A headless browser written in Java.



A headless browser written in Java.

HBrowser hBrowser = new HBrowser();
HWindow hWindow = hBrowser.openNewWindow().load("https://wikipedia.org");


Why contribute?

I tried multiple different things like JCEF, Pandomium, Selenium, Selenium based Maven dependencies like JWebdriver, HtmlUnit and maybe some more I don't remember now, but all have one thing in common. They have some kind of very nasty caveat.

That's why this project exists, to create a completely new browser, not dependent on Chromium or Waterfox or whatever, written in Java, compatible with all operating systems that can run Java. We use Jsoup to handle HTML and the GraalJS engine to handle JavaScript.

Now you may ask: Why do you need my help? Our problem is that most of the JavaScript code out there uses so called Web-APIs , which get shipped with each browser. Every browser implements them differently , but they are more or less the same accross all browsers. Since this projects aim is to create a new browser written in Java, completly independent from Chromium, we will need to implement those APIs by ourselfs.

There are a lot of Web-APIs available, so we need a lot of people to implement them. If you want to help us, thank you very much, already in advance! Click here to see a list of already implemented APIs and how to implement one on your own. If you are working on an implementation open an issue to keep track of who is working on what and avoid duplicate work.



  • Free & Open-Source
  • Uses Jsoup for editing HTML directly in Java.
  • Uses the blazing fast GraalJS-Engine, which supports latest JavaScript code (with latest ECMA specifications).
  • Access to all JS-Web APIs from within Java
  • Has all, standard JavaScript Web-APIs implemented.



If you have never contributed before, we recommend this Beginners Article. If you are planning to make big changes, create an issue first, where you explain what you want to do. Thank you in advance for every contribution! If you don't know how to import a GitHub project, check out this guide: IntelliJ IDEA Cloning Guide







  • java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.Exception: node.exe couldn't be found in

    java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.Exception: node.exe couldn't be found in

    import com.osiris.headlessbrowser.HBrowser; import com.osiris.headlessbrowser.windows.PlaywrightWindow;

    public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { HBrowser hBrowser = new HBrowser(); try (PlaywrightWindow window = hBrowser.openWindow()) { window.load("https://example.com"); System.out.println(window.getInnerHtml()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }

    Error during installation of NodeJS. Details: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.Exception: node.exe couldn't be found in D:\Projects\WebDriverPleaseWork\headless-browser\node-js\download.zip at com.osiris.headlessbrowser.windows.PlaywrightWindow.(PlaywrightWindow.java:192) at com.osiris.headlessbrowser.windows.WindowBuilder.buildPlaywrightWindow(WindowBuilder.java:79) at com.osiris.headlessbrowser.HBrowser.openWindow(HBrowser.java:30) at Main.main(Main.java:7) Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.Exception: node.exe couldn't be found in D:\Projects\WebDriverPleaseWork\headless-browser\node-js\download.zip at com.osiris.headlessbrowser.js.contexts.NodeContext.(NodeContext.java:151) at com.osiris.headlessbrowser.windows.PlaywrightWindow.(PlaywrightWindow.java:58) ... 3 more Caused by: java.lang.Exception: node.exe couldn't be found in D:\Projects\WebDriverPleaseWork\headless-browser\node-js\download.zip at com.osiris.headlessbrowser.js.contexts.NodeContext.(NodeContext.java:144) ... 4 more

    Process finished with exit code 0

    opened by empty-person 8
  • Growing node.exe memory

    Growing node.exe memory

    Hi, in Windows machine I'm testing a loop with 2 load method with Playwright browser and I note that the process node.exe still grow without ever release. Is it correct? Is there some trick to release it?

    opened by nocelab 6
  • java.lang.RuntimeException: java.io.IOException: Stream closed

    java.lang.RuntimeException: java.io.IOException: Stream closed

    Error during start of NodeJS! Details:

    java.lang.RuntimeException: java.io.IOException: Stream closed java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.io.IOException: Stream closed at com.osiris.headlessbrowser.js.contexts.NodeContext.(NodeContext.java:164) at com.osiris.headlessbrowser.windows.PlaywrightWindow.(PlaywrightWindow.java:56) at com.osiris.headlessbrowser.windows.WindowBuilder.buildPlaywrightWindow(WindowBuilder.java:81) Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.io.IOException: Stream closed at com.osiris.headlessbrowser.js.contexts.NodeContext.executeJavaScript(NodeContext.java:436) at com.osiris.headlessbrowser.js.contexts.NodeContext.executeJavaScript(NodeContext.java:342) at com.osiris.headlessbrowser.js.contexts.NodeContext.(NodeContext.java:149) ... 87 more Caused by: java.io.IOException: Stream closed at java.base/java.lang.ProcessBuilder$NullOutputStream.write(ProcessBuilder.java:442) at java.base/java.io.OutputStream.write(OutputStream.java:157) at java.base/java.io.BufferedOutputStream.flushBuffer(BufferedOutputStream.java:81) at java.base/java.io.BufferedOutputStream.flush(BufferedOutputStream.java:142) at com.osiris.headlessbrowser.js.contexts.NodeContext.writeLine(NodeContext.java:327) at com.osiris.headlessbrowser.js.contexts.NodeContext.executeJavaScriptFromFile(NodeContext.java:512) at com.osiris.headlessbrowser.js.contexts.NodeContext.executeJavaScript(NodeContext.java:401) ... 89 more

    opened by rofleksey 2
  • Click with promise.All

    Click with promise.All

    I'm testing site navigation with Playwright codegen mode (https://playwright.dev/docs/codegen) and I note that some click produce something like:

    await Promise.all([

    I have a spefic page where this is importat because of some async RestAPI calls. How could be handle it with HBrowser?

    opened by nocelab 2
  • Two suggestions: screenshots, and table-of-features

    Two suggestions: screenshots, and table-of-features

    I suggest two things:

    (1) add screenshots, no matter how incomplete it is so far, ideally of some simple website, and then perhaps also at some later point a more complicated web site

    (2) for attracting devs, I'd recommend a table of implemented (and missing) features. That way people can quickly look at what needs work and can invest a little bit of time perhaps when they see amount of work required for this or that feature

    Just two suggestions! Please feel free to ignore this or close it at any moment in time for any reason.

    opened by rubyFeedback 1
  • Cause: java.io.IOException: Stream closed (in NodeContext)

    Cause: java.io.IOException: Stream closed (in NodeContext)

    [29-03-2022 09:11:58][SPPU][WARN] Cause-Stacktrace: [29-03-2022 09:11:58][SPPU][WARN] com.osiris.headlessbrowser.js.contexts.NodeContext.executeJavaScript(NodeContext.java:398) [29-03-2022 09:11:58][SPPU][WARN] com.osiris.headlessbrowser.js.contexts.NodeContext.executeJavaScript(NodeContext.java:304) [29-03-2022 09:11:58][SPPU][WARN] com.osiris.headlessbrowser.js.contexts.NodeContext.(NodeContext.java:195) [29-03-2022 09:11:58][SPPU][WARN] com.osiris.headlessbrowser.windows.PlaywrightWindow.(PlaywrightWindow.java:57) [29-03-2022 09:11:58][SPPU][WARN] com.osiris.headlessbrowser.windows.WindowBuilder.buildPlaywrightWindow(WindowBuilder.java:75) [29-03-2022 09:11:58][SPPU][WARN] com.osiris.SPPU.plugins.TaskPluginsUpdater.runAtStart(TaskPluginsUpdater.java:285) [29-03-2022 09:11:58][SPPU][WARN] com.osiris.betterthread.BetterThread.run(BetterThread.java:153)

    opened by Osiris-Team 0
  • .dyml files saved on windows produce wrong values because of \r\n

    .dyml files saved on windows produce wrong values because of \r\n

    Example .dyml file saved on windows:

    key value\r\n

    Expected value: value Actual value: value\r

    Note that \r and \n stand for carriage return and next line, and are invisible chars also called control chars.

    opened by Osiris-Team 0
  • Fix error on NodeWindow close

    Fix error on NodeWindow close

    Executing following JS-Code: await browser.close();
    Writing line to NodeJS context: .load D:\Coding\JAVA\Headless-Browser\NodeJS-Installation\node-v16.10.0-win-x64\temp-1040366024.js
    [Node-JS-ERROR] Error: glob dependency not found, set `options.disableGlob = true` if intentional
    [Node-JS-ERROR]     at defaults (D:\Coding\JAVA\Headless-Browser\node_modules\rimraf\rimraf.js:42:11)
    [Node-JS-ERROR]     at rimraf (D:\Coding\JAVA\Headless-Browser\node_modules\rimraf\rimraf.js:60:3)
    [Node-JS-ERROR]     at node:internal/util:363:7
    [Node-JS-ERROR]     at new Promise (<anonymous>)
    [Node-JS-ERROR]     at rimraf (node:internal/util:349:12)
    [Node-JS-ERROR]     at ChildProcess.<anonymous> (D:\Coding\JAVA\Headless-Browser\node_modules\puppeteer\lib\cjs\puppeteer\node\BrowserRunner.js:99:21)
    [Node-JS-ERROR]     at Object.onceWrapper (node:events:510:26)
    [com.osiris.headlessbrowser.NodeContext@61cc61f9] > > > > > > > Uncaught:
    [Node-JS-ERROR]     at ChildProcess.emit (node:events:390:28)
    [Node-JS-ERROR]     at ChildProcess.emit (node:domain:537:15)
    [Node-JS-ERROR]     at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (node:internal/child_process:290:12)
    [com.osiris.headlessbrowser.NodeContext@61cc61f9] Error: glob dependency not found, set `options.disableGlob = true` if intentional
    [com.osiris.headlessbrowser.NodeContext@61cc61f9]     at defaults (D:\Coding\JAVA\Headless-Browser\node_modules\rimraf\rimraf.js:42:11)
    [com.osiris.headlessbrowser.NodeContext@61cc61f9]     at rimraf (D:\Coding\JAVA\Headless-Browser\node_modules\rimraf\rimraf.js:60:3)
    [com.osiris.headlessbrowser.NodeContext@61cc61f9]     at node:internal/util:363:7
    [com.osiris.headlessbrowser.NodeContext@61cc61f9]     at new Promise (<anonymous>)
    [com.osiris.headlessbrowser.NodeContext@61cc61f9]     at rimraf (node:internal/util:349:12)
    [com.osiris.headlessbrowser.NodeContext@61cc61f9]     at ChildProcess.<anonymous> (D:\Coding\JAVA\Headless-Browser\node_modules\puppeteer\lib\cjs\puppeteer\node\BrowserRunner.js:99:21)
    [com.osiris.headlessbrowser.NodeContext@61cc61f9]     at Object.onceWrapper (node:events:510:26)
    [com.osiris.headlessbrowser.NodeContext@61cc61f9]     at ChildProcess.emit (node:events:390:28)
    [com.osiris.headlessbrowser.NodeContext@61cc61f9]     at ChildProcess.emit (node:domain:537:15)
    [com.osiris.headlessbrowser.NodeContext@61cc61f9]     at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (node:internal/child_process:290:12)
    [com.osiris.headlessbrowser.NodeContext@61cc61f9] > 
    Process finished with exit code 0
    opened by Osiris-Team 0
  • Fix NodeJs issues

    Fix NodeJs issues

    Initialising NodeJS... SUCCESS!
    Node-JS was started from: C:\Coding\Java\Headless-Browser\NodeJS-Installation\node-v16.10.0-win-x64\node.exe
    Writing line to NodeJS context: const executeJavaScriptAndGetResult = null;
    [NPM-INSTALL] Installing 'puppeteer'...
    [Node-JS] Welcome to Node.js v16.10.0.
    [Node-JS] Type ".help" for more information.
    [Node-JS] > > > undefined
    [NPM] up to date, audited 95 packages in 2s
    [NPM] 9 packages are looking for funding
    [NPM]   run `npm fund` for details
    [NPM] found 0 vulnerabilities
    [NPM-INSTALL] Installed 'puppeteer' successfully!
    START ===>
    // Writing line(s) to NodeJS context:
    const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');const browser = await puppeteer.launch();
    const page = await browser.newPage();
    END <===
    Writing line to NodeJS context: await page.goto('https://example.com');
    START ===>
    // Writing line(s) to NodeJS context:
    executeJavaScriptAndGetResult = function() {
    var result = await page.evaluate(() => document.body.innerHTML);
    var fs = require('fs')
    fs.writeFile('C:\Coding\Java\Headless-Browser\NodeJS-Installation\node-v16.10.0-win-x64\executeJavaScriptAndGetResult.txt', result, err => {
      if (err) {
      //file written successfully
    };executeJavaScriptAndGetResult();executeJavaScriptAndGetResult = null;
    END <===
    [Node-JS] > > > > > > Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'newPage')
    [Node-JS]     at REPL5:1:53
    [Node-JS] > > > > > > ... ... ... ..... ....... ....... ....... ..... ..... ... Uncaught SyntaxError: 
    [Node-JS] var result = await page.evaluate(() => document.body.innerHTML);
    [Node-JS]                    ^
    [Node-JS] Unexpected token 'p'
    [Node-JS] > > Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'goto')
    [Node-JS]     at REPL8:1:35
    [Node-JS] > undefined
    opened by Osiris-Team 0
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