ReleaseFab is a Java client application which automatically generates Release Notes for any project.



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ReleaseFab is a Java client application which atomatically generates Release Notes for any project. The information can be gathered from multiple different sources including the source code itself, the Git repository and an Application Lifecycle Management System of your choice.

The application is highly configurable. This is achieved through a plugin architecture based on the Java Platform Module System. More information on the architecture is available in the Wiki of the project.


ReleaseFab can be used on the command line and as a GUI application which utilizes the Eclipse Standard Widget Toolkit (SWT).

Expanded ReleaseFab Component Structure

ReleaseFab Graphical User Interface

Getting Started

ReleaseFab can either be run as a standalone application, created with jlink, or in combination with a TCK-compliant JDK of your choice.

If you want to contribute to the project, please follow the development instructions and guidelines in the Wiki.

Standalone Application

In order to run the standalone version of the application, download the desired standalone version from the List of releases. Unpack the Zip-File and run ReleaseFab_Standalone.bat on Windows or on unix-based systems.

For ReleaseFab to launch the parameters mentioned in the Wiki need to be set. Information on how to use the application is also available in the Wiki.

Using a custom JDK

When using a JDK of your choice, at least version 9 is required to build the application. This is due to the application being based on the Java Platform Module System. Instructions on how to build the application from source can be found in the Wiki. Available binaries are built using the Adoptium JDK in Version 11. The offered releases are built with jlink which makes them runnable without installing a JVM on your system.

The exact version of the Adoptium JDK used for a specific release is documented in the Release Notes of that version. To ensure consistent behaviour between different machines, your JDK should be certified by the Java Technology Compatibility Kit.

To use a custom JDK which fulfills the criteria mentioned above, the variable JAVA_HOME in the releasefab.bat file on Windows and script on unix-based systems has to be modified to the root path of your Java installation (e.g. C:\Users\user\languages\jdk). This is only applicable if the application is built from source and jlink is not used.

Code of Conduct

When contributing please always adhere to the Code of Conduct.


This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at or SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0.

The project uses open-source libraries and image resources. A list of the libraries used by this project can be obtained in the Bill of Materials. This is also where attribution to the image resources utilized in the project can be found.

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  • Broken hyperlinks

    Broken hyperlinks

    Is there an existing issue for this?

    Current Behavior

    The link to the Bill of Materials in the is broken.

    Expected Behavior

    The link should lead to the Wiki where the Bill of Materials is.

    Steps To Reproduce

    Click the link in the

    opened by JF2602 1
  • Remove Code Smells

    Remove Code Smells

    What should this feature achieve?

    Remove the code smells found in the SonarCloud analysis.

    How do you want to achieve said goal

    Refactor string literals into constants.

    Why is this feature necessary?

    It improves code quality.

    opened by JF2602 0
  • Update build tools

    Update build tools

    What should this feature achieve?

    Update the build tools used

    How do you want to achieve said goal

    Increase the versions for JDK and Gradle

    Why is this feature necessary?

    Improves security and feature scope

    opened by AnNeufang 0
  • 1.0.0(Apr 11, 2022)


    | Component | 1.0.0 | |-------------------------------------------|-----------| | releasefab | 1.0.0 | | releasefab\library | 1.0.0 | | releasefab\application | 1.0.0 | | releasefab\plugins | - | | releasefab\plugins\version | 1.0.0 | | releasefab\plugins\importantinformation | 1.0.0 | | releasefab\plugins\git | 1.0.0 | | JDK | 11.0.13+8 |

    Git Commits


    | Id | Synopsis | |----------|----------------| | 05c0f3c5 | Initial Commit |

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip) MB) MB)
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