Echopraxia - Java Logging API with clean and simple structured logging and conditional & contextual features. Logback implementation based on logstash-logback-encoder.



Echopraxia is a Java logging API that and is designed around structured logging, rich context, and conditional logging. There is a Logback-based implementation, but Echopraxia's API is completely dependency-free, meaning it can be implemented with Log4J2, JUL, or directly.

Echopraxia is a sequel to the Scala logging API Blindsight, hence the name: "Echopraxia is the involuntary repetition or imitation of an observed action."

Echopraxia is based around several main concepts that build and leverage on each other:

  • Structured Logging (API based around structured fields and values)
  • Contextual Logging (API based around building state in loggers)
  • Conditions (API based around context-aware functions and dynamic scripting)
  • Semantic Logging (API based around typed arguments)
  • Fluent Logging (API based around log entry builder)

For a worked example, see this Spring Boot Project.

Although Echopraxia is tied on the backend to an implementation, it is designed to hide implementation details from you, just as SLF4J hides the details of the logging implementation. For example, logstash-logback-encoder provides Markers or StructuredArguments, but you will not see them in the API. Instead, Echopraxia works with independent Field and Value objects that are converted by a CoreLogger provided by an implementation.

Please see the blog posts for more background.


There is a Logback implementation based around logstash-logback-encoder implementation of event specific custom fields.




implementation "com.tersesystems.echopraxia:logstash:1.0.0" 

Basic Usage

For almost all use cases, you will be working with the API which is a single import:

import com.tersesystems.echopraxia.*;

First you get a logger:

Logger<?> basicLogger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass());

Logging simple messages and exceptions are done as in SLF4J:

try {
  ..."Simple message");
} catch (Exception e) {
  basicLogger.error("Error message", e);  

However, when you log arguments, you pass a function which provides you with a field builder and returns a list of fields:"Message name {}", fb -> fb.onlyString("name", "value"));

You can log multiple arguments and include the exception if you want the stack trace:"Message name {}", fb -> Arrays.asList(
  fb.string("name", "value"),

So far so good, but logging strings and numbers can get tedious. Let's go into custom field builders.

Custom Field Builders

Echopraxia lets you specify custom field builders whenever you want to log domain objects:

  public class BuilderWithDate implements Field.Builder {
    public BuilderWithDate() {}

    // Renders a date using the `only` idiom returning a list of `Field`.
    // This is a useful shortcut when you only have one field you want to add.
    public List<Field> onlyDate(String name, Date date) {
      return singletonList(date(name, date));

    // Renders a date as an ISO 8601 string.
    public Field date(String name, Date date) {
      return string(
              name, DateTimeFormatter.ISO_INSTANT.format(Instant.ofEpochMilli(date.getTime())));

And now you can render a date automatically:

Logger<BuilderWithDate> dateLogger = basicLogger.withFieldBuilder(BuilderWithDate.class);"Date {}", fb -> fb.onlyDate("creation_date", new Date()));

This also applies to more complex objects:

  public class PersonFieldBuilder implements Field.Builder {
    public PersonFieldBuilder() {}
    // Renders a `Person` as an object field.
    // Note that properties must be broken down to the basic JSON types,
    // i.e. a primitive string/number/boolean/null or object/array.
    public Field person(String name, Person person) {
      return object(
              number("age", person.age()),
              array("toys", Field.Value.asList(, Field.Value::string)));
Person user = ...
Logger<PersonFieldBuilder> personLogger = basicLogger.withFieldBuilder(PersonFieldBuilder.class);"Person {}", fb -> Arrays.asList(fb.person("user", user)));


You can also add fields directly to the logger using logger.withFields for contextual logging:

Logger<?> loggerWithFoo = basicLogger.withFields(fb -> fb.onlyString("foo", "bar"));"JSON field will log automatically") // will log "foo": "bar" field in a JSON appender.

This works very well for HTTP session and request data such as correlation ids.

Note that in contrast to MDC, logging using context fields will work seamlessly across multiple threads.


Logging conditions can be handled gracefully using Condition functions. A Condition will take a Level and a LoggingContext which will return the fields of the logger.

final Condition mustHaveFoo = (level, context) ->
        context.getFields().stream().anyMatch(field ->"foo"));

Conditions should be cheap to evaluate, and should be "safe" - i.e. they should not do things like network calls, database lookups, or rely on locks.

Conditions can be used either on the logger, on the statement, or against the enabled check.


You can use conditions in a logger, and statements will only log if the condition is met:

Logger<?> loggerWithCondition = logger.withCondition(condition);

You can also build up conditions:

Logger<?> loggerWithAandB = logger.withCondition(conditionA).withCondition(conditionB);


You can use conditions in an individual statement:, "Only log if foo is present");


Conditions can also be used in blocks for expensive objects.

if (logger.isInfoEnabled(condition)) {
  // only true if condition and is info  

Dynamic Conditions with Scripts

One of the limitations of logging is that it's not that easy to change logging levels in an application at run-time. In modern applications, you typically have complex inputs and may want to enable logging for some very specific inputs without turning on your logging globally.

Script Conditions lets you tie your conditions to scripts that you can change and re-evaluate at runtime.

The security concerns surrounding Groovy or Javascript make them unsuitable in a logging environment. Fortunately, Echopraxia provides a Tweakflow script integration that lets you evaluate logging statements safely.

Because Scripting has a dependency on Tweakflow, it is broken out into a distinct library that you must add to your build.




implementation "com.tersesystems.echopraxia:scripting:1.0.0" 

File Based Scripts

Creating a script condition is done with ScriptCondition.create:

import com.tersesystems.echopraxia.scripting.*;

Path path = Paths.get("src/test/tweakflow/");
Condition condition = ScriptCondition.create(false, path, Throwable::printStackTrace);

Logger<?> logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass()).withCondition(condition);

Where contains a tweakflow script, e.g.

import * as std from "std";
alias std.strings as str;

library echopraxia {
  # level: the logging level
  # fields: the dictionary of fields
  function evaluate: (string level, dict fields) ->
    str.lower_case(fields[:person][:name]) == "will";   

Tweakflow comes with a VS Code integration, a reference guide, and a standard library that contains useful regular expression and date manipulation logic.

One important thing to note is that creating a script tied to a file will ensure that if the file is touched, the script manager will invalidate the script and recompile it. This does mean that the condition will check last modified fs metadata on every evaluation, which should be fine for most filesystems, but I have not attempted to scale this feature and I vaguely remember something odd happening on Windows NTFS LastModifiedDate. YMMV.

String Based Scripts

You also have the option of passing in a string directly, which will never touch last modified date:

Condition c = ScriptCondition.create(false, scriptString, Throwable::printStackTrace);

Custom Source Scripts

You also have the option of creating your own ScriptHandle which can be backed by whatever you like, for example you can call out to Consul or a feature flag system for script work:

ScriptHandle handle = new ScriptHandle() {
  public boolean isInvalid() {
    return callConsulToCheckWeHaveNewest();

  public String script() throws IOException {
    return callConsulForScript();
  // / path etc 
ScriptCondition.create(false, handle);

Semantic Logging

Semantic Loggers are strongly typed, and will only log a particular kind of argument. All the work of field building and setting up a message is done from setup.

Basic Usage

To set up a logger for a Person with name and age properties, you would do the following:

import com.tersesystems.echopraxia.semantic.*;

SemanticLogger<Person> logger =
        person -> " = {}, person.age = {}",
        p -> b -> Arrays.asList(b.string("name",, b.number("age", p.age)));

Person person = new Person("Eloise", 1);;


Semantic loggers take conditions in the same way that other loggers do, either through predicate:

if (logger.isInfoEnabled(condition)) {;

or directly on the method:, person);

or on the logger:



Semantic loggers can add fields to context in the same way other loggers do.

SemanticLogger<Person> loggerWithContext =
  logger.withFields(fb -> fb.onlyString("some_context_field", contextValue));


Semantic Loggers have a dependency on the api module, but do not have any implementation dependencies.




implementation "com.tersesystems.echopraxia:semantic:1.0.0" 

Fluent Logging

Fluent logging is done using a FluentLoggerFactory.

It is useful in situations where arguments may need to be built up over time.

import com.tersesystems.echopraxia.fluent.*;

FluentLogger<?> logger = FluentLoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass());

Person person = new Person("Eloise", 1);

    .message("name = {}, age = {}")
    .argument(b -> b.string("name",
    .argument(b -> b.number("age", person.age))


Fluent Loggers have a dependency on the api module, but do not have any implementation dependencies.




implementation "com.tersesystems.echopraxia:fluent:1.0.0" 

Core Logger and SLF4J API

The SLF4J API are not exposed normally. If you want to use SLF4J features like markers specifically, you will need to use a core logger.

First, import the logstash package and the core package:

import com.tersesystems.echopraxia.logstash.*;
import com.tersesystems.echopraxia.core.*;

This gets you access to the CoreLogger and CoreLoggerFactory, which is used as a backing logger.

The LogstashCoreLogger has a withMarkers method that takes an SLF4J marker:

LogstashCoreLogger core = (LogstashCoreLogger) CoreLoggerFactory.getLogger();
Logger<?> logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(core.withMarkers(MarkerFactory.getMarker("SECURITY")), Field.Builder.instance);

Likewise, you need to get at the SLF4J logger from a core logger, you can cast and call core.logger():

Logger<?> baseLogger = LoggerFactory.getLogger();
LogstashCoreLogger core = (LogstashCoreLogger) baseLogger.core();
org.slf4j.Logger slf4jLogger = core.logger();

If you have markers set as context, you can evaluate them in a condition through casting to LogstashLoggingContext:

Condition hasAnyMarkers = (level, context) -> {
   LogstashLoggingContext c = (LogstashLoggingContext) context;
   List<org.slf4j.Marker> markers = c.getMarkers();
   return markers.size() > 0;
  • Do not memoize a context result

    Do not memoize a context result

    Because a context field can contain time dependent (or state dependent) values that can change between calls, it's not appropriate to memoize the context's result -- it is "call by name"

    It might be appropriate to pass in memoized fields that are just a straight list, rather than a function -- having a field builder does make it kind of confusing sometimes.

    TODO add tests, ensure that log4j and logstash are both covered, document that context fields are call by name.

    opened by wsargent 1
  • Filters should run through array and leverage thread

    Filters should run through array and leverage thread

    Make Filters a public class, allow an array of classloaders to be passed in, finally default to the thread's context class loader.

    This is because sbt does some fancy in process class loading and so just relying on the app class loader is insufficient.

    opened by wsargent 0
  • Stop LogstashCoreLogger from using StructuredArgument.keyValue(name, throwable)

    Stop LogstashCoreLogger from using StructuredArgument.keyValue(name, throwable)

    In it says "Do NOT use structured arguments or markers for exceptions."

    The logstash implementation does pass in exception to a StructuredArgument, resulting in some large JSON objects. I think this is 7.2 behavior, but the correct thing to do is to pass in exception.toString and go from there.

    opened by wsargent 0
  • Enable with handles

    Enable with handles

    Trace logging really doesn't map very well to core logger single methods -- we want to check isEnabled, ensure that source info fields are available to conditions, but then not evaluate them if there's no condition and reuse them if they were available.

    This results in something that looks like this:

      private def handle[B: ToValue](
          level: JLevel,
          attempt: => B
      )(implicit line: Line, file: File, enc: Enclosing, args: Args): B = {
        val sourceFields = fb.sourceFields
        val extraFields = (() => fb.list(sourceFields.loggerFields).fields()).asJava
        if (core.isEnabled(level, extraFields)) {
          execute(core, level, sourceFields, attempt)
        } else {
      private def execute[B: ToValue](core: CoreLogger, level: JLevel, sourceFields: fb.SourceFields, attempt: => B): B = {
        val handle = core.logHandle(level, fb)
        handle.log(fb.enteringTemplate, entering(sourceFields))
        val result = Try(attempt)
        result match {
          case Success(ret) =>
            handle.log(fb.exitingTemplate, exiting(sourceFields, ret))
          case Failure(ex) =>
            handle.log(fb.throwingTemplate, throwing(sourceFields, ex))
        result.get // rethrow the exception

    And... well, if you call coreLogger.log() then you evaluate conditions several times (enter / exit) etc and it's just a mess.

    Doing it this way means that evaluation is down to 30 ns per evaluation (between the implicit source info and putting suppliers together) for disabled logger statements, and it limits the upper bound on field re-evaluation when it is enabled.

    opened by wsargent 0
  • add extra fields to core logger

    add extra fields to core logger

    Creating a new logger when we just want to add some extra fields in a single statement (especially source info / macro provided information) is unnecessarily expensive, especially on disabled loggers. Adding statements that allow for suppliers fills out some options for providers.

    opened by wsargent 0
  • Structured arguments in MDC

    Structured arguments in MDC


    would it be possible to put structured arguments optionally into the MDC?

    Maybe my use case is a bit special: I am using Quarkus and there you cannot easily replace jboss-logmanager with logstash, which makes everything a bit of a pain. Additionally, I want to post log entries via gelf/fluent to elastic and there is a gelf plugin for Quarkus, which includes everything put into the MDC.

    I know I can write my own wrapper or interceptor, but really would like to keep the nice field builders from Echopraxia.

    opened by unexist 6
  • 2.2.4(Nov 8, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Delay logback initialization by @wsargent in

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  • 2.2.3(Oct 20, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Update with note on Log4J API by @wsargent in
    • More Logback direct API support by @wsargent in
    • Filters should run through array and leverage thread by @wsargent in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 2.2.2(Aug 31, 2022)

    What's Changed

    Break out the underlying Logback classes from Logstash, so that "direct access" can be used as a fallback. Fix a bug in JSON exception rendering using Logstash StructuredArgument where exception was being rendered a full nested JSON object.

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
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  • 2.2.1(Aug 29, 2022)

    What's Changed

    Added Condition.booleanMatch/objectMatch/*match for better direct matching. Added a type safe Values.equals static method. Also opened up the Logstash / Log4J constructors, so that it's easier to wrap Logback Logger / ExtendedLogger directly into a core logger.

    • Open the core logger constructors by @wsargent in
    • Add more condition matches by @wsargent in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 2.2.0(Aug 13, 2022)

    What's Changed

    Add diff field builder, break out Jackson module so it can be used distinct from logstash, upgrade log4j2.

    • Move Jackson to distinct module by @wsargent in
    • Upgrade to log4j2 2.18.0 by @wsargent in
    • Add diff field builder by @wsargent in

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    Source code(zip)
  • 2.1.0(Jul 1, 2022)

    What's Changed

    Changes to CoreLogger API to allow for more flexible loggers in echopraxia-plusscala. Some optimizations.

    • Add extraFields parameter to CoreLogger methods. #201
    • Document "call-by-name" semantics on logger.withFields. #188
    • Expose getArgumentFields() and getLoggerFields() methods on LoggingContext. #197
    • Upgrade logstash-logback-encoder to 7.2 #203
    • Add coreLogger.logHandle for loggers that may log multiple times internally when called. #202
    • Fix a bug where withFields was being memoized and evaluated once. #187

    Full Changelog:

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    Source code(zip)
  • 2.0.1(May 21, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Optimizations for Value by @wsargent in
    • findList returns singletonList if an element is found by @wsargent in
    • Rename to by @wsargent in
    • Equals methods on values and fields by @wsargent in
    • Update number values with comparable by @wsargent in
    • Fix exceptions not showing as arguments in logstash by @wsargent in
    • Fill out numbers methods by @wsargent in
    • Make null number default to zero by @wsargent in

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    Source code(zip)
  • 2.0.0(May 7, 2022)

  • 1.4.1(May 1, 2022)

    Fix bug where withThreadLocal supplier was wiped out by withFields in AsyncLogger.

    Full Changelog:

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    Source code(zip)
  • 1.4.0(Mar 17, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Throwable should count as an argument by @wsargent in
    • Memoize context fields by @wsargent in
    • Implement JSONPath in context by @wsargent in
    • Add context and jsonpath operations in scripting by @wsargent in
    • Add withThreadLocal method for async TLS by @wsargent in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.3.0(Feb 25, 2022)

    What's Changed


    • Added filters for global core logger configuration.
    • Add arguments in as fields for evaluation of conditions

    Tweaks and Fixes

    • Add convenience methods for comparing levels.
    • Add convenience methods for conditions (anyMatch, noneMatch, valueMatch, operational, diagnostic)
    • Rearrange interfaces to make creating new logger APIs easier
    • Add AsyncLoggerFactory and deprecate logger.withExecutor as it returns an AsyncLogger from a Logger
    • Add logger.getName() to Logger interfaces
    • Fix caller info on AsyncLogger and add documentation for configuring it.


    • Add getName to Logger by @wsargent in
    • Add filters by @wsargent in
    • Add arguments in as context to conditions by @wsargent in
    • Create interfaces by @wsargent in
    • Point everything to AsyncLoggerFactory by @wsargent in
    • Clean up tests by @wsargent in
    • Document async logger caller info by @wsargent in
    • Add shields by @wsargent in
    • reformat by @wsargent in
    • Use transforming appender by @wsargent in
    • Reorder level enum by @wsargent in
    • Add boolean conditions by @wsargent in
    • Delete example by @wsargent in

    Full Changelog:

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    Source code(zip)
  • 1.2.0(Feb 6, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Value API now returns the specific case, i.e. StringValue rather than Value<String>.
    • Values and fields are robust against null names and values, and will not throw exceptions.
    • IntelliJ annotations are added so everything is @NotNull or @Nullable respectively.
    • Asynchronous logging added with withExecutor, for use with expensive conditions or logging.
    • Pass fully qualified class name into logging API for better caller info in Logback/Log4J.
    • Always evaluate logger.isEnabled before checking condition in core logger (levels/filters will be cheaper)
    • Optimizations to remove streams in some places.
    • Optimize to use NeverLogger on a never condition, removing all runtime cost of logging
    • Use a thread local string builder in field/value message argument, reducing allocation pressure.
    • Fill out the example application to use async logging, console/file appenders, colors, and JUL bridge.

    Full Changelog:

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  • 1.1.3(Jan 26, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Add fromContext to pull MDC into fields by @wsargent in
    • Fix an incorrect info guard bug by @wsargent in
    • Redo logstash serialization through Jackson module, fixing Logstash complex object bug by @wsargent in
    • Curly braces for objects in logfmt based line messages by @wsargent in
    • Add some extra convenience methods in Field and Value by @wsargent in
    • Add some notes on onlyException by @wsargent in

    Full Changelog:

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    Source code(zip)
  • 1.1.2(Jan 23, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Fix bug where context was not evaluated lazily by @wsargent in
    • Add value check to script manager by @wsargent in
    • Fix bug where predicate didn't check for marker by @wsargent in
    • Fix bug where context fields were not added for Log4J single-arg methods by @wsargent in
    • Add extra JSON resolvers for log4j by @wsargent in
    • Log4J optimizations and benchmarks by @wsargent in
    • Safer ScriptManager concurrency by @wsargent in

    Full Changelog:

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    Source code(zip)
  • 1.1.1(Jan 19, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Ensure lazy context by @wsargent in
    • Add value check to script manager by @wsargent in
    • Ensure that predicate checks for marker by @wsargent in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.1.0(Jan 18, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • JMH by @wsargent in
    • More JMH by @wsargent in
    • Add fluent predicates by @wsargent in
    • Fill out the README by @wsargent in
    • Add scripting benchmarks by @wsargent in
    • Add benchmarks for string condition by @wsargent in
    • File watching module by @wsargent in
    • Optimize script execution by @wsargent in
    • Tweakflow conversion by @wsargent in
    • Add log4j implementation by @wsargent in
    • Richer Field Builders by @wsargent in
    • Implement value field by @wsargent in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.0.0(Jan 2, 2022)

  • 0.0.3(Jan 1, 2022)

  • 0.0.2(Jan 1, 2022)

  • 0.0.1(Dec 29, 2021)

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