A simple app to use Xposed without root, unlock the bootloader or modify system image, etc.


Build Status



VirtualXposed is a simple App based on VirtualApp and epic that allows you to use an Xposed Module without needing to root, unlock the bootloader, or flash a custom system image. (Supports Android 5.0~10.0)

The only two restriction of VirtualXposed are:

  1. Unable to modify system, so any Module which modifies system won't be able to work properly.
  2. Currently resource hooks are not supported. (Theming modules use Resource Hooks).


Usage for Commercial Purposes are not allowed!!! Please refer to VirtualApp's declaration.



Download the latest APK from the release page, and install it on your Android device.

Install APP and Xposed Module

Open VirtualXposed, Click on the Drawer Button at the bottom of home page(Or long click the screen), add your desired APP and Xposed Module to VirtualXposed's virtual environment.

Note: All operations(installation of Xposed Module, APP)must be done in VirtualXposed, otherwise the Xposed Module installed won't take effect. For example, if you install the YouTube app on your system (Your phone's original system, not in VirtualXposed), and then install YouTube AdAway (A YouTube Xposed Module) in VirtualXposed; or you install YouTube in VirtualXposed, and install YouTube AdAway on original system; or both of them are installed on original system, neither of these three cases will work!

How to install

There are three ways to install an APP or Xposed Module to VirtualXposed:

  1. Clone an installed app from your original system. (Click Button at bottom of home page, then click Add App, the first page shows a list of installed apps.)
  2. Install via an APK file. (Click Button at bottom of home page, then click Add App, the second page shows APKs found in your sdcard)
  3. Install via an external file chooser. (Click Button at bottom of home page, then click Add App, use the floating action button to choose an APK file to install)

For Xposed Module, You can install it from Xposed Installer, too.

Activate the Xposed Module

Open Xposed Installer in VirtualXposed, go to the module fragment, check the module you want to use:

How to activate module


You only need to reboot VirtualXposed, There's no need to reboot your phone; Just click Settings in home page of VirtualXposed, click Reboot button, and VirtualXposed will reboot in a blink.

How to reboot

Supported Modules

Almost all modules except system-relevant are supported, please try it by yourself :)



VirtualXposed also supports GameGuardian, you should use the separate version for GameGuardian.(Download it in release page).

Video Tutorial


VirusTotal might report VirtualXposed as a malware, it is stupid, you can refer to my explanation.

And obviously, VirtualXposed is open source, so you can refer to the source code. I am sure that it is safe to use.

If you still couldn't believe in me, you can install version 0.8.7; VirusTotal reports this version as safe.


Contributions to VirtualXposed are always welcomed!!

For Developers


  1. VirtualApp
  2. Xposed
  3. And64InlineHook
  • Mi 9 vxp instant crash

    Mi 9 vxp instant crash

    Describe the bug Instant crash after oppening an app.

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. Open VXP

    Expected behavior VXP launcher3?


    Click to expand

    Screenshot_2019-05-05-23-35-04-225_commi androidgloballauncher

    Screenshot_2019-05-05-23-32-46-132_com miuibugreport

    Desktop (please complete the following information):

    • OS: -
    • Browser: -
    • Version: -

    Smartphone (please complete the following information):

    • Device: Xiaomi Mi 9
    • OS: Miui EEA Global
    • Android version: 9.0
    • Browser: chrome
    • Version: 0.17.3

    Additional context logcat.txt

    opened by tramix32 24
  • 小米MIX 2S无法启动,打开就闪退

    小米MIX 2S无法启动,打开就闪退






    机型:小米mix2s 系统版本:9.7.17 ROM版本:开发版内测版 Xposed 插件以及插件版本: VirtualXposed版本:0.7.13



    opened by ghost 20
  • Hook到了一个方法,但是afterHookedMethod之后又提示这个方法找不到?



    Class UserInfo;
    try {
        UserInfo = loadPackageParam.classLoader.loadClass("com.ss.android.common.applog.UserInfo");
    } catch (Exception e) {
    XposedHelpers.findAndHookMethod(UserInfo, "initUser", String.class, new XC_MethodHook() {
        protected void beforeHookedMethod(MethodHookParam param) throws Throwable {
        protected void afterHookedMethod(MethodHookParam param) throws Throwable {
            if (!Server.started) {
                String address = Server.start(8080);
                XposedBridge.log("服务器已启动: " + address);


    03-24 11:45:11.557 I/Xposed  (23854): 服务器已启动:
    03-24 11:45:11.572 I/VApp    (23854): uncaught :Thread[main,5,main]
    03-24 11:45:11.572 I/VApp    (23854): java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: No implementation found for int com.ss.android.common.applog.UserInfo.initUser(java.lang.String) (tried Java_com_ss_android_common_applog_UserInfo_initUser and Java_com_ss_android_common_applog_UserInfo_initUser__Ljava_lang_String_2)
    03-24 11:45:11.572 I/VApp    (23854): 	at com.ss.android.common.applog.UserInfo.initUser(Native Method)
    03-24 11:45:11.572 I/VApp    (23854): 	at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
    03-24 11:45:11.572 I/VApp    (23854): 	at me.weishu.epic.art.method.ArtMethod.invoke(Unknown Source)
    03-24 11:45:11.572 I/VApp    (23854): 	at de.robv.android.xposed.DexposedBridge.handleHookedArtMethod(Unknown Source)
    03-24 11:45:11.572 I/VApp    (23854): 	at me.weishu.epic.art.entry.Entry.onHookInt(Unknown Source)
    03-24 11:45:11.572 I/VApp    (23854): 	at me.weishu.epic.art.entry.Entry.referenceBridge(Unknown Source)
    03-24 11:45:11.572 I/VApp    (23854): 	at me.weishu.epic.art.entry.Entry.intBridge(Unknown Source)
    03-24 11:45:11.572 I/VApp    (23854): 	at com.ss.android.common.applog.c.updateEstr(Anticheat.java:58)
    03-24 11:45:11.572 I/VApp    (23854): 	at com.ss.android.common.applog.c.init(Anticheat.java:48)
    03-24 11:45:11.572 I/VApp    (23854): 	at com.ss.android.ugc.live.initialization.task.d.d.execute(IESApiTask.java:64)
    03-24 11:45:11.572 I/VApp    (23854): 	at com.ss.android.ugc.live.initialization.task.a.run(BaseTask.java:46)
    03-24 11:45:11.572 I/VApp    (23854): 	at com.ss.android.ugc.live.initialization.b.onApplicationCreate(InitializationManager.java:105)
    03-24 11:45:11.572 I/VApp    (23854): 	at com.ss.android.ugc.live.

    java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: No implementation found for int com.ss.android.common.applog.UserInfo.initUser 说找不到这个类方法的实现。




    猜测VirtualXposed对hook static或者native的方法存在bug。


    opened by f111fei 19
  • 红米Note7 升级MIUI10.3后无法打开软件

    红米Note7 升级MIUI10.3后无法打开软件



    红米Note7 升级MIUI10.3后无法打开VirtualXposed,打开直接闪退


    MIUI10.3 打开软件毕现


    机型:红米Note7 系统版本:安卓9.0 ROM版本:MIUI10.3稳定版 Xposed 插件以及插件版本: VirtualXposed版本:0.17.3




    opened by hongwanli 17
  • 安卓9.0 网易云音乐在VXP内无法打开

    安卓9.0 网易云音乐在VXP内无法打开



    安卓9.0 网易云音乐在VXP内无法打开


    应用为复制安装,打开云音乐出来如下提示,之后弹出来的权限要求全给 screenshot_20180906_083344_io va exposed

    但是最后卡在如下图,过一会就VXP闪退 screenshot_20180906_084229_io va exposed


    机型:华为mate10 全网通 系统版本:安卓9.0 ROM版本:EMUI9.0
    Xposed 插件以及插件版本:云音乐5.5.0 VirtualXposed版本:0.15.1





    opened by shanligang1017 16
  • 支付宝APP部分页面打不开



    在VXP中启动支付宝,登录账号等一切正常。但是有些控件点击后,没有任何反应,不能打开相应页面。 比如, (1)首页中部位置的服务提醒通知框,点击没反应; (2)“我的”-->右上角“设置”-->“账号管理”,点击没有反应; 同一个页面的or“手机号”or“安全中心”or“通用”or“求助反映”or“关于”,点击均没有反应; 以及最下面“退出登录”->"换账号登录“,点击也没有反应。


    每次点击上述界面,100%复现。即使用高级设定中的关闭VXP中的Exposed功能也是一样。 VXP任何历史版本,以及支付宝当前最新版10.1.25.752以及历史版本。 另外,容器APP是没有这个问题的,但是它不支持Android8.


    机型:小米6 系统版本:Android 8.0.0 ROM版本:MIUI9稳定版 Xposed 插件以及插件版本:框架91版,关闭Xposed也无济于事 VirtualXposed版本:0.11.5以及任何历史版本


    虽然可以用VXP双开支付宝,但无法实现多账号切换的目的。 请作者百忙之中抽空查看一下,希望能够修复。多谢。

    opened by baskgithub 16
  • 安卓10无法正常使用







    机型:一加7pro GM1910 系统版本:一加氧os 安卓10 公测2
    ROM版本: Xposed 插件以及插件版本: VirtualXposed版本:0.17.3


    opened by eliasli77 14
  • Miui11无法正常使用vxp



    app均不能正常使用,最多的表现是在vxp里面打开应用,一直在进度条而已,无法进入应用。 提示打开xx应用(包名)失败




    机型:小米8 系统版本:安卓10 ROM版本:开发版miui11,因为现在安卓10只有开发版的 Xposed 插件以及插件版本: VirtualXposed版本:0.18.0


    我之前是安卓9正常使用,看到前几天有支持安卓10 了才升级的系统~ 然后就挂了~


    opened by arthur20150522 13
  • 红米note5在更新底层为安卓9.0以后无法正常启动应用






    在桌面点击VirtualXposed的图标 (显示VirtualXposed第一屏) (VirtualXposed自动关闭)


    机型:红米note5pro 系统版本:Android ROM版本:MIUI国际版9.4.1 Xposed 插件以及插件版本:未安装 VirtualXposed版本:0.17.3及之前所有发布版本


    1. 现在状态栏偶尔会冒一句“'VirtualXposed'正在运行”

    2. 【异常】即使VirtualXposed多次异常退出,但MIUI未弹出错误反馈,所以我无法提供日志

    3. 在前面底层为安卓8.1的MIUI中,VirtualXposed未出现任何异常


    opened by Teages 13
  • Google Play Services on 9.0 (Unable to parse package microG's gms)

    Google Play Services on 9.0 (Unable to parse package microG's gms)

    Describe the bug Followed the wiki guide on how to install google play services using microG, gms services and fakeStore don't install

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. Download the latest gms apk [link]
    2. Click on the APK
    3. Click Add to Exposed
    4. Click Install

    Expected behavior The gms service app and fakeStore should install so that Google Play Services can be used!

    Screenshots screenshot_20190207-212725


    • OS: 9.0.0 (Pie Jan 2019)
    • Browser None
    • Version Latest


    • Device: Xiaomi Mi A1
    • OS: 9.0.0 (Pie Jan 2019)
    • Browser NONE
    • Version Latest
    opened by TheArmKing 13
  • 安卓10,微信启动失败(0.18.2 + 微信7.0.13)

    安卓10,微信启动失败(0.18.2 + 微信7.0.13)



    在 VXP 中无法打开微信,提示打开应用 com.tencent.mm 失败:( 百度贴吧也一样


    直接安装VirtualXposed 0.18.2版本 没有装任何模块 添加应用-微信 -打开-打开失败


    机型:三星S9 系统版本:安卓10 ROM版本:稳定版本 Xposed 插件以及插件版本:无插件 VirtualXposed版本:0.18.2




    opened by LoveCppp 12
  • No internet, Installer Black screen (0.22)

    No internet, Installer Black screen (0.22)

    Device POCO X3 Pro(MIUI13.0.3) App - (v0.22.0) - VirtualXposed, V...X...for GG Device apps can be cloned, run. Can't add apk from device.

    1. Freeze frame when Xposed installer is clicked.
    2. Nothing on clicking "Manage Xposed Modules".
    3. "No data" on clicking Recommended Xposed modules.
    opened by ItsSubhro 0
  • can't open game dls 2022

    can't open game dls 2022

    Describe the bug A clear and concise description of what the bug is.

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. Go to '...'
    2. Click on '....'
    3. Scroll down to '....'
    4. See error

    Expected behavior A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.

    Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

    Desktop (please complete the following information):

    • OS: [e.g. iOS]
    • Browser [e.g. chrome, safari]
    • Version [e.g. 22]

    Smartphone (please complete the following information):

    • Device: [e.g. iPhone6]
    • OS: [e.g. iOS8.1]
    • Browser [e.g. stock browser, safari]
    • Version [e.g. 22]

    Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.

    opened by RoHaBig 0
  • No Smallest width option in my device redminot5prime

    No Smallest width option in my device redminot5prime

    Describe the bug A clear and concise description of what the bug is.

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. Go to '...'
    2. Click on '....'
    3. Scroll down to '....'
    4. See error

    Expected behavior A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.

    Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

    Desktop (please complete the following information):

    • OS: [e.g. iOS]
    • Browser [e.g. chrome, safari]
    • Version [e.g. 22]

    Smartphone (please complete the following information):

    • Device: [e.g. iPhone6]
    • OS: [e.g. iOS8.1]
    • Browser [e.g. stock browser, safari]
    • Version [e.g. 22]

    Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.

    opened by Gauravpo 0
  • No internet connection bug when installing gms

    No internet connection bug when installing gms

    Describe the bug When I'm going to install gms in the virtual Xposed is getting an error for no internet connection

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. Go to 'settings->advanced settingg'
    2. Click on 'install/uninstall google services'
    3. See error

    Expected behavior When I'm going to install gms in the virtual Xposed is getting an error for no internet connection

    Screenshots Screenshot_20220920-200205.png

    Smartphone (please complete the following information):

    • Device: [Motorola G30]
    • OS: [Android 12]
    • Browser [Bromite]
    • Version [104.0.5112.91]
    opened by Matei399YT 2
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