Record builder generator for Java records


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What is RecordBuilder

Java 16 introduces Records. While this version of records is fantastic, it's currently missing some important features normally found in data classes: a builder and "with"ers. This project is an annotation processor that creates:

  • a companion builder class for Java records
  • an interface that adds "with" copy methods
  • an annotation that generates a Java record from an Interface template


RecordBuilder Example

public record NameAndAge(String name, int age){}

This will generate a builder class that can be used ala:

// build from components
NameAndAge n1 = NameAndAgeBuilder.builder().name(aName).age(anAge).build();

// generate a copy with a changed value
NameAndAge n2 = NameAndAgeBuilder.builder(n1).age(newAge).build(); // name is the same as the name in n1

// pass to other methods to set components
var builder = new NameAndAgeBuilder();
NameAndAge n3 =;

// use the generated static constructor/builder
import static NameAndAgeBuilder.NameAndAge;
var n4 = NameAndAge("hey", 42);

Wither Example

public record NameAndAge(String name, int age) implements NameAndAgeBuilder.With {}

In addition to creating a builder, your record is enhanced by "wither" methods ala:

NameAndAge r1 = new NameAndAge("foo", 123);
NameAndAge r2 = r1.withName("bar");
NameAndAge r3 = r2.withAge(456);

// access the builder as well
NameAndAge r4 = r3.with().age(101).name("baz").build();

// alternate method of accessing the builder (note: no need to call "build()")
NameAndAge r5 = r4.with(b -> b.age(200).name("whatever"));

// perform some logic in addition to changing values
NameAndAge r5 = r4.with(b -> {
   if (b.age() > 13) {"Teen " +;
   } else {"whatever"));

// or, if you cannot add the "With" interface to your record...
NameAndAge r6 = NameAndAgeBuilder.from(r5).with(b -> b.age(200).name("whatever"));
NameAndAge r7 = NameAndAgeBuilder.from(r5).withName("boop");

Hat tip to Benji Weber for the Withers idea.

Builder Class Definition

(Note: you can see a builder class built using @RecordBuilderFull here:

The full builder class is defined as:

public class NameAndAgeBuilder {
  private String name;

  private int age;

  private NameAndAgeBuilder() {

  private NameAndAgeBuilder(String name, int age) { = name;
    this.age = age;

   * Static constructor/builder. Can be used instead of new NameAndAge(...)
  public static NameAndAge NameAndAge(String name, int age) {
    return new NameAndAge(name, age);

   * Return a new builder with all fields set to default Java values
  public static NameAndAgeBuilder builder() {
    return new NameAndAgeBuilder();

   * Return a new builder with all fields set to the values taken from the given record instance
  public static NameAndAgeBuilder builder(NameAndAge from) {
    return new NameAndAgeBuilder(, from.age());

   * Return a "with"er for an existing record instance
  public static NameAndAgeBuilder.With from(NameAndAge from) {
    return new NameAndAgeBuilder.With() {
      public String name() {

      public int age() {
        return from.age();

   * Return a stream of the record components as map entries keyed with the component name and the value as the component value
  public static Stream<Map.Entry<String, Object>> stream(NameAndAge record) {
    return Stream.of(Map.entry("name",,
            Map.entry("age", record.age()));

   * Return a new record instance with all fields set to the current values in this builder
  public NameAndAge build() {
    return new NameAndAge(name, age);

  public String toString() {
    return "NameAndAgeBuilder[name=" + name + ", age=" + age + "]";

  public int hashCode() {
    return Objects.hash(name, age);

  public boolean equals(Object o) {
    return (this == o) || ((o instanceof NameAndAgeBuilder r)
            && Objects.equals(name,
            && (age == r.age));

   * Set a new value for the {@code name} record component in the builder
  public NameAndAgeBuilder name(String name) { = name;
    return this;

   * Return the current value for the {@code name} record component in the builder
  public String name() {
    return name;

   * Set a new value for the {@code age} record component in the builder
  public NameAndAgeBuilder age(int age) {
    this.age = age;
    return this;

   * Return the current value for the {@code age} record component in the builder
  public int age() {
    return age;

   * Add withers to {@code NameAndAge}
  public interface With {
     * Return the current value for the {@code name} record component in the builder
    String name();

     * Return the current value for the {@code age} record component in the builder
    int age();

     * Return a new record builder using the current values
    default NameAndAgeBuilder with() {
      return new NameAndAgeBuilder(name(), age());

     * Return a new record built from the builder passed to the given consumer
    default NameAndAge with(Consumer<NameAndAgeBuilder> consumer) {
      NameAndAgeBuilder builder = with();

     * Return a new instance of {@code NameAndAge} with a new value for {@code name}
    default NameAndAge withName(String name) {
      return new NameAndAge(name, age());

     * Return a new instance of {@code NameAndAge} with a new value for {@code age}
    default NameAndAge withAge(int age) {
      return new NameAndAge(name(), age);

RecordInterface Example

public interface NameAndAge {
    String name(); 
    int age();

This will generate a record ala:

public record NameAndAgeRecord(String name, int age) implements 
    NameAndAge, NameAndAgeRecordBuilder.With {}

Note that the generated record is annotated with @RecordBuilder so a record builder is generated for the new record as well.


  • Non static methods in the interface...
    • ...cannot have arguments
    • ...must return a value
    • ...cannot have type parameters
  • Methods with default implementations are used in the generation unless they are annotated with @IgnoreDefaultMethod
  • If you do not want a record builder generated, annotate your interface as @RecordInterface(addRecordBuilder = false)
  • If your interface is a JavaBean (e.g. getThing(), isThing()) the "get" and "is" prefixes are stripped and forwarding methods are added.

Generation Via Includes

An alternate method of generation is to use the Include variants of the annotations. These variants act on lists of specified classes. This allows the source classes to be pristine or even come from libraries where you are not able to annotate the source.


import some.library.code.ImportedRecord
import some.library.code.ImportedInterface

    ImportedRecord.class    // generates a record builder for ImportedRecord  
    ImportedInterface.class // generates a record interface for ImportedInterface 
public void Placeholder {

@RecordBuilder.Include also supports a packages attribute that includes all records in the listed packages.

The target package for generation is the same as the package that contains the "Include" annotation. Use packagePattern to change this (see Javadoc for details).



Add a dependency that contains the discoverable annotation processor:



Add the following to your build.gradle file:

dependencies {
    annotationProcessor 'io.soabase.record-builder:record-builder-processor:$version-goes-here'
    compileOnly 'io.soabase.record-builder:record-builder-core:$version-goes-here'


Depending on your IDE you are likely to need to enable Annotation Processing in your IDE settings.


RecordBuilder can be customized to your needs and you can even create your own custom RecordBuilder annotations. See Customizing RecordBuilder for details.

  • Add possibility to add custom annotations to Builder

    Add possibility to add custom annotations to Builder

    In particular edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressFBWarnings, otherweise SpotBugs detects violations which normally would be ignored in generated code.

    It's not possible to make SpotBugs process @Generated annotation since SpotBugs process byte-code and @Generated has source retention type.

    P.S. Nice library and nice work! I use Immutables a lot so it's really nice to have similar funtionality for java records.

    opened by lazystone 18
  • null values and addConcreteSettersForOptional

    null values and addConcreteSettersForOptional

    I find that addConcreteSettersForOptional uses Optional#of instead of Optional#ofNullable quite surprising especially since Intellij IDEA by default doesn't warn against passing nulls to javax.validation.constraints.NotNull annotated parameters. What is the reasoning behind this decision?

    bug PR welcome good first issue 
    opened by lpandzic 16
  • Support single item collection builders

    Support single item collection builders

    When addSingleItemCollectionBuilders() is enabled in options, collection types (List, Set and Map) are handled specially. The setters for these types now create an internal collection and items are added to that collection. Additionally, "adder" methods prefixed with singleItemBuilderPrefix() are created to add single items to these collections.

    The generated builder looks like this:

    cc @tmichel

    Closes #73

    opened by Randgalt 13
  • Sealed wither interface?

    Sealed wither interface?

    Its still down the line (Java 17, most likely), but it would be nice to have the RecordName.With generated interface be sealed so that only the record can implement it

    enhancement future waiting-on-javapoet 
    opened by bowbahdoe 13
  • Feature/114 collection copying only when changed

    Feature/114 collection copying only when changed

    For #114 again.

    Instead of using explicit booleans to track if a collection was changed I track it by the type of the collection. For that, I added custom mutable private collections (subclassing ArrayList, HashSet, and HashMap) to the builder. This makes it explicitly known for us whether it's "our" mutable collection or if it comes from the outside.

    opened by freelon 10
  • RecordBuilder Enhancer

    RecordBuilder Enhancer


    This is an idea that I've had for a while: being able to inject null checks and defensive copying into Java Record default constructors. While working on the idea I was able to generalize it into something that can be customizable as part of a normal build process.

    See the README for complete details.

    I haven't decided on whether or not to release this yet. If people find it useful I will. Use <version>34-SNAPSHOT</version> to test it.


    opened by Randgalt 9
  • Collection copying only when changed

    Collection copying only when changed

    For #114

    Currently the test TestCollections.testRecordBuilderOptionsCopied fails, since I had to change the signature of the __list() shim methods. The problem is, that the code as on master generates setters for collections with different signatures: If addSingleItemCollectionBuilders == true: someList(Collection<? extends ListItem> someList), but otherwise the someList parameter is of type List<...>. I didn't want to change that behavior together with the other ticket, though (see #117 ).

    opened by freelon 7
  • `TYPE_USE` annotations were being ignored

    `TYPE_USE` annotations were being ignored

    Java's DAG for annotations processors doesn't contain TYPE_USE annotations on the Element for some reason. However, they are on the type. So, use the type instead.

    Note due to limitations of JavaPoet this doesn't fix TYPE_USE annotations on parameterized types or array components. If we want to address those we will need changes in JavaPoet which has been dormant for a very long time.

    Fixes #113 Relates to #111

    opened by Randgalt 7
  • Add configurable method name prefixes to builders

    Add configurable method name prefixes to builders

    Sometimes I feel old and conservative and want to do things the old way.

    Just kidding; We have a giant codebase built on top of It makes builders with setter methods. To make our migration to records as painless as possible, it is nice to migrate without having to rename the usage of Immutables builders for thousands of classes.

    Also, get* set* and is* have been idiomatic Java since "forever". Some people might prefer these prefixes, even if they do make the methods three characters longer

    opened by mads-b 7
  • Simplify updating immutable members when referencing the previous value

    Simplify updating immutable members when referencing the previous value

    Hey there! I've been using your library a bit and think it's a nice improvement for records. When working with nested immutable types I've found some thing a bit cumbersome. Imagine that you have the following records:

    public record Context(int id, Counter count) implements ContextBuilder.With {}
    public record Counter(int count) implements CounterBuilder.With {}

    If we want to increment the count in a context we need to do this:

    var ctx = new Context(1, new Counter(0));
    // I know withCounter can be used as well
    var newCtx = ctx.with().counter(ctx.counter().with().counter(ctx.counter().count() + 1).build());

    We need to repeat the ctx.counter() bit three times unless we want to bring in a temporary variable. It would be nice if RecordBuilder provided something that simplified mutation of members that are record or other immutable types like queues. Ideally something that allows us to add arbitrary helper methods to the builder would be nice, but maybe that's difficult to do?

    Another idea would be to generate variants of the setters in the builder that takes a Function<T, T>. That allows the user to mutate the inner types. The example above would become something like:

    var ctx = new Context(1, new Counter(0));
    var newCtx = ctx.with().counter(ctr -> ctr.with().count(c -> c + 1).build());

    The drawback is of course that it could conflict with records that have members with a type of Function.

    enhancement question 
    opened by runfalk 7
  • Validations for the withers

    Validations for the withers

    Hi Jordan

    I'm playing around with new validation opportunities that you just have implemented. Very nice :-)

    Howevere, It seems to be a possible to sneak thru the validation when using the withers methods.

    For example when letting RequiredRecord implement RequiredRecordBuilder.With and RequiredRecord2 implement RequiredRecord2Builder.With

    I expect these two unit test to pass:

        void testNotNullsWithNewProperty() {
            var valid = RequiredRecordBuilder.builder().hey("hey").i(1).build();
            Assertions.assertThrows(NullPointerException.class, () -> valid.withHey(null));
        void testValidationWithNewProperty() {
            var valid = RequiredRecord2Builder.builder().hey("hey").i(1).build();
            Assertions.assertThrows(ValidationException.class, () -> valid.withHey(null));

    For the @RecordBuilder.Options(interpretNotNulls = true) I guess it just as easy to add Objects.reuireNonNull in appropriate with-methods

    but how to handle @RecordBuilder.Options(useValidationApi = true) ?

    We dont want to perform a full validation of the entiere object via the builders static "new" method but instead only validate the actual property.

    Please let me know your thoughts around this and I'll be happy to start with an initial PR.

    Regards Dan

    bug PR welcome 
    opened by danp11 6
  • feat: add optional suffix to static builder

    feat: add optional suffix to static builder

    Not sure what you think of this, my team are coming from using Immutables heavily and are fond of their FieldName.of() syntax convention for static builders.

    I’m assuming my change would enable us to call a static builder like FieldNameBuilder.FieldNameOf().

    When statically imported, would read succinctly as FieldNameOf()

    improvement needs discussion 
    opened by RichardTree 2
  • Using getterPrefix and/or booleanPrefix generates incompatible Wither

    Using getterPrefix and/or booleanPrefix generates incompatible Wither


        setterPrefix = "set", getterPrefix = "get", booleanPrefix = "is", beanClassName = "Bean")
    public record CustomMethodNames<K, V>(
        Map<K, V> kvMap,
        int theValue,
        List<Integer> theList,
        boolean theBoolean) implements Bean, CustomMethodNamesBuilder.With {

    Generates With interface with incorrect method names. They shouldn't have the prefix.

    opened by Randgalt 0
  • aa027af causes compile errors

    aa027af causes compile errors

    Hello, The aforementioned commit is preventing me from upgrading from v33 to v34. The issue:

    I have a quite simple record which should create a builder:

    public record CombinedFields(
        @JsonValue String combinedField,
        List<CombinedFieldsLine> lines) implements CombinedFieldsBuilder.Bean {}

    But now, the generated builder contains a setter with an undefined method (shim?)

         * Re-create the internally allocated {@code List<CombinedFields.CombinedFieldsLine>} for {@code lines} by copying the argument
        public CombinedFieldsBuilder setLines(
                Collection<? extends CombinedFields.CombinedFieldsLine> lines) {
            this.lines = __list(lines);
            return this;

    It's this __list method that does not exist. Is this a bug or something I need to change in my configuration?

    opened by mads-b 8
  • Make builder constructor public

    Make builder constructor public

    The purpose is to make record-builder fit for a slightly off-label use case: Generate the getter/setter/equals/hashcode/toString boilerplate for our otherwise standard Java Bean classes. We don't oppose records, actually, it's just that some libraries don't fully support using them yet.

    We would like to be able to make a bean class Foo like this:

    public class Bean extends FooBaseRecordBuilder {
        // We need a parameterless constructor for a Java Bean.
        // If the parent class has it but makes it private, we can't even create it here.
        // Any overrides for getters/setters go here.
        // (If there are no overrides, maybe we can configure record-builder to create Foo directly.
        // We did not pursue that venue since our team is okay with having an empty Foo class.)

    where FooBaseRecordBuilder is generated from a FooBase interface:

    // Actually this is in a @RecordBuilder.Template :-)
    @RecordBuilder.Options(booleanPrefix = "is", getterPrefix = "get", setterPrefix = "set")
    public interface FooBase {
        boolean isCustomizable();
        @JsonView(Patchable.class) // Probably need a @RecordBuilder.Options entry to have this on the actual Java Bean
        boolean isEnabled();

    Aside notes:

    • We do not need the generated FooRecord class.
    • In the FooRecordBuilder class, we need only the default constructor, the fields, getters/setters, and equals/hashcode/toString.
    • The stream is a very, very appreciated addition that will help us with some other stuff. We interact with MongoDB and Jackson, and being able to iterate over whatever fields are in an entity object is a perfect match for these. (It would be nice to have a stream that returns the getters and setters, but we have to encounter that use case yet.)
    enhancement needs discussion 
    opened by toolforger 4
  • Allow nullable collections with useImmutableCollections=true

    Allow nullable collections with useImmutableCollections=true

    Hi, somewhat related to #122, I'd like to propose allowing collections to become nullable, because right now useImmutableCollections = true does two things

    • it adds the conversion to immutable collections (awesome!)
    • but also enforces that the output record can never have the collection values nullable

    I'm proposing to change the behaviour based on interpretNotNulls value.

    • useImmutableCollections = true && interpretNotNulls = false
      • mapping will be return (o != null) ? Map.copyOf(o) : null;
    • useImmutableCollections = true && interpretNotNulls = true
      • and field is determined to be nullable
        • mapping will be return (o != null) ? Map.copyOf(o) : null;
      • and field is determined to be notnull
        • mapping will be return (o != null) ? Map.copyOf(o) : Map.of();
    • useImmutableCollections = true
      • current behaviour

    This should also (consistently) affect the default value for collections mentioned in #122

    enhancement PR welcome 
    opened by fprochazka 0
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