Java implementation of BSP based CSG (Constructive Solid Geometry)



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Java implementation of BSP based CSG (Constructive Solid Geometry). It is the only simple and free Java implementation I am aware of. This implementation uses an optimized CSG algorithm based on csg.js (see CSG and Node classes). Thanks to the author for creating the csg.js library.

There's also the related VCSG library, a plugin for VRL-Studio and two extension libraries: JCSG-MeshExtension and JCSG-PathExtension.

In addition to CSG this library provides the following features:

  • optimized difference() and union() operations (many thanks to Sebastian Reiter)
  • extrusion of concave, non-intersecting polygons (uses Poly2Tri for triangulation)
  • convex hull (uses QuickHull3D)
  • weighted transformations (Scale, Rotation, Translation and Mirror)
  • STL import and export (STLLoader from Fiji)
  • OBJ export including material information (see screenshot below)
  • supports conversion of CSG's to JavaFX 3D nodes
  • 3d text support (using FXyz)

JCSG on stackoverflow.

To see what's possible with JCSG try JFXScad.

How to Build JCSG


  • Java >= 11
  • Internet connection (dependencies are downloaded automatically)
  • IDE: Gradle Plugin (not necessary for command line usage)


Open the JCSG Gradle project in your favourite IDE (tested with NetBeans 7.4) and build it by calling the assemble task.

Command Line

Navigate to the Gradle project (e.g., path/to/JCSG) and enter the following command

Bash (Linux/OS X/Cygwin/other Unix-like shell)

bash gradlew assemble

Windows (CMD)

gradlew assemble

Code Sample:

// we use cube and sphere as base geometries
CSG cube = new Cube(2).toCSG();
CSG sphere = new Sphere(1.25).toCSG();

// perform union, difference and intersection
CSG cubePlusSphere = cube.union(sphere);
CSG cubeMinusSphere = cube.difference(sphere);
CSG cubeIntersectSphere = cube.intersect(sphere);
// translate geometries to prevent overlapping 
CSG union = cube.
// save union as stl
try {
} catch (IOException ex) {
    Logger.getLogger(Main.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);

Thanks to

  • Feature Add to resolve #16

    Feature Add to resolve #16

    In this feature a function should be added that takes in a CSG and a slice plane and returns a list of polygons of all the features at that plane. This would add the feature to resolve #16

    opened by madhephaestus 34
  • Extrude feature has issues when complex paths from text fonts are used

    Extrude feature has issues when complex paths from text fonts are used

    I have been attempting to make an automatic extrusion from text using Javas font's and the PathIterator interface. This is the gist that is working in BowlerStudio demonstrating that the points are being created in a sane way and in the right locations:

    If you uncomment line 45, you will get the error.

    I use a simple loop to create the array list of points from the PathIterator then extrude the points with the Extrude.points. This causes this exception:

    java.lang.RuntimeException: Intersecting Constraints is constrained Edge accross [389.1875,-64.78125] at at at at at at at at at at at eu.mihosoft.vrl.v3d.Extrude.extrude( at eu.mihosoft.vrl.v3d.Extrude.points( at eu.mihosoft.vrl.v3d.Extrude$ Source) at at com.neuronrobotics.bowlerstudio.scripting.ScriptingEngine.runGroovy( at com.neuronrobotics.bowlerstudio.scripting.ScriptingEngine.inlineScriptRun( at com.neuronrobotics.bowlerstudio.scripting.ScriptingEngineWidget$


    opened by madhephaestus 11
  • Unit test to demonstrate #15

    Unit test to demonstrate #15

    I wrote a stripped down unit test to demonstrate the issue i have been describing in #15 . This unit test will test to see that when the extrude function is called on convex polygons, that the triangulation function does not fall off the edge and begin placing triangles inside out.

    opened by madhephaestus 7
  • Creating a Polygon

    Creating a Polygon


    I am unable to reproduce the following example (found here)

    List<Vector3d> vertices = new ArrayList<>();
    vertices.add(, 0, 0));
    vertices.add(, 25, 0));
    vertices.add(, 0, 0));
    vertices.add(, 100, 0));
    List<Polygon> t = Polygon.fromConcavePoints(vertices);
    CSG csg = CSG.fromPolygons(t);

    All I get is this error:

    This static method of interface Vector3d can only be accessed as

    Again, I might be doing something wrong and would really appreciate some help.


    opened by solub 5
  • How to import OBJ ?

    How to import OBJ ?

    Thank you for this wonderful library @miho .

    I'm testing the different functions of JCSG and would like to know how to import an OBJ file.

    Writing MyObj = Importer3D.load("column.obj") returns the following error:

    Unknown 3D file format [obj] at eu.mihosoft.jcsg.ext.openjfx.importers.Importer3D.loadIncludingAnimation(

    Another attempt with MyObj= ObjImporter("C:/Users/solub/Desktop/meshes/column.obj") returns: unknown protocol: c at at at at eu.mihosoft.jcsg.ext.openjfx.importers.obj.ObjImporter.( at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)

    Am I doing something wrong here ?

    opened by solub 5
  • Feature request: Processing library

    Feature request: Processing library

    Many people would be really happy if a CSG library existed for Processing. Just saying ;)

    Processing ( is based in Java 7. I took a look at porting the code myself, but first I would have to study how to port Java 8 code to Java 7. Would that be a complicated task? Never did Java 8.

    I think a possible Processing CSG library would include only a subset of the JCSG features, since it's already possible to create spheres, cubes, and other shapes, it's easy to display them simply by calling shape(myShape), where myShape is of type PShape. Processing has many 3D libraries available with mesh generation features (, and others), which offer iso surfaces, convex hull, polyhedrons, tubes, bending, stretching, and other kinds of distortion. Only CSG is missing :)

    Are there plans for such a Processing library? Otherwise, do you know of a Java 8 to 7 translation guide?


    opened by hamoid 5
  • AWT dependencies removed from clean-room text extrude

    AWT dependencies removed from clean-room text extrude

    I added a unit test to verify that the text extrude functions execute without error. I also verified the STL produced represents the text entered, in the correct orientation.

    opened by madhephaestus 4
  • Text3D Depends on a specific version of JCSG

    Text3D Depends on a specific version of JCSG

    JCSG depends on extfxyz, which in turn dependes on JCSG 0.3.2, causing a dependency loop and importing out of date classes. This breaks downstream implementations.

    If they both depend on each other, maybe they should be merged?

    opened by madhephaestus 3
  • samples in the JCSG

    samples in the JCSG

    First of all, it's a very impressive work.

    The project is easy to setup. However, when I tried the or in the sample package It gives me these:

    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.StackOverflowError at java.util.Arrays.copyOf(Unknown Source) at java.util.ArrayList.grow(Unknown Source) at java.util.ArrayList.ensureExplicitCapacity(Unknown Source) at java.util.ArrayList.ensureCapacityInternal(Unknown Source) at java.util.ArrayList.add(Unknown Source) at eu.mihosoft.vrl.v3d.Plane.splitPolygon( at eu.mihosoft.vrl.v3d.Node.lambda$2( at eu.mihosoft.vrl.v3d.Node$$Lambda$9/4952965.accept(Unknown Source) at java.util.ArrayList.forEach(Unknown Source) at

    I'm not sure it's a bug or something I run the samples not correctly.

    Please advise.


    opened by cznlzq 3
  • Unioning spheres ends up with too many polygons

    Unioning spheres ends up with too many polygons

    After unioning about 70 spheres together, I end up with a lot of polygons, as shown this image:


    It also takes 5+ minutes to do all of the unions. Do you have any ideas on how to speed this up/clean up the end result? Thanks!

    opened by danwinkler 3
  • How to set color to Java JCSG object? [JavaFX]

    How to set color to Java JCSG object? [JavaFX]

    I'm currently using the Java JCSG library to create Constructive Solid Geometry objects such as intersections, unions and difference between 3D objects. Using the JCSG library, I have the following code for creating objects (cube in this case)

    private static CSG createCube(double w, double h, double d) { return new Cube(w, h, d).toCSG(); } and whenever I want to set the colour of this specific CSG object I use the following

    private static CSG color(CSG shape, Color c) { return shape.color(c); } However when I transform these objects to a MeshView and pass them to the javafx.scene.Group the color is the default one (red): ` Group world = new Group(); System.out.println(this.objects.size()); for (CSG p : this.objects) { var x = p.toJavaFXMesh().getAsMeshViews().get(0);

            for(Material m: p.toJavaFXMesh().getMaterials()){
                // System.out.println(m1.getDiffuseColor().toString());
        Scene scene = new Scene(world, WIDTH, HEIGHT, true);
        // initMouseControl(world, scene, primaryStage);
        addEventHandlers(scene, camera);

    Where this.objects holds all the objects that I created in another class. package me.emil;

    import javafx.scene.paint.Color; import me.emil.helpers.Pane;

    public class App { public static void main(String[] args) { CSGStorage singleton = CSGStorage.getInstance(); var x = singleton.sphere(50); x = singleton.translate(x, 100, 0, 0); x = singleton.color(x, Color.YELLOW); singleton.addPrimitive(x);

        Pane p = new Pane();

    } `

    opened by elozev 2
  • Why does

    Why does "difference" keep parts in the CSG that don't "intersect"


    We're working with your library and noticed something curious, why does the "substract" function keep parts that don't intersect with the given part?

    Imho if they don't intersect then A.difference(B) should just return A

    (we ran into a visual issue and now fixed it by first checking if the parts intersect before executing the difference)


    opened by ZenoGillis 1
  • Fix the stackOverflow issue in #54

    Fix the stackOverflow issue in #54

    This is a fix to the stack overflow issue in the plane split function. If a plane that comes in that is not as flat as the fixed Plane.EPSILON value, then the algorithm would recourse until a crash.

    This change measures the epsilon off of the incoming polygon to set the epsilon values accurately for each incoming polygon.

    opened by madhephaestus 0
  • Difficulty locating .jar file download

    Difficulty locating .jar file download

    [Disclaimer, I may have only had trouble because I'm dumb]

    The .jar download link was a bit hard for me to find. There's the very small link to bintray from the README, then it says "No direct downloads selected for this package," so you have to click "Files," then it looks like there's nothing there until you see the quite tiny "0.5.7" folder, then the right download is in the list with a bunch of other stuff... maybe I'm just dumb but I wasted a good amount of time thinking there was no .jar download and trying to figure out how to use Gradle with the source code to try and make something importable to my project.

    Edit: I've now been using the library for a bit and it's freaking fantastic. Just thought I'd mention my appreciation!

    TL;DR Please someone smarter than me make the link easier to find.

    opened by merlinlikethewizard 0
  • Cylinder rotation in Z axis

    Cylinder rotation in Z axis

    Can anyone tell me whether cylinder rotation in Z axis is working or not?

    It seems to fail for me - not sure if I'm doing something wrong.

    In this example I am trying to build a square pyramid out of cylindrical poles and can't get it to work at all. Any thoughts?

    This is my test code.

    import eu.mihosoft.jcsg.CSG;
    import eu.mihosoft.jcsg.Cylinder;
    import eu.mihosoft.jcsg.FileUtil;
    import eu.mihosoft.vvecmath.Transform;
    import java.nio.file.Paths;
    public class PoleTest
        public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
            CSG result = new PoleTest().toCSG();
            FileUtil.write(Paths.get("PoleTest.stl"), result.toStlString());
        public CSG pole(double length, double radius, double rotX, double rotY, double rotZ, double trX, double trY, double trZ)
            System.out.printf("rotX=%.2f rotY = %.2f rotZ = %.2f%n", rotX, rotY, rotZ);
            CSG innerCyl = new Cylinder(radius, length, 16).toCSG();
            return innerCyl.transformed(Transform.unity().rotX(rotX).rotY(rotY).rotZ(rotZ))
                .transformed(Transform.unity().translate(trX, trY, trZ));
        public CSG toCSG()
            double armLength = 150;
            double armRadius = 5;
            CSG pole1 = pole(armLength, armRadius,0, 60,0, 0,0,45);
            CSG pole2 = pole(armLength*2, armRadius,30, 45,45, armLength, 0, 0);
            CSG pole3 = pole(armLength, armRadius,45, 0,90, 0, armLength,0);
            CSG pole4 = pole(armLength, armRadius,45, 90,0, armLength,armLength,0);
            return pole1.union(pole2).union(pole3).union(pole4);
    opened by skanga 0
  • Multiple uinions cause StackOverflow Error

    Multiple uinions cause StackOverflow Error

    I've written this code:

    public class Main {
        public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
            CSG cube = STL.file(Paths.get("cube.stl"));
            CSG union = cube;
            for (int x = 0; x < 100; x++) {
                union = union.union(cube.transformed(Transform.unity().translateX(x * 10)));
            try {
                FileUtil.write(Paths.get("sample.stl"), union.toStlString());
            } catch (IOException ex) {
                Logger.getLogger(Main.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);

    But after 26 unions i get this error:

    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.StackOverflowError
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at$ReduceOp.evaluateSequential(Unknown Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)

    I'm trying to combine multiple objects to one but unluckily i get this error :/

    opened by Fliens 2
  • Split in two objects after difference

    Split in two objects after difference

    Hello and thanks for your work, I am struggling with a little problem. Is it possible to split an object in two by building the difference with another object.

    Screenshot from 2019-12-03 11-10-01 Screenshot from 2019-12-03 11-10-39

    How can I split the green object in two CSGs? I want to keep the lower part.


    opened by iibPScheich 1
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