A Spring Security based Authentication microservice with MySQL


Spring Security Microservice using JWT and MySQL


This is an open source, production-ready application that provides role-based user authentication. The application uses Spring Security in combination with JWT to authenticate users.

The application is ready to be used for your security and can be extended easily.


The application requires the below to tools installed to run:

  • Java 8
  • Maven
  • MySQL

Requests / Endpoints

The application exposes various endpoints. A postman collection is added in the project within postman-collection.json file.

Here is the list of all the endpoints:

  1. Register User (POST)

URI: /auth/register

    "username" : "thegeekyasian",
    "password" : "password",
    "confirm_password" : "password"
  1. Login User (POST)

URI: /auth/login

    "username" : "thegeekyasian",
    "password" : "password"
  1. Refresh Token (POST)

URI: /auth/refresh

   "refresh_token" : "REFRESH_TOKEN_HERE"
  1. Change Password (POST)

URI: /users/change-password

Headers: Authorization: Bearer AUTH_TOKEN_HERE

    "password" : "current_password",
    "new_password" : "updated_password",
    "confirm_new_password" : "updated_password"
  1. Get Current User (GET)

URI: /users/me

Headers: Authorization: Bearer AUTH_TOKEN_HERE


For any questions, assistance or to report any issues, please reach out to [email protected]

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