Joyce is a highly scalable event-driven Cloud Native Data Hub.



Joyce Release
Documentation Release
Libraries Build

Component docker latest version Build
Import Gateway sourcesense/joyce-import-gateway Docker Image Version (latest semver) Import Engine Build
Joyce Kafka Connect sourcesense/joyce-kafka-connect Docker Image Version (latest semver) Kafka Connect Build
Mongodb Sink sourcesense/joyce-mongodb-sink Docker Image Version (latest semver) Mongodb Sink Build
Rest sourcesense/joyce-api Docker Image Version (latest semver) API Docker Release


Joyce is a highly scalable event-driven Cloud Native Data Hub.

Ok! Wait, what? Joyce allows you to ingest data from (almost) any source and expose the ingested data as standard APIs (REST, event notification) automatically. In order to specify to Joyce which data we want to pick from the incoming data stream and how APIs will look like you need to describe the expected behaviour with a DSL based on json-schema.

From a high level perspective Joyce performs 4 tasks:

  • acquire content produced from different sources.
  • transform the raw content with a DSL (a schema)
  • store it somewhere (to a sink)
  • serve the result of this process with an automatic REST API.


Documentation is available here

Getting Started

cd joyce-compose
docker-compose up -d

This will startup:

  • a single node kafka instance persisted under data directory
  • a single node zookeeper instance persisted under data directory
  • a single node mongodb instance persisted under data directory
  • AKHQ to monitor kafka topics exposed at localhost:6680
  • joyce-import-gateway exposing it's API at localhost:6651
  • joyce-mongodb-sink to store processed content to mongodb
  • joyce-api exposed at localhost:6650 to consume processed content.

Save a schema

First of all we have to store a schema that tells the system how to project the content we import inside Joyce.

A schema is an enhanced json-schema with keywords that tells how to transform/project a content.

For a complete documentation on schema go here

You can write a schema in json or yaml.

Let's try to save one.

cat > import-user.yaml  <<- "EOF"
  subtype: import
  namespace: default
  name: user
  description: A test schema
  development: true
  uid: code
  collection: users
type: object
    type: integer
    $path: $.user_id
    type: string
    $path: $.first_name
    type: string
    $path: $.last_name
    type: string
      language: python
      code: "'_'.join([source['first_name'].upper(), source['last_name'].upper()])"
    type: string
    type: object
      url: "{{email}}"
      method: GET
        Content-Type: application/json
        email: "$.email"
      extract: "$.data"
        type: boolean
        $path: $.valid_syntax
        type: boolean
        type: boolean
    type: string
    $fixed: "SimpleUser"

Now we have to save the schema to import-gateway component:

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/x-yaml" --data-binary @import-user.yaml http://localhost:6651/api/schema

Now your schema is ready to be used by the api, you can check it by going to http://localhost:6651/api/schema/import/default/user.

Configure API

If you go to http://localhost:6650/docs you'll see a swagger interface with no resources, that's why resource derives from schema and must be configured to be exposed.

create a file schemas.json with this content:

cat > schemas.json  <<- "EOF"
    "schemas": {
        "test-users": {
            "source": "http://import-gateway:6651/api/schema/import/default/user"

Edit the docker compose to expose the file as a volume:

     image: sourcesense/joyce-rest:latest
       - "6650:6650"
       - MONGO_URI=mongodb://user:password@mongodb:27017/joyce
+      - SCHEMAS_SOURCE=/opt/schemas.json
+    volumes:
+      - ./schemas.json:/opt/schemas.json
       - mongodb
       - import-gateway

Now restart the api to load the schema:

docker-compose stop rest
docker-compose up -d rest

Check again swagger http://localhost:6650/docs and you'll see your resource.

Import documents

Now you are ready to store content to the import-gateway:

curl -0 -v "http://localhost:6651/api/import" \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' \
-H "accept: application/json; charset=utf-8" \
-H "X-Joyce-Schema-Id: joyce://schema/import/default.user" "http://localhost:6651/api/import" \
--data-binary @- << EOF
    "user_id": 1337,
    "first_name": "Jon",
    "last_name": "Snow",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "state": "Westeros"

Your content should be transformed soon and can be retrieved using the api

curl http://localhost:6650/api/test-users

If anything goes wrong, notification of errors and success during processing are published on the joyce_notification topic on kafka, you can inspect easily by using akhq on localhost:6680.

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