Android processing and secured library for managing SharedPreferences as key-value elements efficiently and structurally.



Android processing and secured library for managing SharedPreferences as key-value elements efficiently and structurally.

1. Depend on our library

Memo Library is available through Maven Repository. To use it:

  1. Open the build.gradle file for your application.
  2. Make sure that the repositories section includes Maven Repository mavenCentral(). For example:
  allprojects {
    repositories {
  1. Add the library to the dependencies section:
dependencies {
    // ...

    // declare memo version
    def memo_version = "x.y.z"

    // Memo Library
    // Required if you want to use the injector
    // For kotlin projects use kapt instead of annotationProcessor

    // ...

2. Usage

2.1 Initialize

With Context


Without Context (the context is retrieved from the ContextProvider at runtime)


2.2 Library Calls

Save any type (Any object, primitives, lists, sets, maps ...)

Memo.put(key, T);

Get the original value with the original type

T value = Memo.get(key);

Delete any entry


Check if any key exists


Check total entry count


Delete everything


2.3 Customize the Library at initialisation

  • Everything is pluggable, therefore you can change any layer with your custom implementation.
  • NoEncryption implementation is provided out of box If you want to disable crypto.
  .setEncryption(new NoEncryption())
  // encryption_string is used to encrypt the data and is required
  .setEncryption(new ConcealEncryption(encryption_string))
  .setLogInterceptor(new MyLogInterceptor())
  .setConverter(new MyConverter())
  .setParser(new MyParser())
  .setStorage(new MyStorage())

3. Injector

3.1 Build MemoEntity Class

 * the entity generated will be named UserProfile_MemoEntity
 * it was annotated with @MemoEntity("UserProfile")
 * the entity will be encrypted using the "G15y3aV9M8d" key
 * it was annotated with @EncryptEntity("G15y3aV9M8d")
public class User

     * the default value will be "zeoflow"
     * generated field will be named username
     * this field is observable
     * it was annotated with @Observable
    protected final String userUsername = "zeoflow";

     * generated field name will be login - lowerCamel
     * this field will have its own onChangedListener
     * it was annotated with @Listener
    protected final boolean login = false;

    /* the default value will be 1 */
    protected final int viewsCount = 1;

    /* the default value will be null */
    protected PrivateInfo privateInfo;

     * preference putter function for userUsername.
     * @param userUsername function in
     * @return function out
    public String putUserUsernameFunction(String userUsername)
        return "Hello, " + userUsername;

     * preference getter function for userUsername.
     * @param userUsername function in
     * @return function out
    public String getUserUsernameFunction(String userUsername)
        return userUsername + "!!!";

     * preference putter function example for visitCount's auto increment.
     * @param count function in
     * @return function out
    public int putVisitCountFunction(int count)
        return ++count;

     * preference getter compound function for following fields.
     * Params declared inside @MemoCompoundFunction's annotation
     * @param username function in
     * @param views function in
     * @return $username $views
    @MemoCompoundFunction(values = {"username", "views"})
    public String getUserViews(String username, int views)
        return username + " " + views;

     * preference getter compound function for following fields.
     * Params declared inside @MemoCompoundFunction's annotation
     * @param userinfo function in
     * @return $first_name $last_name
    @MemoCompoundFunction(values = {"userinfo"})
    public String getFullName(PrivateInfo userinfo)
        return userinfo.getFirstName() + " " + userinfo.getLastName();

     * preference getter compound function for following fields.
     * Params declared inside @MemoCompoundFunction's annotation
     * @param userinfo function in
     * @param views function in
     * @return $first_name $last_name, views count $views
    @MemoCompoundFunction(values = {"userinfo", "views"})
    public String getFullNameAndViews(PrivateInfo userinfo, int views)
        return userinfo.getFirstName() + " " + userinfo.getLastName() + ", views count: " + views;


3.2 Helper Class for Memo's injector

Create injector class

 * Component that integrates memo entities; it must be an interface
 * and annotated with @MemoComponent. The generated class will end in
 * $_Memo (generated class for this interface will be AppStorage_Memo
 * inside this Memo manager, the following MemoEntities are injected:
 * - User
 * - Country
@MemoComponent(entities = {User.class, Country.class})
public interface AppStorage

     * declare dependency injection target MaiActivity.
    void inject(MainActivity mainActivity);

     * declare dependency injection target LoginActivity.
    void inject(LoginActivity loginActivity);


Create variables that needs to be injected by the AppStorage_Memo

public AppStorage_Memo component;
public UserProfile_MemoEntity userProfile;

Inject MainActivity in the AppStorage_Memo

AppStorage_Memo.getInstance().inject((MainActivity) this);

Access MemoEntity from Memo Component


Put value inside userProfile


Add change listener for login

userProfile.addLoginListeners(new UserProfile_MemoEntity.LoginIOnChangedListener()
    public void onChanged(boolean login)
        // do something

Add observable for the username field

component.userProfile().usernameObserver((LifecycleOwner) this, new Observer<String>()
    public void onChanged(String username)
        // do something here


Copyright (C) 2021 ZeoFlow S.R.L.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

🏆 Contributors 🏆

  • AutoGenerate class-ready for `@Hilt`

    AutoGenerate class-ready for `@Hilt`

    Table of Contents

    Link to GitHub issues it solves

    closes #58


    AutoGenerate class-ready for @Hilt

    Contributing has more information and tips for a great pull request.
    @priority-low @issue @feature 
    opened by teogor 2
  • SDK & Environment Improvement

    SDK & Environment Improvement

    Table of Contents

    Link to GitHub issues it solves

    closes #52


    Migrated to java 11 and fixed the maven deployment

    Contributing has more information and tips for a great pull request.
    @environment @priority-high @issue @feature @dependency-update 
    opened by teogor 2
  • Fixed problem with casting int to long

    Fixed problem with casting int to long

    Table of Contents

    Link to GitHub issues it solves

    closes #53


    Fixed casting between Generic Type (T) stored as Integer to Long

    Contributing has more information and tips for a great pull request.
    @priority-high @issue @bug-fix 
    opened by teogor 2
  • InheritAnnotations from parent field

    InheritAnnotations from parent field

    Table of Contents

    Link to GitHub issues it solves

    closes #51


    InheritAnnotations from parent field

    Contributing has more information and tips for a great pull request.
    @priority-high @issue @bug-fix 
    opened by teogor 2
  • Changed the encryption/decryption procedure

    Changed the encryption/decryption procedure

    Table of Contents

    Link to GitHub issues it solves

    closes #49


    Changed the encryption/decryption procedure

    • removed facebook conceal
    Contributing has more information and tips for a great pull request.
    @priority-critical @issue @bug-fix 
    opened by teogor 2
  • Generate MemoClass of type `T`

    Generate MemoClass of type `T`

    Table of Contents

    Link to GitHub issues it solves

    closes #44


    Generate MemoClass of type T

    Contributing has more information and tips for a great pull request.
    @priority-low @issue @bug-fix 
    opened by teogor 2
  • JavaDoc improved for the generated classes

    JavaDoc improved for the generated classes

    Table of Contents

    Link to GitHub issues it solves

    closes #42


    Improved the javadoc for the generated classes

    Contributing has more information and tips for a great pull request.
    @documentation @priority-very-low @issue @bug-fix 
    opened by teogor 2
  • Added `I` before interface name

    Added `I` before interface name

    Table of Contents

    Link to GitHub issues it solves

    closes #17


    Added I before interface name

    Contributing has more information and tips for a great pull request.
    @priority-medium @issue @feature 
    opened by teogor 2
  • Created docs for the injector

    Created docs for the injector

    Table of Contents

    Link to GitHub issues it solves

    closes #8


    Created docs for the injector

    Contributing has more information and tips for a great pull request.
    @documentation @priority-high @issue 
    opened by teogor 2
  • Fixed LogInterceptor bug

    Fixed LogInterceptor bug

    Table of Contents

    Link to GitHub issues it solves

    closes #28


    Fixed LogInterceptor bug

    Contributing has more information and tips for a great pull request.
    @priority-very-low @issue @bug-fix 
    opened by teogor 2
  • `@KeyName` empty or null than the field will be camel-lowercase

    `@KeyName` empty or null than the field will be camel-lowercase

    Table of Contents

    Link to GitHub issues it solves

    closes #27


    @KeyName empty or null than the field will be camel-lowercase

    Contributing has more information and tips for a great pull request.
    @priority-very-low @issue @bug-fix 
    opened by teogor 2
  • Unsafe Encryption Mode Usage

    Unsafe Encryption Mode Usage

    Description: Remediation for Unsafe Encryption Mode Usage This information is intended for developers with app(s) that contain encryption employing the less secure mode AES/ECB. Encrypting content using this weak mode can lead to weak ciphertexts, and potentially put user data at risk. Location(s) of the less secure encryption modes in your app can be found in the Play Console notification for your app.

    To help us triage faster, please check to make sure you are using the latest version of the library.
    We also happily accept pull requests.
    @bug @security @priority-high 
    opened by teogor 0
  • `@KeyName` is not a suitable name

    `@KeyName` is not a suitable name

    Description: @KeyName is not a suitable name therefore it should be renamed to StoreKey because this element represents the value that binds the element to the storage

    To help us triage faster, please check to make sure you are using the latest version of the library.
    We also happily accept pull requests.
    @bug @priority-very-low 
    opened by teogor 0
  • Default value for injector

    Default value for injector

    Description: Default value for memo's injector

    To help us triage faster, please check to make sure you are using the latest version of the library.
    We also happily accept pull requests.
    @bug @priority-low 
    opened by teogor 0
  • @MemoCompoundFunction to set values

    @MemoCompoundFunction to set values

    Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. @MemoCompoundFunction to set values

    Describe the solution you'd like For the time being the @MemoCompoundFunction annotation can be used only for get methods

    We also happily accept pull requests.
    @priority-medium @feature 
    opened by teogor 0
  • v1.3.2(Oct 27, 2022)


    - Bug Fixes

    Fixed bug that breaks the build when applying Hilt (#65) by @teogor

    - Others

    Updated algorithm for encryption (#64) by @teogor

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.3.1(Jul 3, 2022)


    - Enhancement

    AutoGenerate class-ready for @Hilt (#59) by @teogor

    - Bug Fixes

    Fixed Wrong-Key format (#62) by @teogor

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.3.0(Jun 30, 2022)


    - Maintenance

    Added kotlin modules (#57) by @teogor

    - Documentation

    Added kotlin modules (#57) by @teogor

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.2.0(Jan 13, 2022)


    - Enhancement

    SDK & Environment Improvements (#56) by @TeodorHMX1

    - Bug Fixes

    Fixed problem with casting int to long (#55) by @TeodorHMX1 InheritAnnotations from parent field (#54) by @TeodorHMX1

    - Dependency Updates

    SDK & Environment Improvement (#56) by @TeodorHMX1

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.1.7(Apr 24, 2021)

  • v1.1.6(Apr 15, 2021)


    - Bug Fixes

    Generate MemoClass of type T (#46) by @TeodorHMX1 JavaDoc improved for the generated classes (#45) by @TeodorHMX1

    - Documentation

    JavaDoc improved for the generated classes (#45) by @TeodorHMX1

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.1.5(Apr 13, 2021)


    - Enhancement

    Added I before interface name (#41) by @TeodorHMX1

    - Documentation

    Created docs for the injector (#40) by @TeodorHMX1

    - Others

    Environment prepared for v1.1.5 (#43) by @TeodorHMX1

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.1.4(Apr 12, 2021)

  • v1.1.3(Apr 12, 2021)


    - Bug Fixes

    Fixed dependencies for the memo-annotation module (#36) by @TeodorHMX1 @KeyName empty or null than the field will be camel-lowercase (#35) by @TeodorHMX1

    - Dependency Updates

    Fixed dependencies for the memo-annotation module (#36) by @TeodorHMX1

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.1.2(Apr 11, 2021)

  • v1.1.1(Apr 11, 2021)

  • v1.1.0(Apr 11, 2021)


    - Enhancement

    Camel low case name entity memo (#26) by @TeodorHMX1 Created @MemoCompoundFunction for getting values (#25) by @TeodorHMX1 Relevant names added (#16) by @TeodorHMX1

    - Bug Fixes

    Docs name mismatch fix (#20) by @TeodorHMX1 AES Encryptor Deleted (#14) by @TeodorHMX1 Removed TypeConverter (#13) by @TeodorHMX1 Private methods deleted (#11) by @TeodorHMX1

    - Documentation

    Demo content updated (#21) by @TeodorHMX1 Docs name mismatch fix (#20) by @TeodorHMX1 Docs created (#7) by @TeodorHMX1

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.0.0(Apr 10, 2021)


    - Maintenance

    Files deployed (#5) by @TeodorHMX1 add TeodorHMX1 as a contributor (#4) by @zeobot[bot] Created buildSrc folder (#2) by @TeodorHMX1 ZeoBot's Environment Prepared (#1) by @TeodorHMX1 and @zeobot[bot]

    - Documentation

    add TeodorHMX1 as a contributor (#4) by @zeobot[bot]

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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