Trust-java - Test Results Verification library for Java


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TRUST - Test Results Verification library for Java

The TRUST's primary goal is to provide the simple way of different test results verification.

General description

Usually during or at the end of some test scenario you want to verify that the application under the tests works as expected. Sometimes it is enough to use simple assertions chain but sometimes you have to implement the complex verification logic in order to check the test scenario(s) results.
And this is the exact that stage where the TRUST might be useful since it brings some benefits:

  • Unified test results verification approach for different testing types (e.g. UI, API)
  • No need in sources recompilation after the verification rules updates (unless you store these rules inside the compilation units)
  • XPath and JSONPath selectors support (for extracting the API response nodes value and using them during the further verification stages)
  • Simple yet powerful verification rules specification (anyone with the basic knowledge of the XPath, JSONPath, JS comparison and logical operators can write these rules)

As it was mentioned above, the TRUST is based on the user defined verification rules which are the subject for the further processing by the built-in JavaScript engine (the Nashorn by default).

The verification rules are represented by the String and they consist of the following:

  • Verification type (can be any String value (please check the list of predefined types) or API_RESPONSE)
  • ':  ' symbols (note: colon and two spaces (by default), without quotes)
  • JS expression(s) which should be evaluated into the Boolean
    • JS expressions should be separated by using the ';  ' symbols (note: semicolon and two spaces (by default), without quotes)
    • JS expressions are able to utilize the Lodash JS library (by default) extra functionality
    • JS expressions should contain placeholders/templates (depending on chosen Verification Type) which will be substituted with the test result values during the expressions evaluation
      • For the UI tests the placeholders/templates are represented by the entities on the page of the test results, value of which you want to use in the JS expression
      • For the API tests the placeholders/templates are represented by the XPath / JSONPath, JSONPath expressions
  • Verification Types should be separated by using the |&| symbols
  • Verification rules are processed softly

Please note that the substituted value(s) of the placeholders/templates will be normalized before use.

You can override the defaults by using corresponding system properties. Please refer to the TrustConfig file (the TRUST settings section).


// The UI verification rules examples

// Verifies that the "Status" field value of the test results page will contain "DONE" text;
UI_COMMON:  _.includes("${Status:}", "DONE")

// Verifies that the error message of the test results page will contain "System Error" or "Was not able to perform requested action" text;
UI_ERROR:  _.includes("${ERROR_MSG}", "System Error") || _.includes("${ERROR_MSG}", "Was not able to perform requested action")

// Verifies that the alert text will not contain "TestMePlease" text;
UI_ALERT:  !_.includes("${ALERT_MSG}", "TestMePlease")

// Verifies that the "Amount" field value of the test results page will be greater than 0 and less than 100
MY_RULE:${Amount:}, 0) &&${Amount:}, 100)

// Together
UI_COMMON:  _.includes("${Status:}", "DONE")|&|MY_RULE:${Amount:}, 0) &&${Amount:}, 100)

// The API verification rules examples

// Verifies that the API response node of the executed request will contain "Valid response" text;
// ${$.description} or ${/Response/description} placeholders will be replaced with the real value of the <Response> -> <description> response node (JSON and XML content-type respectively);
API_RESPONSE:  _.includes("${$.description}", "Valid response")
API_RESPONSE:  _.includes("${/Response/description}", "Valid response")

UI test results verification

Suppose you have the next HTML table on the page as the results of some UI test activities:

Field Name Value
Field1: data1
Field2: data2
Description: Description
Status: DONE

Suppose also you have the next verification rule for this particular test:
UI_COMMON: _.includes("${Status:}", "DONE")

In this case your job will be to parse the HTML table into the key-value pairs (the Map) and invoke the VerificationUtils.performTestResultsVerification(...) method with this Map as the testResults parameter.

During the verification procedure the ${Status:} template will be substituted with the DONE value.
After this activities the resulting expression to verify will be _.includes("DONE", "DONE") <=> Lodash syntax + JS expression(s) evaluation <=> and the current test will be marked as passed since the "DONE" string includes/contains the "DONE" string.

API test results verification

Suppose you have the API test which will produce the next response payload:

    <description>Valid response</description>

Suppose also you have the next verification rule for this particular test:
API_RESPONSE: _.includes("${/Response/description}", "Valid response")

So the /Response/description XPath expression will be evaluated into the Valid response value for you and will be substituted instead of the ${/Response/description} template
After this activities the resulting expression to verify will be _.includes("Valid response", "Valid response") <=> Lodash syntax + JS expression(s) evaluation <=> and the current test will be marked as passed since the "Valid response" string includes/contains the "Valid response" string.

Basic usage

Let's say that for some particular API test scenario you're using the DataProvider implemented as Iterator which consumes the test data from the CSV file.

In this case you can add the new column into the CSV file which will hold the test results verification rules:

... API_RESPONSE: _.includes("${/Response/description}", "Valid response")

And then you can invoke the corresponding method from your test:

package my.test;

import static*;
import static*;

public class MyApiTests {
        public void apiResponseTest(int testDataIndex,
                                    Map<String, String> testData) {
            String httpResponsePayload;
            String httpResponseContentType;
            try {
                // do some test activities 
                // in order to receive 
                // the API response payload and content-type
            } catch (Exception e) {
                // process exceptions if required
            } finally {
                // for the XML payloads only !

The Schema itself can be initialized (if required) something like this:

package my.config;

// imports

public class MyApiConfig {
        private static Schema myApiXsd = null;
        static {
  "API Schemas initialization ...");
        // getters/setters/etc.
        private static void myApiSchemaInit() {
            try {
                myApiXsd =
                                        new StreamSource(
            } catch (Exception e) {
                LOG.debug(COMMON_ERROR_MESSAGE, e);

More examples

The similar approach can be used in order to write your own verification methods like:

package my.utils;

import static*;

public class MyVerificationUtils {
        private static final Logger LOG;
         * Performs UI alert message text verification
         * For verification rule like: 
         * UI_ALERT:  !_.includes("${ALERT_MSG}", "TestMePlease")
         * @param verificationEntities {@link VerificationEntities}
        public static void performUiAlertTextVerification(VerificationEntities 
                                                                verificationEntities) {
  "About to verify the UI alert text ...");
            Map<String, String> testResults =
                    new HashMap<>();
            if(ALERTS_AUTO_CONFIRM) {
         * Performs UI error message text verification
         * For verification rule like: 
         * UI_ERROR:  _.includes("${ERROR_MSG}", "System Error") || _.includes("${ERROR_MSG}", "Was not able to perform requested action")
         * @param verificationEntities {@link VerificationEntities}
         * @param errorContainerLabel The displayed label of the error container
        public static void performUiErrorMessageVerification(VerificationEntities 
                                                             String errorContainerLabel) {
  "About to verify the UI error ...");
            SelenideElement errorContainer =
            Map<String, String> testResults =
                    new HashMap<>();

Usage with Maven

You can import the dependency of the TRUST into your pom.xml from the Maven Central repository:

  • And then you can import the following methods into your code:
    • import static*;
    • Optional (for the API responses validation against the XSD schema):
      • import static*;



Build from sources

git clone
cd trust-java
mvn clean package
# or
mvn clean install


TRUST was originally designed and developed by Serhii Shymkiv in 2017


TRUST is open-source project and distributed under the MIT license

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    Snyk has created this PR to fix one or more vulnerable packages in the `maven` dependencies of this project.

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    • Changes to the following files to upgrade the vulnerable dependencies to a fixed version:
      • pom.xml

    Vulnerabilities that will be fixed

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    Severity | Priority Score (*) | Issue | Upgrade | Breaking Change | Exploit Maturity :-------------------------:|-------------------------|:-------------------------|:-------------------------|:-------------------------|:------------------------- medium severity | 479/1000
    Why? Has a fix available, CVSS 5.3 | Denial of Service (DoS)
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    | No | No Known Exploit medium severity | 551/1000
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    | No | No Known Exploit

    (*) Note that the real score may have changed since the PR was raised.

    Check the changes in this PR to ensure they won't cause issues with your project.

    Note: You are seeing this because you or someone else with access to this repository has authorized Snyk to open fix PRs.

    For more information: 🧐 View latest project report

    🛠 Adjust project settings

    📚 Read more about Snyk's upgrade and patch logic

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