Java testing framework for testing pojo methods


POJO-TESTER - Java framework for pojo-testing


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POJO-TESTER is a java testing library, which makes your pojo-tests much easier. You can test your pojo against equals, hashCode, toString, getters, setters and constructors.

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  • Find out the most user friendly pojo tester api for testing

    Find out the most user friendly pojo tester api for testing

    What is the most user friendly / given-when-then convention compatible way to invoke pojo tests?

    // given
    PojoTester tester = new PojoTester();
    PojoTester tester = new PojoTester(fieldValueChanger);
    PojoTester tester = new PojoTester().using(fieldValueChanger);
    Class coffee = Coffee.class;
    Class cake = Cake.class;
    Class[] classes = new Class[]{coffee, cake};
    // when
    // then
    tester.testAll(coffee, cake,);


    // given
    Class coffee = Coffee.class;
    Class cake = Cake.class;
    Class[] classes = new Class[]{coffee, cake};
    // when
    // then
    assertThat(class1, class2).using(fieldValueChanger).haveWellImplemented...();


    Currently test and testAll methods throw exception when pojo has invalid equals, hashcode or toString method implementation.


    You can also define nested classes to change in your main class e.g.

    A {
      B b;
      C c.
    Class baseClass = A.class;
    Class[] nestedClasses = new Class[]{B.class, C.class};
    test(baseClass, nestedClasses )


    There is no option to choose which tests should be run (equals, hashcode or toString). How do you want to provide it? E.g.

    new PojoTester(EQUALS | HASHCODE | TO_STRING) or new PojoTester().addTesters(new EqualsTester(), ...) or assertThat(class).using(new HashCodeTester()).hasWellImplemented...();


    At this moment you can provide you own fieldsValuesChanger that should change field of specific type e.g. Coffee. In order to do this you have to extend AbstractFieldsValuesChanger class and implement some methods.

    If you do not specify your own fields values changer and pojo tester could not change field value then it sets it either to null or class.instantiate()

    help wanted question blocker 
    opened by sta-szek 6
  • Project Abandoned?

    Project Abandoned?

    Appears that this project is not in active maintenance. There are pull reviews open since 2017. If this is the case, may I suggest flagging it in the README.

    In the interim, this fork has been uplifted to support JDK 13.

    opened by ekoutanov 5
  • Fast test equals v2

    Fast test equals v2

    This is a 2nd thought about fast testing of equals() and hashCode(). No EQUALS_FAST and HASH_CODE_FAST, now .testing(Method.EQUALS, Method.HASH_CODE).quickly() is used instead.

    opened by 36893488147419103231 5
  • "should return different hash codes for non equal objects" seem to be using equal objects

    I have a test that from time to time fails in my Jenkins instance, but never failed on my local machine.

    It fails with the following message:

    Class EntityClass has bad 'hashCode' method implementation.
    The hashCode method should return different hash codes for non equal objects.
    Current implementation returns same hash codes.
    EntityClass(,, f3=-4, f4=Fri Mar 10 14:52:19 UTC 2017,,
    EntityClass(,, f3=-4, f4=Fri Mar 10 14:52:19 UTC 2017,,
    should have different hash codes:

    Class code:

    @NoArgsConstructor(access = AccessLevel.PACKAGE)
    public class EntityClass {
        private String f1;
        private String f2;
        private int f3;
        private Date f4;
        private String f5;
        private String f6;

    and this is my test


    I suspect the Date f4 field is the same and it is causing issues. BTW. Is there a way to change the test (as I cannot change the production code) so that when it fails, a custom message (provided function) is used instead of toString()? Something along these lines:

                .messageWhenFails((o1, o2) -> "o1 date" + o1.f4 + " and o2 date" + o2.f4);
    opened by adamsiemion 5
  • #203 added EQUALS_FAST and HASH_CODE_FAST

    #203 added EQUALS_FAST and HASH_CODE_FAST

    Now it is possible to test equals() and hashCode() in quadratic rather than exponential time (and 20^2 is much better than 2^20 for a POJO with 20 fields corresponding to 20 columns in a DB table). The old thorough testers are preserved.

    opened by 36893488147419103231 4
  • Method.EQUALS: test fails for equal objects

    Method.EQUALS: test fails for equal objects

    Use this setup to reproduce the bug. Two nested classes:

    public class A {
        private long userId;
        private B withdraw;
    public class B {
        private CurrencySymbol currency;
        private Money amount;
        private long account;

    Now, here is how I test both classes in a single test case:

        public void shouldTestEquals() {
            // given
            final Class[] classesUnderTest = { A.class,
            // when
            // then
            assertPojoMethodsForAll(classesUnderTest).create(Money.class, MONEY_CONSTRUCTOR_PARAMETERS)
                                                     .create(CurrencySymbol.class, CURRENCY_SYMBOL_CONSTRUCTOR_PARAMETERS)

    This results in the following error:

    Class package.A has bad 'equals' method implementation.
    The equals method should return false if objects should not be equal.
    Current implementation returns true.
    should not be equal to:
    Class package.A has bad 'equals' method implementation.
    The equals method should return false if objects should not be equal.
    Current implementation returns true.
    should not be equal to:

    Objects are obviously equal, I guess there might be a bug in generators.

    opened by SemionPar 4
  • Unexpectedly getting NotEqualHashCodeAssertionError

    Unexpectedly getting NotEqualHashCodeAssertionError

    So I'm basically doing the following on 0.7.6


    When I run the test inside of intelliJ I get this:

    Class com.ciena.bp.nsi.indexingservice.model.tpe.IndexedTPE has bad 'hashCode' method implementation.
    The hashCode method should return different hash codes for non equal objects.
    Current implementation returns same hash codes.
    IndexedTPE{resourcePartitionInfo=[], id=null, usedCapacity=[], active=null, networkConstruct=null, operationState=null, lastUpdatedState=null, expectations=[], userData=[], identifiers=[], deploymentState=null, lifecycleState=null, resourceState=null, bookingData=null, bookingData_lockout=null, plannedCapacity=[], attributePolicies=null, derivedAttributes=null, plannedAttributes=null, discoveredAttributes=null, extraData=IndexedTPEExtraData{usedCapacityPresent=false, eplServicePresent=false, ftpLagIsOnNni=false, ptpIsNniWithIpInterface=false, ftpLagIsOnNniWithIpInterface=false, ftpLagMultiChassis=false, interfaceIp=, clientTpesSize=0, tdmPortCapacity=true}}
    IndexedTPE{resourcePartitionInfo=[], id=null, usedCapacity=[], active=null, networkConstruct=null, operationState=null, lastUpdatedState=null, expectations=[], userData=[], identifiers=[], deploymentState=null, lifecycleState=null, resourceState=null, bookingData=null, bookingData_lockout=null, plannedCapacity=[], attributePolicies=null, derivedAttributes=null, plannedAttributes=null, discoveredAttributes=null, extraData=IndexedTPEExtraData{usedCapacityPresent=false, eplServicePresent=false, ftpLagIsOnNni=false, ptpIsNniWithIpInterface=false, ftpLagIsOnNniWithIpInterface=false, ftpLagMultiChassis=false, interfaceIp=, clientTpesSize=0, tdmPortCapacity=true}}
    should have different hash codes:

    Not sure it matters, but when debugging, I get this instead:

    Class com.ciena.bp.nsi.indexingservice.model.tpe.IndexedTPE has bad 'equals' method implementation.
    The equals method should return false if objects should not be equal.
    Current implementation returns true.
    IndexedTPE{resourcePartitionInfo=[], id=null, usedCapacity=[], active=null, networkConstruct=null, operationState=null, lastUpdatedState=null, expectations=[], userData=[], identifiers=[], deploymentState=null, lifecycleState=null, resourceState=null, bookingData=null, bookingData_lockout=null, plannedCapacity=[], attributePolicies=null, derivedAttributes=null, plannedAttributes=null, discoveredAttributes=null, extraData=IndexedTPEExtraData{usedCapacityPresent=false, eplServicePresent=false, ftpLagIsOnNni=false, ptpIsNniWithIpInterface=false, ftpLagIsOnNniWithIpInterface=false, ftpLagMultiChassis=false, interfaceIp=, clientTpesSize=0, tdmPortCapacity=true}}
    should not be equal to:
    IndexedTPE{resourcePartitionInfo=[], id=null, usedCapacity=[], active=null, networkConstruct=null, operationState=null, lastUpdatedState=null, expectations=[], userData=[], identifiers=[], deploymentState=null, lifecycleState=null, resourceState=null, bookingData=null, bookingData_lockout=null, plannedCapacity=[], attributePolicies=null, derivedAttributes=null, plannedAttributes=null, discoveredAttributes=null, extraData=IndexedTPEExtraData{usedCapacityPresent=false, eplServicePresent=false, ftpLagIsOnNni=false, ptpIsNniWithIpInterface=false, ftpLagIsOnNniWithIpInterface=false, ftpLagMultiChassis=false, interfaceIp=, clientTpesSize=0, tdmPortCapacity=true}}

    Any suggestions? As far as I can tell the Objects really should be identical...

    opened by fahim-a 3
  • Timestamp break Equals

    Timestamp break Equals

    Testing a pojo with a Timestamp value, break the equals method and then the assertion return false. Here's a minimal example :

    public class MyPOJO {
           private Timestamp timestamp;
        public void pojosTest() {
    opened by hajlaoui-nader 3
  • Issue 192

    Issue 192

    TODO refactor JavaTypeInstantiator.

    • [x] Probably merge with ? PrimitiveInstantiator, StringClassInstantiator, JavaLangClassInstantiator ?
    • [x] resolve todos
    • [x] more refactor
    opened by sta-szek 3
  • time to test equals() and hashCode() depends exponentially on the number of fields

    time to test equals() and hashCode() depends exponentially on the number of fields

    In the project in the package testertester.equalshashcode there are tests of 3 classes:

    public class Small {
      int a,b,c
    public class Medium {
      int a,b,c,d, e,f,g,h, i,j,k,l, m,n,o,p ,q,r,s,t, u;
    public class Big {
      int a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;

    with equals() and hashCode() generated by IDE.

    The first class is tested in no time, the second one takes about a minute, and the test for the third one did not terminate for me (but probably it would in about half an hour, unless it would take too much memory). UPD: bigTest failed after 8m 49s with java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded.

    It is important to test equals() and hashCode() in linear time.

    I propose the following algorithm:

    Start with 3 POJO objects, one filled with nulls (zeroes, etc.), and two others filled with values that do not repeat (well, it is difficult to find 20 different boolean values). Initially for the class MyPojo {int a,b,c,d;}we have:

    null, null, null, null

    On the first iteration, we will compare P, null, null, null with:

    null, null, null, null
    P, null, null, null
    W, null, null, null

    On the second iteration, we will compare P, Q, null, null with:

    P, null, null, null
    P, Q, null, null
    P, X, null, null

    On the 3rd iteration, we will compare P, Q, R, null with:

    P, Q, null, null
    P, Q, R, null
    P, Q, Y, null

    and so on. Of course, you must check that a.equals(b) == b.equals(a), and that objects that are equal have equal hash codes. You may check that the number of different returned hash codes is at least a half of the the number of objects that participated in comparisons. I'd recommend performing additional comparisons on each iteration, e.g. that a.equals(null) == false, that a.equals(a) is true, and that a.equals(1) is false.

    Note. This issue may be related on unrelated to

    (UPDATE) Note 2. I believe, it is FieldUtils.permutations() called from ObjectGenerator.generateDifferentObjects() that is responsible for exponential growth. It for N fields, it returns 2^N permutations. If it returned a list of size N, consumption of both time and memory would be linear.

    opened by 36893488147419103231 3
  • Unit test execution time growing when multiple entities

    Unit test execution time growing when multiple entities

    Hello guys I have been noting that when adding multiple class to test using assertPojoMethodsForAll execution time grows exponentially. I am testing with 8 entities or dtos and test did not finish after 5 minutes. I had to kill process.

    Please see attached sample project.

    opened by Jcamilorada 2
  • Non-compliant with Java spec:

    Non-compliant with Java spec: "The hashCode method should return different hash codes for non equal objects."

    The code given below is a valid POJO. Java POJOs are allowed to return same hashCode() for non-equal objects. Might not be optimal, but it's valid and actually fairly common situation - see

    It is not required that if two objects are unequal according to the equals(java.lang.Object) method, then calling the hashCode method on each of the two objects must produce distinct integer results. However, the programmer should be aware that producing distinct integer results for unequal objects may improve the performance of hash tables.

    However for a simple pojo listed below pojo-tester (v 0.7.6) throws:

    Class (...)MyPojoTest.MyPojo has bad 'hashCode' method implementation.
    The hashCode method should return different hash codes for non equal objects.

    The test code:

    import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
    import java.util.Objects;
    import static pl.pojo.tester.api.assertion.Assertions.assertPojoMethodsFor;
    // hashCode() and equals() generated with IntelliJ
    class MyPojoTest {
        public static class MyPojo {
            private String name;
            private int age;
            public String getName() {  return name;   }
            public void setName(String name) { = name; }
            public int getAge() {    return age;  }
            public void setAge(int age) { this.age = age;  }
            public boolean equals(Object o) {
                if (this == o) {
                    return true;
                if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) {
                    return false;
                MyPojo myPojo = (MyPojo) o;
                return age == myPojo.age &&
            public int hashCode() {
                return Objects.hash(name);
        public void testMyPojo() {
    opened by pafeu81 1
  • Bug in equals tester

    Bug in equals tester

    I wrote the following, wrong class; pojo tester claims it's well implemented.

    public class TestClass {
            private Double testField;
            public TestClass(@Nullable Double testField) {
                this.testField = testField;
            public Double getTestField() {
                return testField;
            public void setTestField(@Nullable Double testField) {
                this.testField = testField;
            public boolean equals(Object o) {
                if (this == o) {
                    return true;
                if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) {
                    return false;
                TestClass that = (TestClass)o;
                if (!(testField == null && that.testField == null) || (testField != null && that.testField != null &&, that.testField) != 0)) {
                    return false;
                return true;
            public int hashCode() {
                return Objects.hash(testField);
            public String toString() {
                final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("TestClass {");
                return sb.toString();

    However, this simple test is enough to show the equals method is wrong:

            TestClass testClass = new TestClass(2d);
            TestClass testClass2 = new TestClass(2d);
            assertEquals(testClass, testClass2);
    opened by p91paul 0
  • Contribution required

    Contribution required

    Hi folks, unfortunatelly I dont have time to maintain this project. As you proably noticed it is outdated, lots of issues are not solved and, what is really bad, CI/CD tool is not working anymore.

    All this makes that releasing pojo-tester is not possible.

    Let me know if anyone would like to contribute and update projects.


    help wanted blocker 
    opened by sta-szek 3
  • DefaultPackageFilter should only consider .class files

    DefaultPackageFilter should only consider .class files

    Classpath may contain files with extensions which are not .class. For example my classpath contains .xml files (because MyBatis).

    Currently ReflectionUtils.removeClassSuffix is called, that removes the .class suffix; however it should filter to consider .class files only before doing that.

    Right now my.package.File.xml becomes my.package.Fi and that triggers an error when Class.forName is called on it.

    opened by p91paul 0
  • Unexpected NotEqualEqualsAssertionError

    Unexpected NotEqualEqualsAssertionError

    Version: 0.7.6

    I have a class (EntityUnderTest) which has only one property. If I initalize this object at either in the constructor of the EntityUnderTest or direct at declaration I'll get an NotEqualEqualsAssertionError error. If a remove the inilization the test passes.

    Here is the EntityUnderTest

    public class EntityUnderTest
        private ChildEntity faultInjectionParameters = new ChildEntity();
        public boolean equals(Object o) {
            if (this == o) return true;
            if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
            EntityUnderTest that = (EntityUnderTest) o;
            return Objects.equals(faultInjectionParameters, that.faultInjectionParameters);
        public int hashCode() {
            return Objects.hash(faultInjectionParameters);

    And the child entity

    public class ChildEntity {
        private String string;
        public boolean equals(Object o) {
            if (this == o) return true;
            if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
            ChildEntity that = (ChildEntity) o;
            return Objects.equals(string, that.string);
        public int hashCode() {
            return Objects.hash(string);

    I also added a short reprocuder here:

    The error message says:

    The equals method should return false if objects should not be equal

    But the hashCode returns both the same value. So, I would expect that the test will pass.

    opened by jacobhampel 0
  • 0.7.6(Nov 26, 2017)

  • 0.7.5(Mar 19, 2017)

  • 0.7.4(Mar 10, 2017)

  • 0.7.3(Jan 27, 2017)

  • 0.7.2(Jan 7, 2017)

  • 0.7.1(Dec 14, 2016)

  • 0.7.0(Nov 23, 2016)

  • 0.6.0(Oct 30, 2016)

  • 0.5.0(Oct 10, 2016)


    First POJO-TESTER open source release.


    • POJO-TESTER can test constructors (#113)
    • POJO-TESTER will change String fields by default (#133)
    • Testing classes by package name or class package (#114)


    • POJO-TESTER fails on synthetic constructors (#126)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.4.0(Oct 1, 2016)


    First POJO-TESTER open source release.


    • Javadocs
    • POJO-TESTER creates collections objects instead of mocking them (#112)
    • Choose constructor and pass parameters for creating new objects (#84)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.3.0(Sep 25, 2016)



    • Parameters validation on API layer (#66)
    • Testing classes by name on API (#72)
    • Choose constructor and pass parameters for creating new objects (#84)


    • Wrong proxy implementation (#88)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.2.0(Sep 18, 2016)



    • SetterGetterTester split into SetterTester and GetterTester (#87)
    • New, not empty value when initializing String objects (#86)


    • Setter not found, when field is boolean type and has is prefix (#89)
    • Wrong getter is found for fields with same endingd (#90)
    • Accessing not public classes, setters and getters in those classes (#75, #78)
    • Tests test same objects, which cause assertion exception (#85)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.1.0(Sep 13, 2016)

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