MC Protocol specification of the current minecraft release / snapshot. Most useful when developing with ProtocolLib.


Snapshot 1.19.1-pre4 (1.19.1), Protocol 97 (1073741921), Release Protocol: 760

Handshaking (Server -> Client)

Handshaking (Client -> Server)

0x00 - Client Intention Packet

Type Name
int protocol version
ConnectionProtocol intention
String host name
int port

Play (Server -> Client)

0x00 - Add Entity Packet

Type Name
EntityType<?> type
UUID uuid
int ya
byte x rot
int xa
byte y rot
int za
int data
double z
int id
double x
double y
byte y head rot

0x01 - Add Experience Orb Packet

Type Name
double y
double x
int id
double z
int value

0x02 - Add Player Packet

Type Name
byte y rot
double y
double x
byte x rot
int entity id
double z
UUID player id

0x03 - Animate Packet

Type Name
int id
int action

0x04 - Award Stats Packet

Type Name
Object2IntMap<Stat<?>> stats

0x05 - Block Changed Ack Packet

Type Name
int sequence

0x06 - Block Destruction Packet

Type Name
int id
int progress
BlockPos pos

0x07 - Block Entity Data Packet

Type Name
CompoundTag tag
BlockEntityType<?> type
BlockPos pos

0x08 - Block Event Packet

Type Name
Block block
int b1
int b0
BlockPos pos

0x09 - Block Update Packet

Type Name
BlockState block state
BlockPos pos

0x0A - Boss Event Packet

Type Name
Operation operation

0x0B - Change Difficulty Packet

Type Name
boolean locked
Difficulty difficulty

0x0C - Chat Preview Packet

Type Name
int query id
Component preview

0x0D - Clear Titles Packet

Type Name
boolean reset times

0x0E - Command Suggestions Packet

Type Name
int id
Suggestions suggestions

0x0F - Commands Packet

Type Name
List<Entry> entries
int root index

0x10 - Container Close Packet

Type Name
int container id

0x11 - Container Set Content Packet

Type Name
int state id
List<ItemStack> items
ItemStack carried item
int container id

0x12 - Container Set Data Packet

Type Name
int id
int container id
int value

0x13 - Container Set Slot Packet

Type Name
int state id
ItemStack item stack
int container id
int slot

0x14 - Cooldown Packet

Type Name
int duration
Item item

0x15 - Custom Chat Completions Packet

Type Name
Action action
List<String> entries

0x16 - Custom Payload Packet

Type Name
ResourceLocation identifier
FriendlyByteBuf data

0x17 - Custom Sound Packet

Type Name
SoundSource source
float pitch
int z
int y
ResourceLocation name
int x
long seed
float volume

0x18 - Delete Chat Packet

Type Name
MessageSignature message signature

0x19 - Disconnect Packet

Type Name
Component reason

0x1A - Entity Event Packet

Type Name
int entity id
byte event id

0x1B - Explode Packet

Type Name
double z
float power
double x
double y
float knockback x
List<BlockPos> to blow
float knockback y
float knockback z

0x1C - Forget Level Chunk Packet

Type Name
int z
int x

0x1D - Game Event Packet

Type Name
float param
Type event

0x1E - Horse Screen Open Packet

Type Name
int container id
int entity id
int size

0x1F - Initialize Border Packet

Type Name
int new absolute max size
double new center x
double new size
long lerp time
int warning blocks
double old size
int warning time
double new center z

0x20 - Keep Alive Packet

Type Name
long id

0x21 - Level Chunk With Light Packet

Type Name
int z
int x
ClientboundLightUpdatePacketData light data
ClientboundLevelChunkPacketData chunk data

0x22 - Level Event Packet

Type Name
boolean global event
int type
BlockPos pos
int data

0x23 - Level Particles Packet

Type Name
float max speed
double z
ParticleOptions particle
double y
double x
int count
boolean override limiter
float z dist
float y dist
float x dist

0x24 - Light Update Packet

Type Name
int x
int z
ClientboundLightUpdatePacketData light data

0x25 - Login Packet

Type Name
Frozen registry holder
GameType previous game type
boolean hardcore
long seed
boolean reduced debug info
GameType game type
boolean is flat
int max players
ResourceKey<DimensionType> dimension type
int chunk radius
ResourceKey<Level> dimension
int player id
Set<ResourceKey<Level>> levels
Optional<GlobalPos> last death location
int simulation distance
boolean is debug
boolean show death screen

0x26 - Map Item Data Packet

Type Name
MapPatch color patch
boolean locked
int map id
List<MapDecoration> decorations
byte scale

0x27 - Merchant Offers Packet

Type Name
MerchantOffers offers
int villager level
int villager xp
boolean show progress
boolean can restock
int container id

0x28 - Pos

Type Name
short xa
boolean has rot
short ya
byte x rot
int entity id
boolean has pos
boolean on ground
short za
byte y rot

0x29 - Pos Rot

Type Name
short xa
boolean has rot
short ya
byte x rot
int entity id
boolean has pos
boolean on ground
short za
byte y rot

0x2A - Rot

Type Name
short xa
boolean has rot
short ya
byte x rot
int entity id
boolean has pos
boolean on ground
short za
byte y rot

0x2B - Move Vehicle Packet

Type Name
double x
float x rot
double y
double z
float y rot

0x2C - Open Book Packet

Type Name
InteractionHand hand

0x2D - Open Screen Packet

Type Name
int container id
MenuType<?> type
Component title

0x2E - Open Sign Editor Packet

Type Name
BlockPos pos

0x2F - Ping Packet

Type Name
int id

0x30 - Place Ghost Recipe Packet

Type Name
int container id
ResourceLocation recipe

0x31 - Player Abilities Packet

Type Name
boolean invulnerable
boolean instabuild
float flying speed
float walking speed
boolean is flying
boolean can fly

0x32 - Player Chat Packet

Type Name
BoundNetwork chat type
PlayerChatMessage message

0x33 - Player Chat Header Packet

Type Name
MessageSignature header signature
byte[] body digest
SignedMessageHeader header

0x34 - Player Combat End Packet

Type Name
int killer id
int duration

0x35 - Player Combat Enter Packet

Type Name

0x36 - Player Combat Kill Packet

Type Name
Component message
int killer id
int player id

0x37 - Player Info Packet

Type Name
List<PlayerUpdate> entries
Action action

0x38 - Player Look At Packet

Type Name
Anchor to anchor
Anchor from anchor
boolean at entity
double z
double y
double x
int entity

0x39 - Player Position Packet

Type Name
double z
int id
double x
float x rot
double y
boolean dismount vehicle
Set<RelativeArgument> relative arguments
float y rot

0x3A - Recipe Packet

Type Name
RecipeBookSettings book settings
List<ResourceLocation> recipes
List<ResourceLocation> to highlight
State state

0x3B - Remove Entities Packet

Type Name
IntList entity ids

0x3C - Remove Mob Effect Packet

Type Name
int entity id
MobEffect effect

0x3D - Resource Pack Packet

Type Name
String url
String hash
boolean required
Component prompt

0x3E - Respawn Packet

Type Name
long seed
GameType previous player game type
boolean is debug
boolean is flat
ResourceKey<DimensionType> dimension type
GameType player game type
ResourceKey<Level> dimension
boolean keep all player data
Optional<GlobalPos> last death location

0x3F - Rotate Head Packet

Type Name
byte y head rot
int entity id

0x40 - Section Blocks Update Packet

Type Name
boolean suppress light updates
SectionPos section pos
BlockState[] states
short[] positions

0x41 - Select Advancements Tab Packet

Type Name
ResourceLocation tab

0x42 - Server Data Packet

Type Name
boolean previews chat
Optional<String> icon base64
Optional<Component> motd

0x43 - Set Action Bar Text Packet

Type Name
Component text

0x44 - Set Border Center Packet

Type Name
double new center z
double new center x

0x45 - Set Border Lerp Size Packet

Type Name
double new size
long lerp time
double old size

0x46 - Set Border Size Packet

Type Name
double size

0x47 - Set Border Warning Delay Packet

Type Name
int warning delay

0x48 - Set Border Warning Distance Packet

Type Name
int warning blocks

0x49 - Set Camera Packet

Type Name
int camera id

0x4A - Set Carried Item Packet

Type Name
int slot

0x4B - Set Chunk Cache Center Packet

Type Name
int x
int z

0x4C - Set Chunk Cache Radius Packet

Type Name
int radius

0x4D - Set Default Spawn Position Packet

Type Name
float angle
BlockPos pos

0x4E - Set Display Chat Preview Packet

Type Name
boolean enabled

0x4F - Set Display Objective Packet

Type Name
int slot
String objective name

0x50 - Set Entity Data Packet

Type Name
List<DataItem<?>> packed items
int id

0x51 - Set Entity Link Packet

Type Name
int source id
int dest id

0x52 - Set Entity Motion Packet

Type Name
int id
int ya
int xa
int za

0x53 - Set Equipment Packet

Type Name
int entity
List<Pair<EquipmentSlot, ItemStack>> slots

0x54 - Set Experience Packet

Type Name
int total experience
float experience progress
int experience level

0x55 - Set Health Packet

Type Name
int food
float health
float saturation

0x56 - Set Objective Packet

Type Name
String objective name
RenderType render type
Component display name
int method

0x57 - Set Passengers Packet

Type Name
int vehicle
int[] passengers

0x58 - Set Player Team Packet

Type Name
String name
Optional<Parameters> parameters
int method
Collection<String> players

0x59 - Set Score Packet

Type Name
String objective name
Method method
int score
String owner

0x5A - Set Simulation Distance Packet

Type Name
int simulation distance

0x5B - Set Subtitle Text Packet

Type Name
Component text

0x5C - Set Time Packet

Type Name
long day time
long game time

0x5D - Set Title Text Packet

Type Name
Component text

0x5E - Set Titles Animation Packet

Type Name
int fade out
int fade in
int stay

0x5F - Sound Entity Packet

Type Name
long seed
SoundEvent sound
float volume
SoundSource source
int id
float pitch

0x60 - Sound Packet

Type Name
int y
int x
SoundSource source
float pitch
int z
long seed
SoundEvent sound
float volume

0x61 - Stop Sound Packet

Type Name
ResourceLocation name
SoundSource source

0x62 - System Chat Packet

Type Name
Component content
boolean overlay

0x63 - Tab List Packet

Type Name
Component footer
Component header

0x64 - Tag Query Packet

Type Name
CompoundTag tag
int transaction id

0x65 - Take Item Entity Packet

Type Name
int player id
int amount
int item id

0x66 - Teleport Entity Packet

Type Name
boolean on ground
byte y rot
double x
byte x rot
double y
double z
int id

0x67 - Update Advancements Packet

Type Name
Set<ResourceLocation> removed
Map<ResourceLocation, Builder> added
boolean reset
Map<ResourceLocation, AdvancementProgress> progress

0x68 - Update Attributes Packet

Type Name
int entity id
List<AttributeSnapshot> attributes

0x69 - Update Mob Effect Packet

Type Name
byte effect amplifier
int effect duration ticks
int entity id
byte flags
MobEffect effect
FactorData factor data

0x6A - Update Recipes Packet

Type Name
List<Recipe<?>> recipes

0x6B - Update Tags Packet

Type Name
Map<ResourceKey<? extends Registry<?>>, NetworkPayload> tags

Play (Client -> Server)

0x00 - Accept Teleportation Packet

Type Name
int id

0x01 - Block Entity Tag Query

Type Name
int transaction id
BlockPos pos

0x02 - Change Difficulty Packet

Type Name
Difficulty difficulty

0x03 - Chat Command Packet

Type Name
Instant time stamp
long salt
String command
boolean signed preview
ArgumentSignatures argument signatures

0x04 - Chat Packet

Type Name
boolean signed preview
String message
long salt
Instant time stamp
MessageSignature signature

0x05 - Chat Preview Packet

Type Name
String query
int query id

0x06 - Client Command Packet

Type Name
Action action

0x07 - Client Information Packet

Type Name
boolean chat colors
int model customisation
ChatVisiblity chat visibility
HumanoidArm main hand
int view distance
String language
boolean text filtering enabled
boolean allows listing

0x08 - Command Suggestion Packet

Type Name
int id
String command

0x09 - Container Button Click Packet

Type Name
int container id
int button id

0x0A - Container Click Packet

Type Name
int container id
ClickType click type
ItemStack carried item
Int2ObjectMap<ItemStack> changed slots
int button num
int state id
int slot num

0x0B - Container Close Packet

Type Name
int container id

0x0C - Custom Payload Packet

Type Name
FriendlyByteBuf data
ResourceLocation identifier

0x0D - Edit Book Packet

Type Name
Optional<String> title
int slot
List<String> pages

0x0E - Entity Tag Query

Type Name
int transaction id
int entity id

0x0F - Interact Packet

Type Name
int entity id
Action action
boolean using secondary action

0x10 - Jigsaw Generate Packet

Type Name
int levels
boolean keep jigsaws
BlockPos pos

0x11 - Keep Alive Packet

Type Name
long id

0x12 - Lock Difficulty Packet

Type Name
boolean locked

0x13 - Pos

Type Name
boolean has pos
double y
boolean has rot
double x
float x rot
double z
boolean on ground
float y rot

0x14 - Pos Rot

Type Name
boolean has pos
double y
boolean has rot
double x
float x rot
double z
boolean on ground
float y rot

0x15 - Rot

Type Name
boolean has pos
double y
boolean has rot
double x
float x rot
double z
boolean on ground
float y rot

0x16 - Status Only

Type Name
boolean has pos
double y
boolean has rot
double x
float x rot
double z
boolean on ground
float y rot

0x17 - Move Vehicle Packet

Type Name
float y rot
double y
double x
float x rot
double z

0x18 - Paddle Boat Packet

Type Name
boolean right
boolean left

0x19 - Pick Item Packet

Type Name
int slot

0x1A - Place Recipe Packet

Type Name
boolean shift down
ResourceLocation recipe
int container id

0x1B - Player Abilities Packet

Type Name
boolean is flying

0x1C - Player Action Packet

Type Name
Action action
Direction direction
int sequence
BlockPos pos

0x1D - Player Command Packet

Type Name
Action action
int id
int data

0x1E - Player Input Packet

Type Name
boolean is shift key down
boolean is jumping
float xxa
float zza

0x1F - Pong Packet

Type Name
int id

0x20 - Recipe Book Change Settings Packet

Type Name
RecipeBookType book type
boolean is open
boolean is filtering

0x21 - Recipe Book Seen Recipe Packet

Type Name
ResourceLocation recipe

0x22 - Rename Item Packet

Type Name
String name

0x23 - Resource Pack Packet

Type Name
Action action

0x24 - Seen Advancements Packet

Type Name
Action action
ResourceLocation tab

0x25 - Select Trade Packet

Type Name
int item

0x26 - Set Beacon Packet

Type Name
Optional<MobEffect> secondary
Optional<MobEffect> primary

0x27 - Set Carried Item Packet

Type Name
int slot

0x28 - Set Command Block Packet

Type Name
boolean automatic
String command
Mode mode
BlockPos pos
boolean track output
boolean conditional

0x29 - Set Command Minecart Packet

Type Name
boolean track output
int entity
String command

0x2A - Set Creative Mode Slot Packet

Type Name
int slot num
ItemStack item stack

0x2B - Set Jigsaw Block Packet

Type Name
BlockPos pos
JointType joint
ResourceLocation target
String final state
ResourceLocation name
ResourceLocation pool

0x2C - Set Structure Block Packet

Type Name
UpdateType update type
String name
boolean show air
Vec3i size
boolean show bounding box
BlockPos pos
StructureMode mode
float integrity
BlockPos offset
String data
long seed
Rotation rotation
Mirror mirror
boolean ignore entities

0x2D - Sign Update Packet

Type Name
BlockPos pos
String[] lines

0x2E - Swing Packet

Type Name
InteractionHand hand

0x2F - Teleport To Entity Packet

Type Name
UUID uuid

0x30 - Use Item On Packet

Type Name
InteractionHand hand
BlockHitResult block hit
int sequence

0x31 - Use Item Packet

Type Name
int sequence
InteractionHand hand

Status (Server -> Client)

0x00 - Status Response Packet

Type Name
ServerStatus status

0x01 - Pong Response Packet

Type Name
long time

Status (Client -> Server)

0x00 - Status Request Packet

Type Name

0x01 - Ping Request Packet

Type Name
long time

Login (Server -> Client)

0x00 - Login Disconnect Packet

Type Name
Component reason

0x01 - Hello Packet

Type Name
String server id
byte[] nonce
byte[] public key

0x02 - Game Profile Packet

Type Name
GameProfile game profile

0x03 - Login Compression Packet

Type Name
int compression threshold

0x04 - Custom Query Packet

Type Name
int transaction id
FriendlyByteBuf data
ResourceLocation identifier

Login (Client -> Server)

0x00 - Hello Packet

Type Name
Optional<UUID> profile id
Optional<Data> public key
String name

0x01 - Key Packet

Type Name
byte[] keybytes
Either<byte[], SaltSignaturePair> nonce or salt signature

0x02 - Custom Query Packet

Type Name
FriendlyByteBuf data
int transaction id
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