://jira.spring.io/browse/INT-3830)
    • Fix some JavaDocs warnings
    • Fix some typos
    opened by artembilan 68
  • INT-3883: UDP output unicast communication through server datagram so…

    INT-3883: UDP output unicast communication through server datagram so…


    UDP Outbound Channel Adapter is able to use given UDP Inbound Adapters server socket (outgoing packets will have source port same as incoming packets destination port).

    opened by yu55 56
  • Make JsonPropertyAccessor returned type directly a JsonNode or value

    Make JsonPropertyAccessor returned type directly a JsonNode or value

    According to that thread on stackoverflow, I'm submitting a PR in order to improve the selector readability on JsonPropertyAccessor.

    I made this changes because I noticed that using the same expression passing from different accessors such as MapAccessor, ReflectivePropertyAccessor is working but not with JsonNodePropertyAccessor. Here's an example that shows the breaking or the success of using or not the new JsonNodePropertyAccessor along with the same SpEL expression: https://github.com/pilak/examples/blob/master/TestJsonAccessing.java

    type: enhancement in: core 
    opened by pilak 36
  • Fixed infinite loop described in INT-3453.

    Fixed infinite loop described in INT-3453.

    Fixed an infinite loop in the getNextBuffer() method of ChannelInputStream.

    JIRA: https://jira.spring.io/browse/INT-3453

    I have signed and agree to the terms of the SpringSource Individual Contributor License Agreement.

    opened by JohnA2 29
  • [INT-3045] add zeromq support using jeromq

    [INT-3045] add zeromq support using jeromq

    This PR is created to propose the addition of zeromq support for spring-integration. The spring-integration-zmq supports the following features:

    • Supports all zeromq patterns, i.e. pub-sub, push-pull, req-rep.
    • Supports basic authentication using zeromq.
    • Supports topic subscription for pub-sub.

    I can provide examples on how to use it in the project https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-integration-samples .

    opened by sbcd90 27
  • ClassCastException after upgrade to Spring Boot 2.5-RC1

    ClassCastException after upgrade to Spring Boot 2.5-RC1

    In what version(s) of Spring Integration are you seeing this issue?

    5.5.0-RC1 via Spring Boot 2.5-RC1

    Describe the bug

    java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.String cannot be cast to org.springframework.messaging.Message
            at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[na:1.8.0_292]
            at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62) ~[na:1.8.0_292]
            at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43) ~[na:1.8.0_292]
            at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:498) ~[na:1.8.0_292]
            at org.springframework.integration.handler.LambdaMessageProcessor.processMessage(LambdaMessageProcessor.java:97) ~[spring-integration-core-5.5.0-RC1.jar:5.5.0-RC1]
            at org.springframework.integration.handler.ServiceActivatingHandler.handleRequestMessage(ServiceActivatingHandler.java:105) [spring-integration-core-5.5.0-RC1.jar:5.5.0-RC1]
            at org.springframework.integration.handler.AbstractReplyProducingMessageHandler.handleMessageInternal(AbstractReplyProducingMessageHandler.java:134) [spring-integration-core-5.5.0-RC1.jar:5.5.0-RC1]

    on handler method within integration flow.



    The error does not occur if explicitly use Koltin 1.4(.32)

    type: bug in: dsl backport 5.4.x 
    opened by agebhar1 26
  • INT-4248: Refactor `RedisLockRegistry`

    INT-4248: Refactor `RedisLockRegistry`

    JIRA: https://jira.spring.io/browse/INT-4248

    This is still WIP, please review @artembilan. The changes to RedisLockRegistry are quite significant and the implementation is now very similar to one in JdbcLockRegistry.

    Tests are a mess ATM, I'll address them after you confirm the approach taken here is OK with you. I did however include a test that demonstrate the issue originally described in Jira issue - take a look at RedisLockRegistryTests#testExpireTwoRegistries.

    opened by vpavic 25
  • INT-2312: HTTP RequestMapping support

    INT-2312: HTTP RequestMapping support

    The general idea to use Spring-MVC as much as possible.

    • introduce RequestMapping, IntegrationRequestMappingHandlerMapping
    • introduce XSD nested element <request-mapping> for HTTP Inbound Endpoints
    • introduce inboundCommonAttributes XSD attributeGroup for HTTP Inbound Endpoints
    • introduce IntegrationNamespaceUtils#createExpressionDefIfAttributeDefined & IntegrationNamespaceUtils#createDirectChannel
    • remove deprecated name attribute
    • remove UriPathHandlerMapping as superseded by IntegrationRequestMappingHandlerMapping

    JIRA: https://jira.springsource.org/browse/INT-2312, https://jira.springsource.org/browse/INT-2619

    opened by artembilan 25
  • INT-2612b initial support for MongoDb adapters

    INT-2612b initial support for MongoDb adapters

    based on initial work done by Amol Nayak

    INT-2612 added namespace support added entityClass and expectSingleResult attribiutes to MongoDbMessageSource

    opened by olegz 24
  • JdbcChannelMessageStore: poor performance for large buffers (Oracle+?)

    JdbcChannelMessageStore: poor performance for large buffers (Oracle+?)

    Bug report


    having a performance-issue with JdbcChannelMessageStore.pollMessageFromGroup (spring integration 4.3.17, Oracle 12c ):

    the processing time of the polling query (OracleChannelMessageStoreQueryProvider.getPollFromGroupQuery) scales linear with the number of messages for that group, adding about 1 microsecond per message to the query-time, so starting from 50k buffered messages it gets nasty.

    Looking at Oracle's execution plan it has to scan and sort the table on every poll. Oracle CAN create execution plans that take the sort-order from an index, but that's very touchy and everything in the query that does not look like just following the index will cause it to fallback to the default scan+sort plan.

    I did not check for Postgres and MySQL, so maybe it's just an Oracle issue?

    The indexing from the schema-oracle.sql script looks quite sophisticated, so it seems it was engeneered at some point in time for high performance but degraded with later extensions?

    thanx for checking,

    regards, Arndt

    opened by abrensch 23
  • INT-4005: Do `capacity` attr invalid (persistence)

    INT-4005: Do `capacity` attr invalid (persistence)

    JIRA: https://jira.spring.io/browse/INT-4005

    • The <int:queue> lets declare the capacity attribute together with either message-store or ref attributes, which it is not correct
    opened by manueljordan 23
  • AOT support for ROME Feed Adapter

    AOT support for ROME Feed Adapter


    I used the RSS/ATOM feed support provided through the ROME inbound adapter and ran into some issues when trying to build a GraalVm native image. I had to manually register some hints that I wanted to share:

      class RomeHints implements RuntimeHintsRegistrar {
    		private static List<String> classes(String propertyName, String propertyValue) {
    			Assert.hasText(propertyName, "the propertyName must not be null");
    			Assert.hasText(propertyValue, "the propertyValue must not be null");
    			return Arrays //
    					.stream((propertyValue.contains(" ")) ? propertyValue.split(" ") : new String[] { propertyValue }) //
    					.map(String::trim).filter(xValue -> !xValue.strip().equals("")).toList();
    		public void registerHints(RuntimeHints hints, ClassLoader classLoader) {
    			var mcs = MemberCategory.values();
    			// rome
    			for (var c : new Class<?>[] { com.rometools.rome.feed.module.DCModuleImpl.class })
    				hints.reflection().registerType(c, mcs);
    			var resource = new ClassPathResource("/com/rometools/rome/rome.properties");
    			try (var in = resource.getInputStream()) {
    				var props = new Properties();
    				props.propertyNames().asIterator().forEachRemaining(pn -> {
    					var classes = classes((String) pn, props.getProperty((String) pn));
    					classes.forEach(cn -> hints.reflection().registerType(TypeReference.of(cn), mcs));
    			catch (IOException e) {
    				throw new RuntimeException(e);

    thanks for your consideration and happy holidays!

    type: enhancement status: waiting-for-triage 
    opened by joshlong 1
  • IntegrationObjectSupport.conversionService property has flipped access modifiers

    IntegrationObjectSupport.conversionService property has flipped access modifiers

    In what version(s) of Spring Integration are you seeing this issue?


    Describe the bug

    In IntegrationObjectSupport, most of the properties have public setters (for external configuration) and protected getters. However, the conversionService property has this reversed: The setter is protected but the getter is public. I am wanting to externally set the conversionService on a channel adapter (specifically SNS, because I want to customize the JSON formatting but after the adapter has evaluated expressions against the payload POJO), but the property isn't visible unless I subclass it. Based on the other dependency properties, this appears to be a typo in the declarations.

    type: bug in: core ideal-for-user-contribution 
    opened by chrylis 11
  • JdbcPollingChannelAdapter Streaming support

    JdbcPollingChannelAdapter Streaming support

    JdbcPollingChannelAdapter used by JdbcOutboundGateway does NOT stream the resultset, whereas returns all the results as a list. This could result in OOM if there are large number of records returned.

    Would be better if streaming support is added to JdbcPollingChannelAdapter used by JdbcOutboundGateway

    Reference from SO: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/74729365/spring-integration-jdbc-outboundgateway-returning-1-record-only-even-with-maxrow

    type: enhancement in: jdbc 
    opened by syedyusufh 0
  • GH-3869: Create The Context Holder Request Handler Advice.

    GH-3869: Create The Context Holder Request Handler Advice.

    GH-3869: Add unit tests.

    GH-3869: Create Advice.

    GH-3869: Correct typo.

    Issue: Implement ContextHolderRequestHandlerAdvice #3869

    This is my first open source PR ever. I therefore would like to apologise in advance for any stupid mistake I might have made during the process. Your Feedback is much appreciated!

    opened by adel-haidar 4
  • Jms InboundGateway to support Dynamic reply queue

    Jms InboundGateway to support Dynamic reply queue

    Jms InboundGateway via DSL should support dynamic destination queue based on Jms or custom message headers

    Currently it does not support dynamic destination queue for a Jms InboundGateway. Creating this feature request based on Artem's comment on the below SO question


    type: enhancement in: jms 
    opened by syedyusufh 0
  • Provide reaper for (JDBC) channel message store

    Provide reaper for (JDBC) channel message store

    There is currently a reaper for a message group store, but not for a channel message store.

    At least for a jdbc channel message store the same message removal would be supportable and I wanted to suggest to include its support in the current reaper implementation.

    I can offer to implement and contribute this feature if you'd consider it.

    type: enhancement in: core 
    opened by raphw 7
  • v6.0.1(Dec 21, 2022)

    Change log:

    033cb7695bd5bab88353c9ffe3a0db4df4af1b6c Migrate Mockito-effected test classes to JUnit 5 eb570ec4477f0e61e1516104db9335b8749ac18f More test XML configs for latest Mockito 376d5dfc161410d6a15a0bf71b9b2886d48f19cf Fix Rsocket test XML configs for latest Mockito 30c0ea2791e31d4a7cd4727dbceb5f32fa0fca2f Fix JPA test XML configs for latest Mockito 097d3e54b7e032c5f6081eae1b8c60e8cda6e22f Fix mail test XML config for latest Mockito 5c926e84ba5269b560213f32dfe55dac4f256718 Add missed type="java.lang.Class" to IdRecTests aa761b44b403fa979e5f5e8e01dfcd7cbf06f139 Fix more test XML configs for latest Mockito 80115d33b193677cca534393c4f241842bae25e4 Fix more test XML configs for latest Mockito cd0b44dff6d8968d82783778b46606abb3018cbc Fix ServiceActivatorOnMockitoMockTests-context 4a4ce22ec33b8626782558b18c064eaf8a79569b Fix Cassandra XML configs for latest Mockito 52d43ea8ed11d61aa035ec582011f8ce06c3a701 Upgrade dependencies; prepare for release 49a9b7e314ccbb9d102fcf8a15207618faacbae5 Obtain observed timers in the Integration Graph (#3967) d38e0d8720870e40b1f4266c24911ff584b0dd42 GH-3962: Support SFTP < v5 for rename (#3964) 3a743802c0d79e2bd671ff1a71552b83b01c7790 GH-3974: Fix SftpSession for absolute paths 7adaaafd404b1d52c14c432936eaec87678b7049 Replace javadoc mentions of JSch with MINA SSHD 4cd00295797e5152bbfca8ee0102670f30ec6a07 GH-3954: Fix WebFlux XML config for ambiguity (#3973) ab1254dcf8e1f24e8cbc4ee7e6af088ac2e81e68 GH-3966: Kafka XML config: Expose more attributes 1c836f069860c91599adb6e535e879bc732e89d0 GH-3969: SFTP: Bring back support for empty path 6fd4fd3dd97a700dd82d851fa627871f7bf61bff GH-3959: MqttConFailedEvent for normal disconnect (#3961) a1e4827bbe87cb915ec2993b6ec3f08a730bacf6 More percentages increase in DelayerUsageTests 03825c5625ba23bad567449d2185dba8b4f14f7f Increase percentage in DelayerUsageTests 6888f96145b8e8ead176f2e06d32bbd7231f616c Some ZeroMQ tests clean up 91c6e16945999a78ae12b941f2b1b45c8eb2cda3 Improve DelayerUsageTests 66ca0743ed3f537028a1f42a2d0b82cb3e7c4182 Fix deprecation for RetryListenerSupport 4206c41a939d753f77f3e1f5089899c4cc0ab27b GH-3955: Mqtt adapter unsubscribe when cleanStart 532f323313f1b7cfd9163cf5d60f891cbcbacb40 Move Spring dependencies to SNAPSHOTs dc6f5aa0047ef2938b2679da2cf8d5d5097b3d4d GH-3953: Use lazy-load for output channels 90797aa969e69d9261b7539cb1e3f77e8284894c Fix documentation in kafka.adoc

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v5.5.16(Dec 20, 2022)

    Change log:

    567d52e33c64c992788a882b97b51bf567809f76 Upgrade dependencies; prepare for release 626b14edb612829b0d35bf807a03de48092afee0 GH-3954: Fix WebFlux XML config for ambiguity (#3973) e63edde7cb0f9fac8e81317f93504afcef75194b GH-3966: Kafka XML config: Expose more attributes 280eb29f628b52162b1de03389c96d65b9cf0342 GH-3959: MqttConFailedEvent for normal disconnect (#3961) 026feeeedff39a03ed83baf896ec5eea579831ac Fix mocks in Mqttv5AdapterTests 36e4fe1fb56f0d6a2ac2a55cc7c4afc6aef2cba0 GH-3955: Mqtt adapter unsubscribe when cleanStart 067de96ab34af245994786241979b13e6e16e13c GH-3945: Fix not eligible for getting processed (#3947) e4e80419c5d50802ab2ace8893b7f4ed23998f30 GH-3938: Fix HTTP XML configuration for ambiguity (#3939) d45801b69004dfb6d8f98509272bbb5f38798fee GH-3931: Fix meta-annotation support for @Gateway 8f809a7489024c003f917252b4acb241be7b23e9 Fix double start for AbstractEndpoint (#3928) 56634c94acceea9c50e121bbfffb2827a2ab4901 GH-3912: Handler: ignore Groovy generated methods

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v6.0.0(Nov 22, 2022)

    Change log:

    1c94eaaa41 Upgrade Versions; Prepare for Release ddddd1d0a5 GH-3936: WebFluxMH: Add request attribute support 91007e6745 Remove nohttp/allowlist.lines since all fixed bfb2ca217f Upgrade dependencies including Gradle 3c40b01915 Expose more reflection hints (#3951) 18a87eaf2a Register Lifecycle methods for AbstractEndpoint 264cc3c5f8 Add Lifecylce interface to reflection hints 7cbea7445d Fix new Sonar smell a5f85968eb Add Pausable & ManageableSmartLifecycle for AOT 508fb167df GH-3555: Change logger order for errorChannel (#3949) e9257958fe GH-3946: Revise Router channelKeyFallback option (#3948) 60ba5444e7 GatewayProxyInitAotProcess: remove unused import cece9afbf2 Fix GatewayProxyInitAotProcessor for proper type 2f1c202c20 GH-3945: Fix not eligible for getting processed (#3947) 77a752934d Improve Kafka Exception Message 88e259ccf2 Add observation for message channels (#3944) 4d2a4cad76 Fix GatewayProxyInstPProc for AOT expectations e19e6d4726 GH-3942: Fix Race in Kafka OB Gateway 2895a1eda9 Revert Spring WS BOM da9660a7ae GH-3846: Document Hazelcast module (#3941) 73ba4485a1 Fix Author Typo e3ec94b230 Optimize DefaultFileNameGenerator for expression ece3198ee9 Upgrade to MongoDB driver 4.8.0-rc0 7864658d01 GH-3686: Apply SF editor config bca9d27a65 Fix Gateway proxy registration for AOT b80f107d9b Ignore empty value for observationPatterns 75b198d0c1 ObservationPatterns as property placeholder 7bb330aaa9 Re-order mavenBom imports 0f4c941577 Use spring-ws-bom dependency 727f1eb851 Adjust gateway proxy to the latest SF 4c8172d594 Move to SNAPSHOTs; upgrade Tomcat to 10.1.1 4d5548c9ed Add BOM file into distZip with other libs

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v6.0.0-RC2(Nov 8, 2022)

    Change log:

    f9b5f6cf7cdb4461749fb77a64b7d28a81b16fd3 Rearrange build for docs
    da56586619e40eca6a26f6d451c26c08f8f22a3c Upgrade to Reactor 2022.0.0; prepare for release
    90caafb69763fe0984f51690eebb337645a6bb57 Attempt to resolve okhttp-digest from JCenter
    37f9b3203313a41a5882a9de62950a3c5d96f712 Use plugins-release repo, not local one
    32ec26e25335fc6ebefd17e064a3b937bb428dd5 Upgrade to the latest deps; RCs
    60f453e9ff58c943ae95bb2131b24fa591e9e172 Upgrade to Jakarta EE 10
    053c86ab0575e613343bca68db839781cc8e2be7 GH-3938: Fix HTTP XML configuration for ambiguity (#3939)
    0d8e286572d8446e5a1e1b78e923afa44bc7afd3 GH-3903: Improve AOT for gateway proxy beans (#3904)
    dc56c095787262b5a099ac69cc73be2f20396ad0 Upgrade to Servlet 6.0, Tomcat 10.1.1
    e03a20981af89fee0666aee3ca102bca5ec2f873 Fix the latest Sonar smells in the SMB module
    88d681f4428ca83ebb2b15cf5a0b92257e4e3633 Register bean for IntComponentScanRegistrar
    18fcd211373322492893c6508c4a025ed247c4b7 Fix latest Sonar fixes
    d31f309752d0faaa33f2a37ea2132529debe1862 More Sonar fixes
    7084e9654ac2d1d9c68a7fb3b6a4f0be426c0d68 More Sonar fixes 53d044814fb2478d3583db21a51e0f1a902a83a8 Fix AbstractMProducingHandler for ReactiveAdapter 5f1c0c17de7bee65439d563b5a7a319a4e060e9d Fix more issues from Sonar report 0b9bab313b6aacefb42d7b869f4eca015cd18e61 Add Java DSL for Camel module and docs (#3937) 978724e212fbb3e4434216f7b79e4b5d36db287c Fix some issue from Sonar report eec5f4dc72de4216435c958e976870de4bd72cf1 Fix gateway proxy for generic interface in XML (#3935) e3e55c3a85136f309fcb45bb2c85ad73185888c9 Add Java DSL for GraphQL (#3934) a4ac531c4a732aa28597d8480bb86601575d05cc GH-3931: Fix meta-annotation support for @Gateway 6284070b45e7fef72d9607781451b88809b39f87 Some Sonar fixes bd207ff42a7bc88b3d4797d97126f47fc4002b84 Add observation to inbound endpoints (#3930) ef63d902624cad951679d7ec47e7d1c533ef4122 Fix some Sonar smells 39bb09012a05919fb356eb44132d1bdaac8d1465 GH-3926: BeanNameGenerator for @MessagingGateway (#3927) 511cb7619b9ab17385afd106359ca751cc4c8fa6 GH-3923: Add @MessagingGateway @Import support (#3929) 532692b0ec11ced810c5cdcd4c8e7c1bec8ce728 Fix double start for AbstractEndpoint (#3928) e52e352e0c43c7a8a693bb2ba3fa426aed1c6cf3 Add generic arg to the GatewayProxyFactoryBean (#3925) bcbf37c405dad5e347846d9539d9518f9f3a91ab Fix links for Groovy DSL in docs d9545c11a5b04071d09ed093a72c174f1e8389a8 GH-3920: Support @Primary on @MessagingGateway (#3924) 1c4a474f53d567fc9db73ab8c7ed8e94ec749ceb Some testing improvements for Cassandra e2d8eeb04d3cae896dc18fddf64abd62c332b252 Change SITestExecListener to prepareTestInstance a0b13de25d5839c2d8db16d763244537ecbe6f7a Fix HTTP urls in the cassandra.yaml to HTTPS f146b4cbbee5f3f9ce873ffdb1aa98757b6bd215 Move Spring deps to SNAPSHOTs; other changes d4f0bed4089181b4805981f6a38d8d1d0a1c9ead Fix Messaging annotations for MH bean factories

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v6.0.0-RC1(Oct 18, 2022)

    Change log:

    b0bf59fef636abba1fafe115d35050e6cc165863 Upgrade to SWS 4.0.0-RC1; prepare for release cd910a113e561f748d9585933a16cd001dac7d3f Migrate event module tests to JUnit 5 c922905c1ca39b95dce691913b5b77018e158dec GH-3912: Handler: ignore Groovy generated methods beef2e68c7e389abdfa9ff5b473d3abc084a005d Use unique consumer groups in KafkaDslKotlinTests 0951738ab3ed62de7194d86feef2a0ededc3edfb Upgrade dependencies to be ready for release 64f0e738a9c4767725652c5c913dcea27e1a09df GH-3897: Deprecate ChannelSecurityInterceptor ff076b6a190b6ea46fcb39bb84c717b84660b1c9 GH-3902: Add Kotlin Coroutines Support (#3905) cfeaecaae85566aeb3ef81b4046b327a15a29ed1 GH-3421: Resolve throws Exception; in the API a08713fe874131a41cb9191cd7c8d04ed0d03574 Migrate Cassandra extension project (#3913) 83f2a9c2462d45cc6bd315110bb61f780b1bf05b Migrate Groovy DSL extension project (#3914) fe06fbc2410033b835804442147dfe5c0150f287 Fix XmppConnFactoryBeanTests config for parser b7dd7d137929c9431c4459eef2107d39f83b9e20 Fix RetryAdviceParser for the latest spring-retry e1d62b547841155a59cdec6d9b669aff731de342 Observation docsL: single DocsGeneratorCommand 5ccfcbd96f88a599dd16d315b074b75dad0b50c9 Fix SftpSession for host:port resolution f7dd876be2946c54a77eee8fa37912cda67814b9 INT-3333: Return empty list as is from DB gateway (#3907) 6641b1f5455f487155ac036b56c5e4de5d436368 GH-3664: Re-enable JavaScript support via GraalVM (#3911) 1dd8b6bed5799505832d2bfdae761f1f54cfbe28 Add jackson-databind to AMQP module for tests c68ec19f89ee259e0a2977c24e6a9fefdfb8e911 Fix HttpDslTests for latest Spring Security f4d7c4f5d3edb82e9291c09613c5f7dc64140981 INT-2086: JMS TemporaryTopic when replyPubSub a30dc10447e8076d7cd65c55342e6955fb3cfd52 Improve messaging gateway mapping a9f511c17014a9145aec899ab5e9b6f8ef228f8e Remove reflection handling for kotlin.Unit class daaa30e67fdbfefd6cee8252e1921952f23e6e8b Make replyContainer as bean in Kafka tests f24fbd992b559fd259b800bf7fa9865128b06316 Add documentation for Observability (#3896) a667171c4f33aef869ff6a1b236478c64fdf37dc Use unique Kafka consumer groups in tests 6b31d970dec561a08a538bba60bc86f49b2d9906 Remove spring-integration-gemfire module fb1c89f680a8fda10147dc84a3888ec55daa0711 AsyncGatewayTests: Fix to currentThread() method 5fadaf533d48addcf274bfd519622f18d8557c17 GH-3635: Add Future & Mono to gateway (#3899) 0eb6ae172e3b848560ef2ac31af730d6e9c2b31b Fix new classes and packages tangles (#3898) 6246c9f489b865d6271e65eadda070a821530b4a Remove superfluous space in IntegrationFlowBuilder (#3901) 6ce61ed7f23ae972d76bff06f61e2b2eae591c56 Disable ResKnownHostsSerKeyVerifierTests on CI 82e3073fc9a81adb81e644d918f2a06d28b71149 Remove unused import from known_hosts test class e32a5024ad8b0515a9648c8d7a6a359c48785db4 Use hashed host for known_hosts tests 4aa2f91bd9ae023a59cc2e9eb5622420cf0a038e GH-3572: Migrate SFTP from jsch to sshd-sftp (#3892) 69176632c0cc6388cb28e7b6f713e0fb4d261ab5 Adapt to the latest SF changes 26816a3eef5d7b6ca69136bb777e49a5646dcc22 GH-3626: RabbitMQ Stream Support (#3895) cbfa150dfad827ee7a7e53a03b418ec61c261cca GH-3661: Fix Javadocs for RetryingMLA

    Source code(tar.gz)
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  • v6.0.0-M5(Sep 21, 2022)

    Change log:

    145edb238e1764880faa7f58d6577a91ac9b2e8f GH-3872: Docs for PostgresSubscribableChannel 14d85977d7005e4b408c67a2d58888b0c9e53a60 GH-3872: Add PostgresSubscribableChannel implementation 695e1563eda7d7511cb8cfd14701b052681c51d4 GH-3888: Fix NPE in the RedisLockRegistry.destroy() ab7b57939cebe0e95c2f9919381549d28aa4b6b4 Use Testcontainers BOM 036b319dfd1b24048114324471257b5a5d666d9d Remove unused import in IntObservZipkinTests 9a54c2d6cc254535ac0045932e295f978364408a Remove saaj dep: it comes from spring-ws-core 145c845178ee4a8b6413fd5e2617cb5d4fcc367c Fix race condition in the IntObservZipkinTests 91a8b14b0069ceba0f7faf0e666106bb5cd4ad50 Move dependencies to Milestones for release 8c73a2d0cd3b09201828630718119dd899eb5cb3 Add some infrastructure for Observation 5ece0e0dfdf9a865aa02ae567bada4c5a855d3b8 Add Apache Camel support f39ad6f558f441dc4341207b96a9328ecf4ad949 ZKMetadataStore: Ignore the event for root node 878f8cd3d9bfb7198c063f7b505125877f0f0c8e Improve some ZK tests a4997c67a08d393cdddc6dc38e03b660997fa0a7 Remove extra root creation in ZKMetadataStore e527c6e321edd90855ebbe3f97617bda07a9314c ZKMetadataStore: don't react on the root creation abd94bd58afe032d9f58564dbbc01ba44b3d2173 GH-3435: Upgrade to curator-recipes 5.3.0 0f7b3e66dc21d2b7fa5cf457dddbcc0c11e50f84 Remove redundant dokkaHtml from build.gradle 4758fa247370087673fae46f7a06b1ce53dc4207 Fix STOMP module for latest SF changes 26a4c4dfacbc4ae2c815a3dde8383a1590b732b4 Fix WebSocket module for latest SF 62619804b69d8c1d8628bd0979e4729bf204df2e fix HTTP module according latest SF changes df1b8b442246b54cab271ac932cbc6e61a033c46 GH-3885: Change LockRepository to LocalDateTime e2a5b7d9a30ad903bc8efd2f76050e8aca85fe90 Improve AOT hints code 47cfae9d14a163b7d606cb8c21986515a3c9feb1 Close volatile resource in some Kafka tests 96d3b005fb540518d6cc25f2e7ccd791b59977df Add @DirtiesContext to a couple Kafka tests f36181bc5a2ff58e0aaeacf423b4a4fa4e136c68 GH-3660: Invoke well-known lambdas explicitly 1fbfad2d2a209716c2b96f8fd9600616f0734d13 Fix unused import in the ObjToMapTransformerTests fa85d99214445563e55378ffa2ddf9876c156769 Disable ObjectToMapTransformerTests.cycle test 0e6b70c850b620cf79d26954b5adb1815531f1db Disable ObjToMapTransformerParserTests.cycle test 2ecc33e9c3dd3cbc431c54b39dc0151c78fbca2a Improve AOT for some infrastructure 15e89c3b628ec04d2c7211fd493b7c839efd4325 Rework infra logic onto IntegrationProperties 8d241c60d293f541e226dec3c5b5502c4905d964 Rename CONDITION column to GROUP_CONDITION 8c9662a45e3e6fe5c8f1e8d11302bc11fc7f7b8b Expose more AOT hints 5080fc2f453e8c86d95a754e20aac024c6ef967f GH-3828: Initial Spring AOT support 80eea1508e6d1f571fb0ee985b75f4634cd2be11 Ignore type in the MessageJacksonDeserializer ccf41d14808da3f7c473b16dcd0061335b5de8b3 RedisChMessageStore: Add JSON serialization test 56aaa4a87a77089d0317aec21fd3b6b14fb9b597 Fix Observation test race condition 9c4c5283ba9eac3a854421d50a06e12d57cbdbc0 Fix .gitignore ef2813c8a436c74c3738c65cb67fe143f689d743 GH-3878: Fix Javadocs for JdbcChannelMessageStore abac00b341936a511bd9bdf99236f5c554f5c61b Fix flowFromSupplier sample in kotlin-dsl.adoc ca138c0c061c12ab5fef516fb97c1ade2744ba5f GH-3844: Rework messaging annotation with @Bean c1dbb02c51f83a9b477313ab9c0f9070ca2413db GH-3875: Initialize ClassUtils as early as possible abce38cccbaa94ba8cd9d88195babad67e5bb786 Fix raw types warn in JmsOutGatewayParserTests 20cebfca110efaf00f0e83888a9fefbb31a27ad5 GH-3685: Add docs for shared MQTT client feature 2bfcb32628ab51279d90d52bec530b5cea2c7b62 Initial support for Micrometer Observation 78fa2970fa9f7b64c6bf65db886f78b5dc1e4596 GH-3873: Remove JMS test for private method 5f12729ed73746912e27604c84cc1094dfc9ac3a GH-3685: Share MQTT connection across components 99967772ed42872821a1e4305562d2d5080d1fb1 Use spring-asciidoctor-backends 690743ee0ce6e044516a25c899d4199b7be8db56 Use Global Embedded Kafka whenever possible 5a178de7e7d3e13ed706fc4f3781163e970a081f Fix AMQP module for ListenableFuture deprecation 5572c2161d97ffe830ce9743c1cb1cd95bb5782c Fix deprecations around ListenableFuture 2e9beada0bf7752cc7aa7a11c8bb54d3e388aa48 GH-3858: Add ImapIdleChASpec.reconnectDelay() 573c29793a76c2d2d7c5d284e82691488aaf1b9d Fix SIK module for latest SK compatibility 0422486409f7d24a3e3016ed0c9e90399a3f5d76 Fix for latest compatibility

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  • v5.5.15(Sep 20, 2022)

    Change log:

    4f4bdfcaa374e2036540b2b760e1939b0ffdd3f8 Fix deprecations from SF; prepare for release 6e68bd86eaff5713504ea5a54921da03cb60e283 Upgrade dependencies; prepare for release 9d73762d5c32ddcf70c3ffcb43020fddd7e862e6 GH-3888: Fix NPE in the RedisLockRegistry.destroy() 63109f7ce219e6581890ea35e7866b2398d022b0 GH-3878: Fix Javadocs for JdbcChannelMessageStore 326e7acd7a69a9286073a1a66fb7a007573c477a Fix flowFromSupplier sample in kotlin-dsl.adoc b7710fcd4d26dfbe4ad49d186537542b50f70da3 GH-3875: Initialize ClassUtils as early as possible

    Source code(tar.gz)
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  • v6.0.0-M4(Jul 20, 2022)

    Change log:

    821f09995d9d9ecbfe7107cf3160ad791ecf0fe9 Upgrade dependencies; prepare for release 50769d0350d223bb767fe4643ab4470817a42584 GH-3839: Migrate MongoDB tests to Testcontainers 850671698b2bf4e7a88e97b25e35f0ba05da1e4a Disable some time-sensitive tests on CI 92630dda708ac7b17234fbdd08edf3ac8c2ac937 GH-3843: propagate ErrorMessage.originalMes in MH 8f44870837727468cd6c7e1215ec912864e41e92 GH-3827: Fix RemoteFile GET STREAM session leak d9a42c9e14f0b29097379d581918884c95baa3e2 Fix KafkaOutAdapterParserTests race condition 1c461a3e2c51604f0dc4f9ad26e88925152af2f3 GH-3840: Migrate Redis tests to Testcontainers 79d31b232955bedabb42b9ea17255ea0b7d2380b Remove ulinkAvailable test for RedisLockRegistry 7f631fc947c1b4c5f284b887aa144ba4c100486c Upgrade to MongoDB Driver 4.7.0-beta0 a67c4d9ff913de2d70cc7dd5d326e5979229ed99 Fix DelayerUsageTests with a isCloseTo() cd6b0c5bbf0cf5b0dc78fee1f9a994980aff52d1 DelayHandler: Improve Instant handling f349e1a114236e0e15fc712574b5d58f774c4769 GH-3804: Migrate SMB unit tests to Testcontainers b074f1961f5e7a4503c0ddb2ae5c24ba8c789403 Upgrade to Hibernate 6.1.x; fix JPA tests 5ded860e78c18ebd503e8fa69fc90430005828f6 Remove unused import in OSDelegatingFileTailingMP f85423a436aaf781297ca8ffe7faf0bc4ed2b935 Fix more deprecations around TaskScheduler 4a55fa31885d55c3b3bbf0e853b3a872e39d6c52 Fix IntegrationMBeanExporter logic for endpoints 733eb40e7bee47eab0ced64251ad7ceccad7dd39 ClassUtils clean & deprecation in JmsOutGateway f12248f1eca09904ce6c705b1cb9db6e25b24aa8 ClassUtils: deprecate methods with typos e0f137905a1affe404680daa52f66b28b63e0461 Fix compatibility with the latest SF 64aa4d5348c0289fe747352a221eb2f0a8abd1ae GH-3666: Revise TcpNioConnectionTests 2e219ffbd8a139238741ad5342a8d6db985ec768 Exclude aopalliance dep from micrometer-tracing 72c448b897b3e54cb98fe1ce43f42f76d4edb540 Upgrade to Kotlin 1.7; add Micrometer tracing dep ae1aaad67a5d86715c3288e6ecb690c1552862f7 Check for null before setting maxSubscribers bb91fd3cb3d56cf930e8c4f4bcfe3939eb11f0b8 Some documentations clean up 53dd050c5b09cf0180117b72fbc43f502495e532 GH-3623: Deprecarte an IntegrationFlows 63759d76b9a68b9d35ce55ce07a415a4b4ef266f Add assertions on utility classes in IP module 2a5ddabd26cb90a4538abddbcb2e428518088b21 More test fixes for latest SF compatibility 2022c40d55a13945b2ef49711fa2d6ffd654b578 Fix compatibility with the latest SF 979b8417ef5b56fa1390504ccd1021881de6093f GH-3826: Fix reducePermits 6fe59a76aa7def82a8f38bee742e9fe5f021e511 GH-3826: Fix SimplePool for resizing from MAX b14e0014da427075b471bb142dafa970d05d23c3 Fix MongoDbAvailableRule for assumeTrue() 04c7a87bd9d1de3e57a6542b3bbce2cbc6790857 Use lookupHost = false by default for TCP & UDP (#3825) 8cf5f9083bd7834ca4d7f4956338a445b4d76ca3 GH-3822: Reconnection for MQTTv5 channel adapters cf6ce961a2bb1be650b9f6fa0b343267b3a63757 GH-3805: Introduce RedisLockRegistry.RedisLockType mode e855f13d8e70eb1cbe280c5bdb41aa98e24ecb79 GH-3797: Improve batch processing in the framework (#3820) 4f49038e17ceba89c1c5c3c26dc85c69ae054472 Use bean CL for JdbcMessageStore.deserializer cdcc986d1148e5dbecd80b073c76b483e725bc74 Fix KafkaMDChannelAdapter error handling 7174e8840b6f20eabdd39a4f594ce44cd15a1221 Add XSD for new SMB components 0cf1dfee7ee4e069fa0517ac599c5d78bc2b9080 Some improvements for SMB module 751d8084b4cce7d32b7542511b8afa3ee3829635 Improve Hazelcast test suite performance a322f5c35d091b8a2a0917c84a3335c79927ff9f Move spring-integration-hazelcast from extensions 040438f5e96b4c5248dcef58f72a039abfaac90c Refresh README 1f666bcc491c35194f8a1559ffe0b3514ad5f979 Documentation For new SMB components 4cc9b300d4cd10437b31caa6d76cfd3b368c3b1c The testWindowTimespan() is time-sensitive 4203a2369f908321117d16f2ce50610bda81cc89 SmbOutboundGateway: Other remote file operations 274b27270f776d1c570c0b3528733fd749bba9be Improve time-sensitive ControlBusTests.testControlHeaderChannelReaper() 7262c5f6fde3bed6500511073ca5551500f59d2b Really reuse Testcontainers e645d046a870d37c958232f45c3c409beae2a2ff Removed dead link from jdbc.adoc

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v5.5.14(Jul 19, 2022)

    Change log:

    6ec55f9498f1cfa9d880cbe317f7c170795528ef Fix Hibernate version 2fb87c8db18cb5b1394917d62647211b6f476253 Upgrade dependencies; prepare for release 8543798b108354461ef96ddeffd9549f3fc1ab0a Disable some time-sensitive tests on CI f92a37786bf4426f890ae8ae2bdd5fdbd453a425 GH-3843: propagate ErrorMessage.originalMes in MH 19b466809d945d32923bc05278236e87e50746df GH-3827: Fix RemoteFile GET STREAM session leak b6b649396b876e9bea1917f81299f56a85fb4d84 Fix KafkaOutAdapterParserTests race condition 3bfaa3868bafc207c7f4ef76e3811ba6225c9d91 Fix IntegrationMBeanExporter logic for endpoints 8228269fde754dc85e004588d3c0fd84940f8d7e ClassUtils: deprecate methods with typos ecb04bbb54336cf203b0b5f68ad0225b046c9588 GH-3826: Fix reducePermits d3bf48ca3f2081f54e43618234361aba63f39603 GH-3826: Fix SimplePool for resizing from MAX 404fce84949176cfd3d636304a916c29068eba4c Fix MongoDbAvailableRule for assumeTrue()

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  • v5.5.13(Jun 22, 2022)

    Change log:

    1595825633c28bbd713b719d6f6e3488ab967712 Upgrade dependencies; prepare for release 9e8fe0d14499b272de5f48a78f791a1f6632dab0 GH-3822: Reconnection for MQTTv5 channel adapters 32960fa98c4e5adfa196d558e6587bb0c756aede Fix RedisLockRegistry for Java 8 compatibility cce90eaef6119c8720cb12a7d9d1da4ae86dc942 GH-3805: Introduce RedisLockRegistry.RedisLockType mode 9f4f91d5f9b160d6d61c7f6cbfd826cea8b31db3 Use bean CL for JdbcMessageStore.deserializer 469bd6ba044ffbea76a7dc359ce5d0b2d764bc3e GH-3816: Fix MongoDb module for the latest SD ab6060fb2d6caac2c9be119879838dcfe257324e The testWindowTimespan() is time-sensitive 5a42d7137a9009c355ef7b5c1a74cb876f519560 Deprecate TestUtils.dockerRegistryFromEnv() a614e4bdf9f614bca46bbe098ae08a44c36137b3 Really reuse Testcontainers c091a2d12578b5eedbcbc493a97150e82d2c0dbf Removed dead link from jdbc.adoc

    Source code(tar.gz)
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  • v6.0.0-M3(May 18, 2022)

    Change log:

    ac6af716e1cce254db15dbf5f92ec0391ff119e7 Add Java DSL for SMB module 1790f235b7bff46258c5205475e17835cd6412ef Fix Checkstyle violations ed6f26104fea8a76ea03cad72d85050324c409e8 Rely on the official ENV var for Docker repo f5ab0c16653bd36cd18467d21ebb5c7da9acb05c Upgrade dependencies; fix compatibilities 627a797d49f2d979f25986e8d678760bc0d655e8 GH-3800: Fix Kotlin docs for route() DSL 5a92d1fcdd26690daf2b438c63ec248497642cb5 * Shorten description of Configuration content item ad190293781ea1e9e8a79ea86dfad99c85c09db8 * Remove Pivotal GemFire from content item 709f5585dfe473d26fed1014f35514e0da078338 Some Docs improvements 9075453addd1b98556643c0112420dde92182022 GH-3794: Use less memory with scheduled tasks 6d7aebc65af33d35fc010782d8bb648113e67f98 GH-3592: Scatter-Gather: applySeq=true by default db287cf98fb26f12c3d946bf611beac5c73570ab Remove unused import in the SmbMessageHandler b64e37973e97564b765e428e9286459152424c63 Add documentation for SMB Support 18e410afbe98f1f1138e95ff4a7bd69b49a655ab GH-3679: Better caching for SpringIntegrationTest 0ad89147b2edc61a54f1ab1c84413f0f1b0ce3b2 Add distribution to setup-java@v3 GH action 7ad71d38d92a58d92690e3745a18ff5c4150bc3a Migrate SMB extension project to respective module 392455eb347d8a35f80e5d08f16c46600ea4fec9 Fix version for gradle-build-action GH action e2c13874d2f194da6fc4d628949ce3fd6c0d8050 Clean up pr-build-workflow.yml 22b74c7a337d418d59b19cfe16305e064c1e54b7 GH-3790: Use new header constants for Kafka headers da5d2ca4ebb7c00b3fc7fafed547f45d53c1accd GH-3788 Support byte[] for JMS properties mapping 78142fc62e15f637e6d4389a741c2c4541587270 Gemfire testing: --add-opens for JDK management 0154618182c217b1f2c4dae9a0f8d81d0e2ae012 Fix configuration doc sections id ambiguity 517b9d9625633a5f6e7582326738f3cec3a8cb7b Upgrade Kotlin to 1.6.21 and use jvmTarget=17 e454f5918054ae3005b06d20329fd2e93b467d56 GH-3785: Close stream for persistent collection 860f9fea3f4e6fd6261fe13ca4610fb4eecdc88c Fix MongoDb module for the latest Spring Data 55c5bef6fad41d0c6ad16c61c6eac8d103079261 Fix GraphQL tests for latest Spring GraphQL 97ab59684169e10fc2db6d070a483842083e3e88 GH-2708: Make messaging annotations as repeatable f54d4b3d75d541a257f2bb687a30d24bd2ac47c9 Move to SNAPSHOTs 4b57363a05f806930b4f5fdd50bfbdaaa52c8138 GH-3733 Configure TxManager for DefLockRepository cd84f1699abdce5679c42fa334785287c7f3e35b GH-3765 Resolve Lookup ctor lazily via reflection 6a435fbd777177aa0020976b5dbee122aae299b8 Improve Mono gateway sample in the doc 799802c0d1e1ec1e930798672267ed43175948cb Clean up some JavaDocs; remove deprecated API 10ea577549bfce42e171dd94f44046d60d1677c4 GH-3615: Make log() as non-terminal in DSL 802d217a9a9d2f4e44ca6f870864fd7e21bcea97 Close mail folder if no messages to produce f013aa8c2955f57cda8979abf903bf2d732b38cf Change to Micrometer 2.0.0-SNAPSHOT 04a45c5134781275cebfc62331e6440d2fa52f9f Fix JAXB_PRESENT variable for the proper class 602d5fe40bf30929bbefd93a1d8296cb36417a93 Fix AMQP test for NPE from mocks d23afa220316da0ff30f3c34863e942eb723d581 RGH-1439: AMQP: Log Warn For Misconfigured Confirm

    Source code(tar.gz)
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  • v5.5.12(May 17, 2022)

    Change log:

    409d4d9358eaf3040ffa06639f47b9cc8f1fa8d9 (5.5.x) Upgrade dependencies; prepare for release 3a8f3d8edb66dbade32a5930999de61f6c55cbfc GH-3800: Fix Kotlin docs for route() DSL b156e196ca2be5c7bb8be44597826856445883db GH-3794: Use less memory with scheduled tasks f64ad0f509af8c6b73596358895e8abc3e704b9b GH-3785: Close stream for persistent collection (#3786)

    Source code(tar.gz)
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  • v5.5.11(Apr 19, 2022)

    Change log:

    cd73b61ffe7ef7d6ce75c7263aad5ad2ac497b00 Upgrade dependencies; prepare for release f5efa0deac61e8bf787bba3773f4ff44aaee20a4 GH-3765 Resolve Lookup ctor lazily via reflection c75be107fa12d063c2876031fefc07c16d0eed12 Close mail folder if no messages to produce de4b3a3e11ef9f2c94b4a8aee05f7831b5d5a6fc Removed unused import b64577262bcd8ee7374f3d1642758b7c079dc121 Remove Werror option from JavaDoc config 6d86a1522117413d6a93ba1420f0dfa443847d5b Enforce Java with Gradle options.release = 8 81f5b6bbbd7de24eaa09601bcfd8a2d604d679c6 Fix JacksonJsonUtils for Java 8 compatibility dfaf5001fef96b88bc8c230d46d02bc87d0daaa6 Fix AMQP test for NPE from mocks 343be47c045637dbedb77572c1344f9c7b20164e RGH-1439: AMQP: Log Warn For Misconfigured Confirm

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v6.0.0-M2(Mar 23, 2022)

    Change log:

    d643123a4113355950a404137c83d54305a4de0d Revert Derby upgrade: SF is not ready for it yet ed20eb512cd358725c5a66dbf5fa12a665d3c2eb Upgrade dependencies; prepare for release d5501d82730e6299ed0c1ca30a488e1438889d0f GH-3734: Support MessageHistory on Kafka deser bba83c7231f3cd500f652a35b80c7a18a93fcd11 GH-3735: Don't mutate FeedEntryMS metadataKey 67e0599a26f0a99b20e7550ada222618ae322ef0 Add documentation for GraphQL support (#3756) eaa88cdaa06efd97e3557d8055569d8da765e14d Upgrade some dependencies from SNAPSHOT to M 7f501fabcba647b5fd05eec453b987c1310b3de5 Remove usage of obsolete NestedIOException c1d29ab3855444189045fa2400da3d406b92654a GH-3732: Fix NPE in Mqttv5PahoMessageDrivenChA 69efbd3585dc9576e653c276ee83fb9b2c5dcb21 More Redis fixes for latest Spring Data 50cf3b1aa4d6b756afe820f87d26e33f0d7bddd7 Various fixes after upgrades b081992910f55f069210422035dd74b9d5bd9e9e Code clean up for XMPP module 330dfd03f2c448215ba082fd9855b2114054c243 GH-3462: Upgrade to Smack 4.4.5 4484c4da753096094e5b376411b94ac4ba2834c6 Upgrade r2dbc-h2 to 0.9.1; spring retry to 1.3.2 50cf364cde8f4531a401f937ddf211b2ad2a24b3 Fix kafka tests according latest spring-kafka e434a4625c0cf53922998257f0c3af0000f892dd Cancel subscription for MPS.subscribeToPublisher 0550380704afd50e8ac0b03893e3c53107e1b874 GH-3661: Resolve Spring Apache Kafka Deprecations 11c3acdf2ce1632fab53cd94df51ac08d57e8199 Remove usage of isOnlyLogRecordMetadata f3d3694836150312e198c05de06e755105af2039 GH-3506: No array for poller messaging anns attr ecb9ac3fc39c453234692315a24c3b196a9646fc Fix flaky TcpNioConnectionTests.testCleanup() e3a06e338835a4a58f29d672e91199df8d4a6fa4 Upgrade to Gradle 7.4.1 fdc47684c2883f380ba2777c998484dd11496208 GH-3744: Fix ServerWebSocketContainer.stop() ba8a26f616509849e7e0751d2f8df2e1af9ed46b GH-3737: Add serialVersionUID to MessageHistory 5c912b13151c3b334dc7299e4afe628207624915 Fix KafkaMessageSource for the latest SK 488831d43387628e0d68da4554ac7c4d6c5f5917 Fix javadoc typo in JdbcMessageHandler 12f2084ae8a5b1f7e2f7bd63b79b82507b9d882b Switch to spring-kafka 3.0.0-SNAPSHOT 70587f5e2ff3de3ebd1a28b9faf1d9aeac2fb384 Upgrade some deps; fix compatibility with them f09c665db4291854765a536f50e3cfda1ed0369c GH-3501: Add GraphQL support c661d7925e574793475f0fd38998300babc619e7 Remove SocketUtils usage 9ac0b65c77df12ae349863830e45dd9444a5a554 Fix some typos and language in docs 285c380ffabc132d3f0f415146cd448f37055233 Add example to Spring Integration with Reactive Streams f6bb91c3dc878473e84c2336571f4b0f05c62a4a Fix race conditions in JdbcLockRegDifClientTests b3822c298c21afc9b37935723884ff49bbad2787 Fix applySequence example in the doc cd0d03ef81735078234c9da3404249ae745aaeef Fix sentence error in the overview.adoc 291fe34610fe181627850e37cf72da5f4206e130 GH-3716 Fix wait for init redisMsgListenContainer 055eadc61fd3c34784268618f95b1f75fc76cc03 Add TCP Test Diagnostics 09ab0af2524b3fdeeaa9e0416ba0e56a890eb8a4 Clean up of RMI in the docs 05e31b990310963e8aafed9299d6b9c6e0767ca7 Fix @Poller Javadoc 4799c3b7178f4d00d13bab0a67bbdc300a6d0303 GH-3711: Fix HTTP handler for content type header 64d5b25a7fff7d045063b9944dd92b5a085c740c GH-3713: Fix Race In Test c7f2c172a6cdbca88f95a7910c6d0ae04ec24a25 Fix various sporadic test failures a493c9c966588e34e2c60bf487667708694f8b3b GH-3713: TCP: Fix Intercepted Sender List

    Source code(tar.gz)
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  • v5.5.10(Mar 22, 2022)

    Change log:

    eec3e956fee55076810235c7fda9a18b76919d04 GH-3734: Support MessageHistory on Kafka deser 675b3b49303ab8e1999bba3d4be3cd135439d7fd Upgrade dependencies; prepare for release 4bf606a0859541ddbe99a62d16bb4973f29cd4a7 GH-3732: Fix NPE in Mqttv5PahoMessageDrivenChA 575584d2aae0c26aaf3c2195cc35085c6aff3a74 Fix Checkstyle violation from the previous commit 5e0e62035158638432366b71e88fcc83749dc365 Cancel subscription for MPS.subscribeToPublisher 30a2f18551a740330f50e67075e226a02ecb653e GH-2750: Deprecate container spec errorHandler bbc4e1e9c08e77b6513389b962d6be994f9decc8 GH-3744: Fix ServerWebSocketContainer.stop() e80c0ab9195aee9aae611eb84a09bcbe87a824bb GH-3737: Add serialVersionUID to MessageHistory

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  • v5.5.9(Feb 22, 2022)

    Change log:

    d79c9fdedaa3104ce93b586bd43eda7cafd3c070 Revert JavaDoc options for Java 11 on CI fb05c7396932b64aeb1c98e9124be7533eb5455b Upgrade dependencies; prepare for release b443605ec686a94ec6507ce3e2afd0758f87daa9 Upgrade to Gradle 7.3.3 for Java 17 compatibility 9b27fbee897797bba181587fd736e4dc99f36e69 Remove SocketUtils usage f8c22dd357f9c61e935315e94d1206505d9b47f0 Fix race conditions in JdbcLockRegDifClientTests 5c23c702e42682aab1e38d4b1ccf2ccb209a345c Fix sentence error in the overview.adoc 6f91929da3a23529985f13ac640b6a3bdc4cb0ab GH-3716 Fix wait for init redisMsgListenContainer 724f335750a701bd2b8c46ecb66d82c5e64bc34a Fix @Poller Javadoc f1407544a20fa386a003a5d8c16bb41388c63ca5 Don't use pattern matching in instanceof 25e763d683e056371bc77649fcf772f8e95a047b GH-3711: Fix HTTP handler for content type header 413d66018e79240fc1c824c0ed867eebc387107c GH-3713: Fix Race In Test b9bc10558aec6f3cf8937bcd1660d9372946465e ConcurrentHashMap for JdbcMessageStore.queryCache c1aa9b7958d92cc1ce13a78c77e0fadce102bb6c GH-3713: TCP: Fix Intercepted Sender List

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  • v6.0.0-M1(Jan 19, 2022)

    Change log:

    cfae849ff9b5b22e1eb04cfdaa0c2674e36e67c8 [artifactory-release] Release version 6.0.0-M1 d6bf681aa43cfd83610c507e2cff1b992b305c7d Upgrade dependencies; prepare for release c28e2510917ae0a2945865017a489adc1659d19f Fix ControlBusTests for DefaultHeaderChannelReg 8e7a0a0de50c9b7791804f355f098efe70d33efa Add checkClasspathForConflicts Gradle task 6ebdd4fbb6c642606c96560e66c1a49e8c6eab6d Upgrade Dokka plugin to 1.6.10 439d741d3c1510a6acc2274ce314f4033f2f1126 Upgrade to H2 2.0.206 b3ae24eac61e28b6688fa743361efecedbc6fcad Fixes according latest upgrades a80b22638d8a60b32c67126d7aa41ca0350d4b32 Start 6.0 version

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  • v5.5.8(Jan 18, 2022)

    Change log:

    6ae6f343c845e9bd7ca53ebb979dc32cca3ca9f7 Fix typo in the build.gradle b2586241f83df4257c0a6a671dbef0e90affffad Upgrade dependencies; prepare for release efd073c9e00b6d88e37be011b5e5dffc27d29d3e Fix typo in StompInboundChannelAdapter JavaDocs 0b38b8df60d2f5518447c81aed0a2e6c5d690da5 GH-3705: Close TcpNioConn.ChannelOutStr.selector 6c769cab37bac0e73253496a305b31598c73e348 GH-3700: Fix Redis lock retry until expiration 97a5ea4aca7164bb3365d194c606eb09a30708b3 Move IntegrationDsl from .kt to .java b47727765d9053e0a31ee121fce90842715c81ed GH-3701: Fix Possible TCP Memory Leak 9ff2707b7506a2e0d61ef451693458eba0ee93e5 Fix variable name typo in the redis.adoc 5eb95f6cca2dc38720a4f84bff347999cbcae360 More Kotlin DSL improvements 9759950d35d843b0b9be9ca8fddaf9fb3f1f6f67 GH-3699: Fix typos in the IntegrationFlow javadoc 30622b285c5e83fc10f437f0680abfc0cdace45a Improve Kotlin DSL

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  • v5.4.13(Jan 18, 2022)

    Change log:

    40320b6762801674a0ba62dc8b0ea5c67b390254 Upgrade dependencies; prepare for release d1be409cc79ce6ef1e307f25119f379f45751bc1 GH-3705: Close TcpNioConn.ChannelOutStr.selector f6c6a7217b5b2df11475c4b4eadee972f179e56d GH-3701: Fix Possible TCP Memory Leak d44dc83308189698ff647041baabe072f66fbd47 Fix import for JavaUtils 156ba5aff1ba8d7b460d8715aa134e9c990bd5da GH-3688: Fix WS DSL for proper values propagation 346ebd7e1b56835928e8b13d73ec56e645b786a2 Downgrade org.ajoberstar.grgit to 4.0.2 for JVM 7faeceb6b5e6463d1527c9dd4bd3b6ccede665d8 Fix overview.html for Java 11 compatibility 8b619bb3a34f2d03add1c1ab419f0b2c2819b57f GH-3683: Always new TX in DefaultLockRepository

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  • v5.3.10.RELEASE(Jan 18, 2022)

    Change log:

    bccb1d57288059fe3ce3a3540d1a77a58a7219f9 Upgrade dependencies; prepare for release 983ea4f624f9223f08dcebaf5441720cc7f0d462 GH-3705: Close TcpNioConn.ChannelOutStr.selector 7922c421ec9ddc68fca798b2aa9e481a05aa1c3d Fix TcpSenderTests for actual interceptors API b4a56e60b81bcf64260a0e53325d9cd7cbc9d90a Fix AbstractCF around sender property f907a15c169bfc98e2a3da865798c61e91619642 GH-3701: Fix Possible TCP Memory Leak e4320a434d9eac9d1ce25a047210897f75e99c2b Fix import for JavaUtils 49bcb03b5da8acbd47afddb5da805eb9e1728063 GH-3688: Fix WS DSL for proper values propagation 2c0663203ef4245b325c7f983987767b3adcf0d4 Downgrade org.ajoberstar.grgit to 4.0.2 for JVM ad159df6476f42f27ee1d7c6745248d7abb8eb66 GH-3683: Always new TX in DefaultLockRepository 80c146c030952e3cf163fdce88bd9a402a7931ae GH-3675: Restore nativeHeaders for WebSocketInChA f16f5c6867eede06c211017018d1bad3fc5ac3ca GH-3652: File gateway: don't try delete no file e50209d04541cd623e1d1df5b1d76ffda77debcc GH-3648: Fix @Gateway.payloadExpression 4e6ce367d032cd3e3e36dc75f70684a2262a9512 GH-3641: Handle duplicate cookies properly de06767c2ece85b66b18a4d2f035912d0c72a169 GH-3620: Fix Shared SFTP Session

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  • v5.5.7(Dec 21, 2021)

    Change log:

    9741f7fc5f7dec5768e0910a4c049b5b0b1bdc20 Upgrade dependencies including Gradle bb9dd892862413866d20027b620eef06b9a4d611 Fix RedisLockRegistry Sonar smells 8c57cb78697bec3af71d508d4301fc0e067e97ec GH-3697: Various lifecycle fixed for MQTT v5 CAs 30bb8467b44e2445e6bcb0f3c1fc39afd5f4ed84 Fix Checkstyle violation 2d752894cdfc6f09f967f3ab9601b8813decec65 Fix UNLINK/DEL logic in the RedisLockRegistry 50fa34540248ea67704b5657b17621e627484c4b Fix new Sonar smell c36b7598a7012b26e293208d189c008afb374254 Add distributionSha256Sum prop for Gradle wrapper 9b5ebaad8b96950ed7dac82872d14e3ddbe62297 Fix MySqlContainerTest for compatibility 2a3dac7ff3d1fa34bafa57f5f6dcce560a92f969 GH-3694: Resolve circular dep in PublisherAnnBPP b424cbe17180ceaf50d9c22287617aeefb7d2c6a Quote CONDITION whenever necessary for JDBC 3c32daa25a7077f31049089cb56fd044807b1a68 GH-3690: Use pub-sub in RedisLockReg for unlocks db14faddd1ce4d62657d262359d2483b2979eab1 GH-3688: Fix WS DSL for proper values propagation ad343107071bf55743a836ec0a0a55167c6b5062 GH-3683: Always new TX in DefaultLockRepository 8c85fc9957b32774ff8fb6c12412f9abb7b2c2a1 Add MessageHandlerMethodFactoryCreatingFactoryBean a843dae1512bdfb1308ee8b3f7c59754c4ae5a21 Remove Disposables abstraction d7f925896f9fc705c5095278f14229f80a73a855 Check for Disposables bean before registration adb52baa9516e5c87b47cf5c031d7460c4c6ab09 Upgrade Dokka plugin to 1.5.30 for Gradle 7.3 0ebd076637c17670b72a4c2f2ab0b4ee4a93f789 Add duplicatesStrategy to prepAsciidocBuild task f298191d94e1856dc7fe1dc7556d0f9ee891a702 Fix checksum for Gradle wrapper 761ccf2ed2ff17e26f062da864df60bd36668d18 Upgrade To Gradle 7.3

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  • v5.5.6(Nov 16, 2021)

    Change log:

    f67851405404aff429c75a13c36b3cbf2d4dcfe0 Upgrade dependencies; prepare for release de0f91b777e35134ca3093c9ecc934a9f14b34ea GH-3677: Doc for URL conn customization in FeedCA (#3678) fb14976f6189374f334fd7f4a15c502e7ca84b98 GH-3675: Restore nativeHeaders for WebSocketInChA 3dabf7aec12f5bd25a6011a6c1d3d4c9548b49a1 Fix Checkstyle violations f5f1c82082dadd4ca9408b3e29e195a83e784ccc Some docs clean up for ZK & XML modules 6f3fdc76c1a9182770f1cd92365da003a81c8dd4 Some docs clean up db611028dac0aff6eae7ea828afe50d27dacb156 GH-3672: Clean up Jdbc & ZK LockRegistry caches 5452a6fbe6674541e989cf9521c726ba1990bb7f Fix more Sonar smells 3c812440cf52c7b1be6ecc4c31d6a217770b7d85 Change RedisLockRegistry cache to 100K 85efb5f53cf8dc8acff18f6a00aeae2c0010228d Take Docker registry from the DOCKER_REGISTRY_URL 7f83f5f74a02c5e5111411f6998c8ea20649f8d8 Revert AnnotationGatewayProxyFactoryBean logic 5de072b6668ac8d93388e308ae8db63cb11469e6 Fix WebFluxMH for proper response handling a27b1ec28fa90104d575269e8bd7a16ae75ada19 Revert method references back to lambdas 0aac4c0a86045554bf965bf64085dbbcc21f2406 Fix new Sonar smells e51513230afd0ddad403d8f0ab093c3d7ee9eb59 GH-3655: Add automatically delete for Redis Locks 25100d1ac7a58aa70e10f99bfb8a2194c4ccc34c Fix unused import in the IntegrationRegistrar a899b37ac372e5e95009fb4551c0e30a524a28f6 DefaultConfiguringBFPP to BDRegistryPP e80a42d394fb1f781e53177773124644bdee158c Fix typo in the MqttMessageSentEvent Javadoc d86647807ebc624529edb1bd07bac3b7ebe9dedf Use ReflectionUtils.makeAccessible() - not direct 15520e120c5568ac7565ab8828cbacf7adb67844 GH-3652: File gateway: don't try delete no file eb4d583a176d33c2bdd6f76ff6ea99af5b2f36f9 Add toReactivePublisher(autoStartOnSubscribe) (#3657) fc7d33830267675163d31cc62eb7eabf2197c598 GH-3656: Fix package tangles f520156053cc6e8abe10e1605f35f2db0f1f9f63 GH-3653: Improve DSL parsing performance (#3654) ff3b4d34a15616890d6108b76b76952cb4f0cf9d Fix Checkstyle violation in the XML config ffdc992f2e5c758a3e0f9d3779d5ad4acce2106b Rework JpaOutboundGatewayParserTests to JUnit 5 ee8afc5b2882525479b71badcee603ec7b2b02e4 BeanDefinitions: Mix instanceSupplier and props 7d29cf7f0204db37b17537f3fa4a882eb306217e Fix double the typo in docs 78366e7b00f44ae97e2b2b4f22dd312c8524b89b GH-3647: Use remoteDirExpression in MV command (#3651) e84bab6e0a61ed5180bb12c8f2b451f9337416ed GH-3648: Fix @Gateway.payloadExpression

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  • v5.4.12(Nov 16, 2021)

    Change log:

    390400b13c07d8500a29256cf6f546a1737c645c Fix ExpressionUtilsTests for SF compatibility 7c72fdd4600eeddf077e54a186c5565067d5e0e8 Upgrade dependencies; prepare for release 43b78e0324ee83e277255ef7a777f1e4c491cc30 GH-3675: Restore nativeHeaders for WebSocketInChA 83a488ceeca89bac3bf88927ac6046a2fdced70e Fix WebFluxMH for proper response handling 81a50ffebb9aca83b67e1c8229560e29dd01c964 GH-3652: File gateway: don't try delete no file 3f4368c033b7da03de322f47ce90b1b712069f4d GH-3648: Fix @Gateway.payloadExpression 5e6e63869324d7bc834cf46d245c5b1845d23b44 GH-3641: Handle duplicate cookies properly 8a5c0377efe28ae4ba341ed3350f77bc2057861c GH-3637: Fix KafkaMessageSource First Poll

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  • v5.5.5(Oct 19, 2021)

    Change log:

    d61df01acf2677eb3c71817f2b0dedcbf491f597 Fix DSL sample in the doc 7e5fef9e453ed18b54d700e74619613c3a47dd4f GH-3641: Handle duplicate cookies properly 6c47593aef04a710fe722dcfd5c83091932afe49 Fix ExpressionUtilsTests according SF changes 1341a457f0a3d55c4067a740acd0a8097b870cb9 Upgrade dependencies 72b9e7001ed1e344fccad3e2804569a09d3040a8 GH-3643: Defer MeterRegistry bean dependency a03af081af837a658dbb181b2752319b6a8fd470 Upgrade to Gradle 6.9.1; fork JavaCompile 34d2b0904f85e6f20cdf2eb980d0608fcda42d16 Fix new Sonar smells e2557a42c23628591b33d43829d09e18126046e8 GH-3617: KPMH - Option To Use Template's Converter 0410343f7f09c5e56ba48e61a6cb50ea056a9e24 Rework all the MQTT tests to JUnit 5 e7c0d8dafaba8579c65b84f01cf8f1af0987c77d GH-3432: Add MQTT v5 channel adapters (#3639) b8e414d4f63f1a51c181e2821ae6072cd405e883 GH-3637: Fix KafkaMessageSource First Poll fe57fd281c013e6746bae760d3e3eeaae6846c8a Checkstyle changes

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  • v5.5.4(Sep 21, 2021)

    Change log:

    3bfabb92ee11d3c0b8d008589c698d7ddea86d61 Upgrade dependencies; prepare for release 726b216f07792a42f02370e5aeebcccbeed32643 Disable TcpNioConnectionTests.testCleanup() 3f6d20561535f2e4a1f00e2260fb2268ce98b0fa Fix link in the channel-adapter.adoc b92d52fe749511ceee83d9b9b2c146ffc37837d9 Improve docs for global default poller 0fb64f1762f6eed0de4c53ebe98c18d57b3bbfe6 Upgrade to Kotlin 1.5 0f2285d5a3896afe1f8a72162070710e9545d8c4 Fix reply producing to not block reactive thread fe300ebc38e1fd6093b04f48c52e76424c6eab2a GH-3614: JPA outbound components delete in batch (#3629) 25ac230be8d989c53dce8f76ede5ab483443d01b GH-3627: Fix race condition NPE in MqttPahoMDCA 4456caffa16d3b7c8e9838937ec0c236591e5791 Introduce high-level API for flows composition (#3624) b8785e5f9c49c669621942823d40fc3fc682af4c GH-3619: Fix Mail Receiver fetch redundant Messages 55876e0e4232a834f64464470c75a1f691b61cd0 GH-3620: Fix Shared SFTP Session

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  • v5.4.11(Sep 21, 2021)

    Change log:

    b2f80a8f49f2c3ff59e2b37b5d3452c99147b102 Upgrade dependencies; prepare for release 1178d46cb95f8b54a09ce4bc860fd9dfcf51075b Fix reply producing to not block reactive thread 8ff7ad798dd44adffecba8b2a253dadb624cb9d8 GH-3627: Fix race condition NPE in MqttPahoMDCA 9f426500a190ee8ad1caccbd6291071d2f2b11f7 GH-3619: Fix Mail Receiver fetch redundant Messages 43cb48443ff1a3d5d8cba80a0bfd29568160bf3e GH-3620: Fix Shared SFTP Session

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  • v5.5.3(Aug 17, 2021)

    Change log:

    39599f82dbff3a85dc85c0ce6ae622fb867112ab Update dependencies; prepare for release 024ffd142304ba11c36f604650a7722b3b255de7 Fix generics for customizeMonoReply() b949b90d661b1f93618a581fc4be8e0451c42d6a GH-3610: Fix WebFluxMH for error handling c189a125a65ddf3601271f97b577fa8b06cdf2bc Safely read expunged IMAP messages b12540d2ac563cf77c942fa8930015bb31a14a53 GH-3598: Fix delay in waitStopListening() 0a7ea59198d976a0fdfe4c18f072645ae0b7e655 GH-3601: Bring AMQP byte code compatibility back 91d09c8ad3fcc481286e2ac37753d2aede0a4139 Add deprecation suppression for spring-kafka-2.8 1b7d622777e6443a5acc15b90c2a9484ef82b0ea GH-3600: Fix Kafka Tx Synchronization 1951d5230cc0f2fe1283b3048f3a9e100537c3c2 Fix java-dsl-gateway double usage in Docs 61153578c5cf6ab11235ff92f850271ee02fc6e3 GH-3549: Clean up more SonarQube smells 2be6d86ff936bda44b30418d8812d04f3918a792 Upgrade setup-jfrog-cli to fix deprecation 9e512186ed6ba602b16809684f4c941cd1fe71ab GH-3549: Fix minor SonarQube smells

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  • v5.4.10(Aug 17, 2021)

    Change log:

    f5361f1465de48a332e31a2fc2fbd9b989e0db00 (5.4.x) Update dependencies; prepare for release f28819bbae1cd5bd67d1a050d03aa4ac4a09e45a Fix generics for customizeMonoReply() 1a73151114dd97e4659f8cd594e4c489c30cbc09 GH-3610: Fix WebFluxMH for error handling c20f0b62d5dcb0b3d41e5c219c5c1bc19fb819ed Safely read expunged IMAP messages d7a7bbbf75f1bcd08ec76a2289d36c1a48950cf8 (djgraff209/5.4.x) GH-3601: Bring AMQP byte code compatibility back fba4b2045128cfc75aec68c8861f5a22494c555a GH-3600: Fix Kafka Tx Synchronization

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  • v5.3.9.RELEASE(Aug 17, 2021)

    Change log:

    ff632504f3f3e187cf33f7ff1845ce086b2a3ab4 (5.3.x) Update dependencies; prepare for release ef79bb782b5f1cf3ff215674bb53a945f4736c60 Fix generics for customizeMonoReply() c70c98b945d731d18efb6c763d6132a82cffb9eb GH-3610: Fix WebFluxMH for error handling 125ac454f5e72b72544e111efbf4ec99f6e64089 (djgraff209/5.3.x) Fix pattern how Lock.unlock() is used 9ebe1b39133531a434c7f0841c26ccab7fc56f56 Make MessageHistory JSON-serializable e714f693cf245ed865ab3c51a0558b0ebfb81a97 GH-3589: Reduce Delay on NIO Connection 1d769b8e9d46a81148d0f25b47a9a522a6f1d363 Fix SourcePollingChAdFB autoStartup propagation 37e6457561675bc32fcfb307f9034fe23adfb811 Remove unused imports 46f83f7afb5c2c3a8fbadbdc9eb6b408f59e21e2 Fix NPE for @Indexed in the MessagingGatewayReg 87e11d21f89f657eb0f2942ebdebb88959c404c7 Fix CORS registration for IntGraphController

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v5.4.9(Jul 26, 2021)

    Change log:

    bed7640b8383d8637c94b22d62ff0be3b2f44110 Upgrade dependencies; prepare for release 2858954971d75f7331f9068a22c57d9182fd3f72 GH-3584: Support spring-amqp 2.3.x and 2.4.x ddab28a06f7f69cbc5f0ec4e6073ebe47e0b67e1 Fix pattern how Lock.unlock() is used 70f6ceb5b975f322f86f242b6c7135979909114d Make MessageHistory JSON-serializable f0d126037f3f8b0dbb29635ed6067ac15ddf19ec Fix SourcePollingChAdFB autoStartup propagation ed47b566b91305484b683aded2071ff04edf5bce Remove unused imports 836a11be6a947676c92e33c87c8d9fef7e68e2aa Fix NPE for @Indexed in the MessagingGatewayReg 46acf0cc83381dfa87c2328c895ef14a8cf19223 Fix CORS registration for IntGraphController

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
Kafka integration with Java Spring-boot: producer-consumer model

Kafka integration with Java Spring-boot with one application serving as a producer and the other consuming the messages

Hardik Singh Behl 15 Apr 26, 2022
BurritoSpigot is a fork of TacoSpigot 1.8.9 that offers several enhancements to performance as well as bug fixes. while offer extra APIs and support for plugins

?? BurritoSpigot ?? BurritoSpigot is a fork of TacoSpigot 1.8.8 that offers several enhancements to performance as well as bug fixes. while offer extr

Cobble Sword Services 44 Dec 20, 2022
Official repository of Trino, the distributed SQL query engine for big data, formerly known as PrestoSQL (https://trino.io)

Trino is a fast distributed SQL query engine for big data analytics. See the User Manual for deployment instructions and end user documentation. Devel

Trino 6.9k Dec 31, 2022
a pug implementation written in Java (formerly known as jade)

Attention: jade4j is now pug4j In alignment with the javascript template engine we renamed jade4j to pug4j. You will find it under https://github.com/

neuland - Büro für Informatik 700 Oct 16, 2022
a pug implementation written in Java (formerly known as jade)

Attention: jade4j is now pug4j In alignment with the javascript template engine we renamed jade4j to pug4j. You will find it under https://github.com/

neuland - Büro für Informatik 700 Oct 16, 2022
Sauron, the all seeing eye! It is a service to generate automated reports and track migrations, changes and dependency versions for backend services also report on known CVE and security issues.

SAURON - VERSION AND DEPLOYMENT TRACKER DESCRIPTION Sauron, the all seeing eye! It is a service to generate automated reports and track migrations, ch

FREENOWTech 20 Oct 31, 2022
Ribbon is a Inter Process Communication (remote procedure calls) library with built in software load balancers. The primary usage model involves REST calls with various serialization scheme support.

Ribbon Ribbon is a client side IPC library that is battle-tested in cloud. It provides the following features Load balancing Fault tolerance Multiple

Netflix, Inc. 4.4k Jan 1, 2023
Ribbon is a Inter Process Communication (remote procedure calls) library with built in software load balancers. The primary usage model involves REST calls with various serialization scheme support.

Ribbon Ribbon is a client side IPC library that is battle-tested in cloud. It provides the following features Load balancing Fault tolerance Multiple

Netflix, Inc. 4.4k Jan 4, 2023
This library provides facilities to match an input string against a collection of regex patterns.

This library provides facilities to match an input string against a collection of regex patterns. This library acts as a wrapper around the popular Chimera library, which allows it to be used in Java.

Sahab 5 Oct 26, 2022
A sideproject to learn more about object-oriented programming, design patterns and Java meanwhile studying an OOP-course.

MyBank Description A console application that simulates a bank with very simple functions. Potential story could be an employee using this application

null 2 Mar 23, 2022
Create different patterns and designs using your favorite programming language for this project.

Patterns project for Hacktoberfest Create different patterns and designs using your favourite programming language weather it be a square pattern, sta

Pulkit Handa 5 Oct 5, 2022
Spring Native provides beta support for compiling Spring applications to native executables using GraalVM native-image compiler.

Spring Native provides beta support for compiling Spring applications to native executables using GraalVM native-image compiler.

Spring Projects Experimental 2.8k Jan 6, 2023
Hi, Spring fans! In this installment we look Spring Integration's support for MQTT and the HiveMQ broker

Spring Integration MQTT & HiveMQ Hi, Spring fans! In this installment we look Spring Integration's support for MQTT and the HiveMQ broker. I'm joined

Spring Tips 5 Nov 21, 2022
Extension module to properly support datatypes of javax.money

Jackson Datatype Money Jackson Datatype Money is a Jackson module to support JSON serialization and deserialization of JavaMoney data types. It fills

Zalando SE 217 Jan 2, 2023
Write enterprise Bitcoin applications with Spring Boot.

Write enterprise Bitcoin applications with Spring Boot. Starter projects with multiple Bitcoin related modules that you can include in your application Google Colab

DE MINING 3 Dec 11, 2022
The Apache Software Foundation 3k Jan 4, 2023
A distributed data integration framework that simplifies common aspects of big data integration such as data ingestion, replication, organization and lifecycle management for both streaming and batch data ecosystems.

Apache Gobblin Apache Gobblin is a highly scalable data management solution for structured and byte-oriented data in heterogeneous data ecosystems. Ca

The Apache Software Foundation 2.1k Jan 4, 2023