Version 2.02.03 February 2022
Some minor bug fixes following our migration to GitHub. Note that the older Bug numbers only refer to bugs reported on the SVN site. New bugs and issues are logged on GitHub at GitHub issue number are referred to with a # symbol
#6 Threading Hydrophone Locator: was not working correctly in the latest release V2.02.02. The problem was particularly apparent in Viewer mode but may have given false array locations in normal mode under some circumstances. This has been fixed
#11 Matched Click Classifier: fixed bug which caused crash running in real time. Added template names based on file names.
#13 Merging files when offline processing file folders: Had an error introduced in last release which caused it to fail to recognise gaps between files, meaning that some output data (i.e. after a gap) would have an incorrect time stamp. This did not affect data if the ‘merge contiguous files’ option was not selected.
#14 Logger forms data were not plotting correctly. This was due to the required data selection functions not being fully implemented. This is now fixed and it should be possible to select what to plot based on selections from drop down lists within any form.
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