Java friendly DSL for defining TestFX tests

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JSON testfx-dsl


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TestFX-DSL aims to bring DSL capabilities on top of TestFX. Inspired by Geb, this DSL enables a fluent interface design on top of the facilities exposed by TestFX.

Instead of writing code such as

JFXDrawer settingsPanel = lookup("#drawer").query();
waitUntil(settingsPanel, isShown(), defaultWaitTimeout());
verifyThat("#username", hasText(defaultUsernameValue));
verifyThat("#username", hasText(usernameValue));

write it like this

    .waitUntil(isShown(), defaultWaitTimeout())

The DSL allows you to chain method calls and remember the last NodeQuery made. It’s easy to get started, just add the following import statement to your test case:

import static org.kordamp.testfx.QueryChain.$;


You can get the latest version of TestFX-DSL directly from Bintray’s JCenter repository.

testCompile 'org.kordamp.testfx:testfx-dsl:0.1.0



You must meet the following requirements:

  • JDK8u60 as a minimum

  • Gradle 2.14

You may used the included gradle wrapper script if you don’t have gradle installed.

Installing Gradle

  1. Download Gradle from

  2. Unzip the file into a directory without spaces (recommended).

  3. Create a GRADLE_HOME environment variable that points to this directory.

  4. Adjust your PATH environment variable to include $GRADLE_HOME/bin (%GRADLE_HOME%\bin on Windows).

  5. Test your setup by invoking gradle --version.

  1. Follow the instructions found at to install SDKMAN.

  2. You need a POSIX environment if running Windows. We recommend using Babun Shell (

  3. Once SDKMAN is installed invoke sdk install gradle 2.14.

  4. Test your setup by invoking gradle --version.


GDub is a wrapper script that facilitates invoking gradle tasks anywhere within a Gradle project. It’s smart enough to use the gradle wrapper if available or your global gradle command. This is an optional download.

  1. Follow the instructions found at to install gdub

Next Steps

  1. Make a full build issuing gradle build.

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