Implementation of Azure/SAML Single Sign on in PeopleSoft


Azure/SAML SSO in PeopleSoft

I had the requirement to implement Microsoft's Azure single sign on (SSO) in PeopleSoft without purchasing Oracle's or Appsian's solution. I found Simon O'Donoghue's blog post, but it was incomplete as it only covered identity provider (Azure) initiated sign on. In this repository, I have code examples and describe how to do Azure SSO using SAML which includes both service provider (PeopleSoft) initiated SSO and identity provider (Azure) initiated SSO. Theoretically this can be extended for any SAML capable identity provider such as ADFS, CAS, or Shibboleth; however, parts of this document will be Azure specific.

I had looked into OAuth 2 support, however, it looks like Oracle did not include support for OAuth 2 for signing into PeopleSoft from supported platforms such as Azure, therefore SAML had to be the route I chose since I found the most documentation relating to SAML sign on support in PeopleSoft.

I wrote this assuming the reader has very little knowledge as many people have different backgrounds and knowledge of the various working systems. Perhaps some items will come across as obvious within this document, but others may find it very useful. I lacked knowledge that others took for granted when I was working on this, and it can be very difficult to fill in the gaps. I hope this will allow any PeopleSoft developer with at least some knowledge in PeopleSoft programming to be able to implement SAML authentication. A systems administrator will need to be involved in the identity provider setup and some PeopleSoft infrastructure setup that is required.


To make this work, I used PeopleSoft's custom sign on PeopleCode feature to read the SAML response from the identity provider (IdP). The SetAuthenticationResult PeopleCode method is used to assign the correct PeopleSoft Operator ID (OPRID) based on data from the SAML response. Some Java code is used to validate the SAML signature.

For Service Provider/SP-initiated SAML authentication, I modified the sign on HTML to call a guest IScript that calls Java code to generate the SAML authentication request (AuthnRequest) and redirect to the identity provider, saving the current URL in the IdP redirect as the Relay State so PeopleSoft knows where to redirect back upon authentication to support deep linking.


This code used Simon's code as a starting point and was upgraded for new versions. The Java uses a non-vulnerable log4j version as well as OpenSAML 4. I developed and tested the code on the Windows platform on PeopleTools 8.59. I additionally added code to generate a SAML authentication request for SP initiated SSO support.

IdP Initiated SAML Process


To start, I began with the identity provider initiated SAML process because the service provider initiated just adds a redirect at the start of the process while the rest is the same. For Azure, I was able to go to My Applications when logged into the tenant and click on a link to start the process. I set up a new "app" in Azure to add the link in My Applications. Clicking the link initiated a POST request to the configured PeopleSoft server with a SAMLResponse parameter.

Azure setup

You must enable SSO in Azure for PeopleSoft. The Azure SSO instructions contain information on how to set up SSO for gallery apps. PeopleSoft is a non-gallery app, but the setup up will be similar. Only two items are necessary for Azure, the Identifier/Entity ID and the Reply URL or Assertion Consumer Service URL. You may pick anything for the entity ID, but be sure to remember the value as PeopleSoft will need to know it.

Azure setup screenshot

The Reply URL will be the PeopleSoft target page. Do not use the login page (i.e. any page with ?cmd=login in the URL) as this will result in an infinite loop and PeopleSoft will not process the SAML response since it will not invoke the sign on PeopleCode. Also, do not use the classic homepage as this seems to cause problems. I used the fluid home page as the reply url, e.g. https://domain.tld/psc/<site>/<portal>/<node>/c/NUI_FRAMEWORK.PT_LANDINGPAGE.GBL

PeopleSoft sign-in process

Because a request is made for a component, if the user is not signed in, the custom sign on PeopleCode should execute which should read the SAML response and either log the user in with data from the SAML response, or reject it and show the login page.

At this point, nothing more is needed if the PeopleCode can determine the PeopleSoft Operator ID from only the Name ID. I had Azure configured to use the UPN as the name ID, but I also configured Azure to send a claim for the employee ID which my PeopleCode could use to determine the proper operator ID to log in as.

To customize the name ID value, please view the Microsoft documentation on customizing claims. To add custom claims such as the employee ID that might be stored in Azure, please view the Microsoft documentation on custom claims.

Be sure to save the metadata URL for use later in the Java setup.

PeopleSoft Setup

User Profile Configuration

Create a new user profile to be used as a guest user (if your environment does not have one already). This user only needs two roles 1:

  • The built-in role Standard Non-Page Permissions for sign out access
  • A new role for IScript access (see the iScript setup section)

Add a new User Profile for guest access

Make sure there is no ID specified for the guest user.

ID tab of guest User Profile

I only set two roles on the guest user.

Roles tab of guest User Profile

Web Profile Configuration

Web Profile setup can be found at the menu navigation PeopleTools > Web Profile > Web Profile Configuration. I copied the existing web profile over to one called SAML with the menu item PeopleTools > Web Profile > Copy Web Profile. I imagine creating a new one or editing the existing web profile in place will also work. Do note that if you copy one, not all parameters are copied, so make sure you carefully review the web profile setup, particularly the custom properties tab.

Add a new Web Profile

In case I broke anything in the configuration, I set up a new PIA site to point to the new web profile so I could access and login natively with the old PIA site in case the web profile settings were incorrect.

I should note here that you cannot leave the basic authentication domain blank during the PIA setup. You will get "knock knock" errors or unauthorized errors (see the troubleshooting section for more details). I suspect that you can leave it blank if you override the authentication domain on the web profile configuration.

I did not change anything on the General tab of the web profile. In case it matters, I have a screenshot of my environment below.

General Web Profile Tab

On the Security tab, make sure to enable public user access and enter the user created from the User profile section.

Security Web Profile Tab

My environment had nothing set up in the virtual addressing tab, your environment may differ.

For cookie rules, I simply had the basic setup from before I did Azure SSO.

Cookie Rules Web Profile Tab

Over on the authorized sites tab, you must add your identity provider as an authorized site. For Azure, add, protocol https. The CORS and Framable checkboxes must be checked. Without CORS, PeopleSoft throws a CORS violation when the SAML is posted to PeopleSoft. Without the Framable checkbox, the browser can throw errors about frames not allowed.

Authorized Site Web Profile Tab

Change the signon/logout pages on the Look and Feel tab to new files. I named them signonsaml.html and signout.html. Don't set the log out page to be the login page, otherwise users cannot sign out of PeopleSoft. Set the Signon Page and Signon Error Page to the same signin page, and set the Signon Result Doc Page to the built in signonresultdocredirect.html template. This is required because many pages don't work with cross-origin browser sandboxing when the initial page has a different origin than PeopleSoft. To work around this, the sign on PeopleCode will always issue a redirect URL so the browser won't add extra cross-origin protections. The result doc redirect is required to actually tell the browser to redirect to the new URL.

The contents of the HTML files and their locations are covered in the next section.

Look and Feel Web Profile Tab

Save the web profile.

Signon PeopleCode Configuration

Go to PeopleTools > Security > Security Objects > Signon PeopleCode. Add a new row and type in the record where the PeopleCode exists. See Signon PeopleCode for more information. Exec Auth Fail should not be enabled because there is no SAML to validate if a normal user/password authentication request fails.

Signon PeopleCode Setup

Sign on HTML Files

Two HTML files need to be created in $PS_CFG_HOME/webserv/<domain>/applications/peoplesoft/PORTAL.war/WEB-INF/psftdocs/<site name> I created signonsaml.html and signout.html.

The signon HTML opens an XmlHttpRequest to an IScript to get the redirect URL for initiating the SAML signon procedure. This is only needed for SP initiated SAML single sign on processes. You can use the default login HTML form if you only want to use Azure-initiated SAML. After getting the redirect URL, the user is logged in as a guest, so the HTML must initiate the signout process so the SAML response will be processed, otherwise the user will be greeted with a not authorized error message since they are logged in as a guest and the sign on PeopleCode will not be called again when a user is logged in.

In order to support deep linking, the Javascript in the HTML will store the current URL in the RelayState SAML authentication request URL so it will get passed back to PeopleSoft so the code knows where the user intended to go. This works because the signon HTML is output for any given URL in place of the actual component HTML, so the current URL that the user requested is still the window's location. The code only saves the current URL as the RelayState if the URL contains /c/ (a component request), or /s/ (an iScript request). You may need to change the code if your environment is different. This will prevent infinite handoff loops if the original URL was actually the signon page.

Make sure to modify the HTML to suit your environment. Near the top of the HTML in the script tag are three variables: site, portal, and node. These must be updated to match your environment. They can be gleaned from the URL when you are logged in normally as the URL normally is https://domain.tld/psp/ <site name>/<portal name>/<node name>/<content reference>. I was not able to reliably determine these variables from either the URL or from variables passed into the signon template by the PIA server.

IScript for Auth Request

I created a derived/work record WEBLIB_SAML and a field SAMLAUTH inside. The PeopleCode for the FieldFormula event invokes some Java code to use OpenSAML to generate the redirect request. The code will output debug information if there are Java errors during the request generation.

Remember to give the guest role access to this iScript.

Signon PeopleCode

I created a derived/work record FUNCLIB_SAML and added the custom field SAMLAUTH to it. In the FieldDefault event, I added a function to call the SAML validation code, which I put into an application package SAML_AUTH:Signon.

Within the application package PeopleCode, I invoked some Java code to validate the SAML signature, then I validate any relevant timestamps to limit replay attacks and log the user in given data found within the SAML response. You must change the function getUserIDFromSAMLResponse() found at the top of the code to match your environment. The code provided assumes the NameID from Azure is the UPN in email format and that a claim was configured named employeeid. The code logs in the user as the UPN minus the domain if one exists, otherwise it assumes that OPRIDs match EMPLIDs in the system. This likely will not apply to you but the code serves as a good example.

This code defaults to logging in tracesql files. You may wish to change the logging functionality by changing the code in the logMessage() method. If you keep the default, and see no log messages, make sure the AppLogFence in $PS_CFG_HOME/appserv/<name>/psappsrv.cfg is set to 3 or 4, depending upon the desired level. An application server restart may be required to read changes.

SAML Java code

I used the OpenSAML 4 java library for validating SAML signatures and generating SAML requests. Yes, I know the names I gave it is a misnomer since it's not specific to ADFS, but for Azure.

The request generator class defaults to an unspecified NameID policy which should cause Azure to use the default. If this does not apply to your environment, you may wish to change it around line 130. The following are valid values:

  • X509_SUBJECT

The SAML signature validator class reads a metadata XML file from the identity provider to validate any SAML responses. Depending upon your identity provider, you may need to change the code around line 149 where it loops over getIDPSSODescriptor. For ADFS, apparently the function should be getSPSSODescriptor. If you get Java exceptions about null pointers, try changing the function.

I could not figure out where relative paths were reading from within Java classes, so I hardcoded an absolute path to the configuration file in each class. I'm certain you will need to change it to suit your environment. It is near the top of each file:

properties.load(new FileInputStream("c:/psft/cfg/saml/"));


To compile, download and install Maven, then download and install the latest JDK. Do not download the JRE as you will get errors compiling. The file name should begin with jdk.

Open a terminal such as bash or powershell and change directories to the java subdirectory. Run C:/maven/apache-maven-3.8.5/bin/mvn.cmd package or whatever mvn command is appropriate for your platform with the command line option package. You should see the following output:

[INFO] --- maven-source-plugin:3.2.1:jar (attach-sources) @ saml ---
[INFO] Building jar: basedir\java\target\saml-1.0.0-sources.jar
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time:  6.082 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2022-04-12T16:06:58-00:00
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Within the target folder contains the file saml-1.0.0.jar. Copy this to any CLASSPATH directory as configured in the $PS_CFG_HOME/appserv/<name>/psappsrv.cfg file on your application server. Make sure the path separators are valid for your platform, ; for Windows, or : for Linux machines otherwise you may get an error about the Java class not being found.

I have provided a pre-compiled source JAR for Windows with a hard coded path of c:/psft/cfg/saml/ for testing purposes. Do not use this JAR on production. Please compile your own to suit your needs. This pre-compiled JAR targets the Java version for PeopleTools 8.59.

Java code configuration

The Java code must be configured to match your environment. A file should be created in the location defined in the Java code (the reference). An example file is provided.

The file is a simple key=value separated by new lines. These keys must exist:

  • federationUrl - This will be the metadata URL that Azure will give you after setting up the SSO "app" for PeopleSoft. The tenant ID is the GUID or identifier after The URL may look something like<azure tenant ID>/federationmetadata/2007-06/federationmetadata.xml?appid=<PS app ID>.
  • metadataCachePath - This will be any folder where the application server can write the metadata to for caching purposes to speed up validation.
  • trustEntity - For Azure, this is simply<azure tenant ID>/ where <azure tenant ID> can be gleaned from the metadata URL. This can also be found by opening up the metadata URL in a browser and noting the entityID attribute in the first XML tag (the EntityDescriptor XML tag). Likely this can be used for non-Azure providers.
  • spid - This will be the Entity ID as defined in the Azure SSO configuration. This is a value of your choosing. I defined it as the domain.tld for my PeopleSoft environment.
  • ssoDestination - This is the destination URL for SP (PeopleSoft) initiated SAML authentication requests. For Azure, this will be<azure tenant ID>/saml2 where <azure tenant ID> can be gleaned from the metadata URL.
  • consumerServiceURL - This is the reply URL or Assertion Consumer Service URL as defined in the identity provider. It really can be set to any PeopleSoft page with the same restrictions as noted in Azure setup.

The application server will need restarted after any changes to the Java JAR or to the file.

SP Initiated SAML Process

The key here is the signonsaml.html file that requests the iScript to generate the redirect URL to hand off the SSO process to the identity provider. You may use the built-in signon.html if you want to use built-in authentication for other purposes.

Non-SSO logins

You may want to create a second PIA install pointing to a different web profile with a different site name that contains the standard signon.html files for logging in for cases where SSO is broken. Alternatively, you should still be able to log in by invoking an HTTP POST to /psp/<sso site>/?&cmd=login with the POST parameters and some cookies:

lcsrf_token=<matching any value contained within a lcsrftoken cookie sent along with the request>&ptmode=f&ptlangcd=ENG&ptinstalledlang=ENG&userid=<userid>&pwd=<password>&ptlangsel=ENG

However, doing this is outside the scope of this document.


There are a lot of pieces to this integration and any number of things can go wrong.

There are three kinds of logs that should prove helpful in troubleshooting:

  1. PIA logs found in $PS_CFG_HOME/webserv/<domain>/servers/PIA/logs files named PIA_servlets0.log.0 or PIA_servlets1.log.0.
  2. Application Server logs found in $PS_CFG_HOME/appserv/<domain>/LOGS files name APPSRV_MMDD where MM is the two digit month and DD is the two digit day.
  3. Trace SQL logs found on the application server in $PS_CFG_HOME/appserv/<domain>/LOGS files with the name <user>_<IP>.tracesql. Most of the time, the <user> will be the configured public user as defined in the web profile setup. However, you may wish to check other recent files as I've seen logging go into a logged-in user trace SQL file, particularly when they are initiating a new sign in when they have already logged in.

For troubleshooting signon PeopleCode issues, Oracle recommends


in the PSAPPSRV.CFG configuration file.

Always check the developer toolbar of your browser to examine the responses from PeopleSoft. Any time you see a redirect to ?cmd=logout&cmd=login&errorCode=<number>&languageCd=ENG, you can look up the error message in the file $PS_CFG_HOME/webserv/<domain>/applications/peoplesoft/PORTAL.war/WEB-INF/psftdocs/<site name>/

This PeopleSoft document may help with understanding Signon PeopleCode.

Basic signon troubleshooting tips

When you see strange or unexpected results, these are always good first steps:

  1. Clear browser cookies and cache.
  2. Restart the application server and PIA.

During signon PeopleCode testing, I saw the server get into a state where strange things don't work like branding, images, or javascript failing to load. The above steps resolved the issue.

Also try causing an update to the Signon PeopleCode by inserting a space at the end and saving as this sometimes causes some internal PS cache to reset.

This code defaults to logging in tracesql files. You may wish to change the logging functionality by changing the code in the logMessage() method. If you keep the default, and see no log messages, make sure the AppLogFence in $PS_CFG_HOME/appserv/<name>/psappsrv.cfg is set to 3 or 4, depending upon the desired level. An application server restart may be required to read changes.

You may need to portal security sync after changing sites.

Bypass SP initiated SAML request

When first working on SAML SSO, start with testing identity provider (Azure) initiated requests. Don't use the PeopleSoft signon, but instead go to Azure's My Applications and click on the PeopleSoft "app" to redirect to PeopleSoft with the SAML response. Once you have IdP initiated working, then get the SP-initiated portion working with the provided signonsaml.html file.

knockKnockURL is not authorized

If you see an error like this in the PIA_servlets log:

isLastSiteValid PSTrustAuthUtil.isLastSiteValid() failed for reason
'knockKnockURL is not authorized by the WebProfile's list of Authorized
Sites', sMyUrl=https://domain.tld/psp/<site>/<portal>/<node>/c/<component>,
sLastSite=https://domain.tld/psp/<site>/?cmd=checkToken, sDomain=domain.tld
PSCheckToken denied for reason 'no PS NetSession in JBridge',
PS_KKTagno=2263475, session.isNew()=false, getRemoteHost()=x.x.x.x,

The likely cause is a bad authentication domain. I once tried adding the PeopleSoft site itself as an authorized domain but that caused more problems. The proper solution is to set the basic authorization domain correctly during PIA setup or set the override on the web profile.

You can check if the authentication domain is bad by adding the custom property WebCheckToken in the custom properties of the web profile and set it to false. Restart the web server and see if the error goes away. This is not suitable for production because tokens can be forged. See this blog for more info.

Error in classic homepage

Authentication issues like

Error in service HomepageT, CREF with URL can not be found: /psc/<site>/<portal>/<node>/?tab=DEFAULT

or a redirect to error code 129 or signon page with error message

UnAuthorized Token has been detected by the System. Please signon with your User ID and Password.

is because PeopleSoft does not work with posting SAML directly to the classic homepage. Use a different target/reply URL such as the fluid home page then redirect to the classic home page after authentication success.

Deep linking does not work

What happens when the deep linking/redirecting does not work? In other words, when someone gets "You are not authorized for this page" because it's being accessed by the guest user. This likely means that the signout frame within the signonsaml.html did not successfully process. Ensure the guest user has appropriate access to the sign out page (?cmd=logout).

Classic homepage issues

If the classic homepage does not load properly, make sure the redirect URL does not contain relative path items such as ...

CORS or frame browser errors

Make sure the web profile is set up to allow CORS and Framable from the origin of your identity provider.

Error code 129

If you get error code 129: UnAuthorized Token has been detected by the System. Please signon with your User ID and Password., check the portal servlet logs mentioned in Troubleshooting.

Possible Improvements

I could not figure out how to reliably get the authentication request URL to be passed to the sign on page via the <%=error%> variable, causing the need to call a guest IScript to determine the URL. This part requires a guest login and as such, in order for the Sign on PeopleCode to fire, a logout needs to happen after the IScript request. This causes the sign on page to do a lot more than it really needs to do. If anyone knows how to get the URL to send directly to the sign on code, please drop me a line peoplesoft-azure-sso at persidus dot com.

Find a way to reliably determine the site/portal/node for generating the IScript/signout URLs in the signon HTML template so they do not need to be configured for each environment within the HTML file.

OAuth 2 support appears to be built into recent versions of PeopleTools. There may be a way of utilizing it for SSO support for any OAuth2 capable identity provider such as Azure.


This work would not have been possible without the following people:


If you note some improvements or missing detail, please let me know by sending a message to peoplesoft-azure-sso at persidus dot com.


  1. Your guest user doesn't need any roles if you can figure out how to reliably pass data to the signon page, see the Possible Improvements section for more information.

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