Boilerplate code for hello world java score and deploy it on testnet.


Java SCORE Examples

This repository contains template of a java SCORE and instructions on how to deploy a simple java score.

How to Run

1. Build the project

$ ./gradlew build

The compiled jar bundle will be generated at ./hello-world/build/libs/hello-world-0.1.0.jar.

2. Optimize the jar

You need to optimize your jar bundle before you deploy it to local or ICON networks. This involves some pre-processing to ensure the actual deployment successful.

gradle-javaee-plugin is a Gradle plugin to automate the process of generating the optimized jar bundle. Run the optimizedJar task to generate the optimized jar bundle.

$ ./gradlew optimizedJar

The output jar will be located at ./hello-world/build/libs/hello-world-0.1.0-optimized.jar.

3. Deploy the optimized jar

You can deploy using either of the following commands. The build.gradle in hello-world has 4 endpoints included. To deploy on Sejong, run the following command. To deploy on other networks, for example Lison, change deployToSejong to deployToLisbon.

  1. ./gradlew hello-world:deployToSejong -PkeystoreName=<your_wallet_json> -PkeystorePass=<password>
    # example below
    ./gradlew hello-world:deployToSejong -PkeystoreName='JavaTest.json' -PkeystorePass='p@ssw0rd'

To use the following command, make sure you have file with KeyWallet and password linked.

  1. ./gradlew hello-world:deployToSejong
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