A Forge mod that implements SpongeAPI


SpongeForge Build Status

Currently not stable and under heavy development!

A Forge implementation of the Sponge API.



The following steps will ensure your project is cloned properly.

  1. git clone --recursive https://github.com/SpongePowered/SpongeForge.git
  2. cd SpongeForge
  3. cp scripts/pre-commit .git/hooks


Note: SpongeForge uses Gradle as its build system. The repo includes the Gradle wrapper that will automatically download the correct Gradle version. Local installations of Gradle may work but are untested. To execute the Gradle wrapper, run the ./gradlew script on Unix systems or only gradlew on Windows systems.

Before you are able to build SpongeForge, you must first prepare the environment:

  • Run ./gradlew setupDecompWorkspace --refresh-dependencies

IDE Setup

For Eclipse

  1. Run ./gradlew eclipse
  2. Import Sponge as an existing project (File > Import > General)
  3. Select the root folder for SpongeForge and make sure Search for nested projects is enabled
  4. Check Sponge when it finishes building and click Finish

For IntelliJ

  1. Make sure you have the Gradle plugin enabled (File > Settings > Plugins).
  2. Click File > New > Project from Existing Sources > Gradle and select the root folder for SpongeForge.
  3. Make sure Use default gradle wrapper is selected. Older/newer Gradle versions may work but we only test using the wrapper.
  4. Make sure Create separate module per source set is selected. This ensures that Intellij properly handles SpongeForge's Kotlin and Java dependencies.


Note: The following is aimed to help you setup run configurations for Eclipse and IntelliJ, if you do not want to be able to run SpongeForge directly from your IDE then you can skip this.

For Eclipse

  1. Running ./gradlew eclipse should have generated the run configurations automatically.
  2. When launching the server for the first time, it will shutdown by itself. You will need to modify eula.txt to set eula=true (this means you agree to the Mojang EULA, if you do not wish to do this then you cannot run the server).

For IntelliJ

  1. Run ./gradlew genIntelliJRuns
  2. Restart IntelliJ IDEA or reload the project, the run configuration should now be generated.
  3. When launching the server for the first time, it will shutdown by itself. You will need to modify eula.txt to set eula=true (this means you agree to the Mojang EULA, if you do not wish to do this then you cannot run the server).


Note: You must Setup the environment before you can build SpongeForge.

In order to build SpongeForge you simply need to run the gradlew command. On Windows systems you should run gradlew instead of ./gradlew to invoke the Gradle wrapper. You can find the compiled JAR files in ./build/libs but in most cases you'll only need 'spongeforge-x.x.x-x-x.x-x.jar'.

Updating your Clone

The following steps will update your clone with the official repo.

  1. git pull
  2. git submodule update --recursive
  3. ./gradlew setupDecompWorkspace --refresh-dependencies


A dependency was added, but my IDE is missing it! How do I add it?

If a new dependency was added, you can just restart your IDE and the Gradle plugin for that IDE should pull in the new dependencies.


Are you a talented programmer looking to contribute some code? We'd love the help!

  • Open a pull request with your changes, following our guidelines.
  • Please follow the above guidelines for your pull request(s) to be accepted.

Help! Things are not working!

Some issues can be resolved by deleting the '.gradle' folder in your user directory and running through the setup steps again, or even running gradle cleanCache and running through the setup again. Otherwise if you are having trouble with something that the README does not cover, feel free to join our IRC channel and ask for assistance.

  • Water & Lava Will Not Spread, Even With a Block Update

    Water & Lava Will Not Spread, Even With a Block Update

    This just came across from one of my players so I decided to test it myself. Water nor Lava will not spread even if I place a block next to it to update it. It still stays as a source block but does not move at all.

    Server details: SpongeForge: 1151 Forge: 1732 (1.8.9) Pixelmon: 4.2 RAM: 16GB

    opened by xChristopher210 76
  • SkyFactory 3 - mob spawning causes huge TPS issues v2

    SkyFactory 3 - mob spawning causes huge TPS issues v2

    Related to https://github.com/SpongePowered/SpongeForge/issues/1156



    After fixing the setEntity method the TPS is slightly better, but still there are more methods causing TPS issues.

    SpongeForge: 1.10.2-2202-5.1.0-BETA-2016

    opened by KaiKikuchi 63
  • Hermitpack lag issues

    Hermitpack lag issues

    @bloodmc @LemADEC refrencing the hermit pack issue that wasnt resolved in ticket #948

    hermit pack warmroast
    WarmRoasthermitpack.zip timings https://timings.aikar.co/v2/?id=f11ff43a4cd447288ecfab1e069e7991

    type: performance 
    opened by NyleGarcia-dev 62
  • Damageable interface conflicts with EntityLivingBase

    Damageable interface conflicts with EntityLivingBase

    Currently the only conflicting issues are the float based health methods.

    Minecraft (EntityLivingBase):

        float getHealth()
        void setHealth(float amount)
        void damageEntity(DamageSource source, float amount) // This one isn't really an issue due to the different definition

    Sponge (Damageable):

        double getHealth()
        void setHealth(double amount)
        void damage(double amount)

    The clean implementation of the SpongeAPI seems to be with Mixins, however a Mixin class must extend the same parent class as the class it mixes into. So to implement Player you have to both extend EntityPlayer (a subclass of EntityLivingBase) and implement the Player interface from Sponge's API. Because now you have to have methods that differ only by return type, the code will run, but not compile. @Shadow does nothing here because the methods are defined by the fixed base class.

    Even by injecting the fixed methods into EntityLivingBase isn't a solution because EntityPlayerMP needs a Mixin also. Which means that while the runtime EntityLivingBase is fixed at runtime, your player Mixin won't compile because of the compile time conflict.

    opened by modwizcode 53
  • [1.10.2/spongeforge] Adding sponge to server dropping tps to unplayable levels

    [1.10.2/spongeforge] Adding sponge to server dropping tps to unplayable levels

    With build 5.0.0-BETA-1788 https://gyazo.com/f9497191e70b1528f04ad361fd4a1860 https://timings.aikar.co/v2/?id=3dcf1ba0542c4327b50a63ea3acb143c << running since server start https://timings.aikar.co/v2/?id=38f24078ac2041b7af0fbaaf9b85f908 << running for a few min Still the same issue when adding sponge to a world that has 20 tps the world will start experiencing major lag. with tps dropping to 1-.68 tps

    Also after disabling sponge the tps resumed to its normal level at 20 https://gyazo.com/a3f73dd8035e40dc9f32c537e03ba70e

    type: performance 
    opened by NyleGarcia-dev 47
  • Async Light causes IndexOutOfBoundsException SPacketChunkData

    Async Light causes IndexOutOfBoundsException SPacketChunkData

    I am currently running Minecraft: 1.12.2 SpongeAPI: 7.1.0-SNAPSHOT-d453c3e SpongeForge: 1.12.2-2705-7.1.0-BETA-3206 Minecraft Forge:

    • Java version: openjdk version "1.8.0_181" OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_181-b13) OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.181-b13, mixed mode)
    • Operating System: CentOS Linux release 7.5.1804 (Core)


    Minecraft, Minecraft Coder Pack, SpongeAPI, SpongeForge, Aliases, BattleLog, CatClearLag, Holograms, LangSwitch, LuckPerms, MMCReboot, MMCRestrict, MMCTickets, Nucleus, Plan, ProjectCore, ProjectPortals, ProjectWorlds, ServerListPlus, SleepVote, Total Economy, Universe Guard 2, VillagerShops, Web-API, WorldEdit, spark


    Mods (97): Minecraft, Minecraft Coder Pack, Forge Mod Loader, Minecraft Forge, SpongeAPI, SpongeForge, AE2 Stuff, Actually Additions, Advanced Solar Panels, Ambience, Applied Energistics 2, AutoRegLib, BC Builders, BC Energy, BC Factory, BC Robotics, BC Silicon, BC Transport, BD Lib, Baubles, Blood Debug, Brandon's Core, BuildCraft, BuildCraft Compat, BuildCraft Lib, CoFH Core, CoFH World, CodeChicken Lib, ComputerCraft, CustomNPCs, DiscordIntegration, Draconic Evolution, Ender IO, Ender IO Applied Energistics Conduits, Ender IO Base, Ender IO Conduits, Ender IO Integration with Forestry, Ender IO Integration with Tinkers' Construct, Ender IO Integration with Tinkers' Construct, Ender IO Machines, Ender IO Open Computers Conduits, Ender IO Powertools, Ender IO Refined Storage Conduits, EnderCore, EnderStorage, Ex Compressum, Ex Nihilo Creatio, Extra Cells 2, Extra Planets, Extreme Reactors, Faction Mod, Galacticraft Core, Galacticraft Planets, ICBM-Classic, Immersive Engineering, IndustrialCraft 2, Inventory Tweaks, Iron Chest, It's the little things, JourneyMap, Just Enough Items, MJRLegendsLib, Malisis Advert, MalisisCore, Mantle, Mekanism, MekanismGenerators, MekanismTools, Micdoodle8 Core, NoMoreRecipeConflict, NuclearCraft, OMLib, Open Glider, Open Modular Turrets, OpenBlocks, OpenModsLib, OpenModsLib Core, PlusTiC, Quark, Random Things, Reborn Core, Redstone Arsenal, Redstone Flux, SG Craft, Simply Jetpacks 2, Smooth Font Core, Steve's Carts 2, TESLA, Thermal Dynamics, Thermal Expansion, Thermal Foundation, Tinkers' Construct, VanillaFix, What Are We Looking At, Wireless Crafting Terminal 2, Zero CORE, p455w0rd's Library

    Issue Description

    Last I heard a user was in space looking at schematics in chests and then they crashed... I am usually able to see what's up based on the crash report but the only evidence I have is that player statement and the dim affected in the crash report. Seems like it may correlate with extra-planets. Unsure.


    version: 1.12 system: network 
    opened by sfxworks 46
  • Piston duplication blocks issue

    Piston duplication blocks issue

    I am currently running

    • SpongeForge version: 1.12.2-2705-7.1.0-BETA-3445

    • Forge version:

    • Java version: java version "1.8.0_144"

    • Operating System: Linux

    • Plugins/Mods: Mods (14): Minecraft, Minecraft Coder Pack, Forge Mod Loader, Minecraft Forge, SpongeAPI, SpongeForge, BiblioCraft, Chisel, Iron Chest, Pixel Extras, Pixelmon, RandomPatches, RandomTweaks, Tree Chopper

    Issue Description https://youtu.be/akmr2KRE8og.

    type: bug version: 1.12 status: pr pending 
    opened by noremac09 44
  • Server crash with Sponge dealing with dimensions

    Server crash with Sponge dealing with dimensions

    Forge: 1.10.2- Sponge: 1.10.2-2254-5.2.0-BETA-2272 Galacticraft: 1.10.2-

    When launching my server with just forge and Galacticraft things work well, however when adding Sponge it crashes with Dimension errors. I believe I saw this with Sponge issue #1360 however that was for 1.8.9 so you understandably weren't supporting it you told @radfast. This is with supported 1.10.2, so hopefully you can see if the dimension issues with Sponge have a possible resolution?



    Full Log: https://pastebin.com/vtETxR0K

    Relevant Section of Crash Log :
    [00:29:25] [Server thread/ERROR] [galacticraftplanets/]: Skipping event FMLPostInitializationEvent and marking errored mod galacticraftplanets since required dependency galacticraftcore has errored
    [00:29:25] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PostInitialization - Galacticraft Planets took 0.000s
    [00:29:25] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Finished: PostInitialization took 0.064s
    [00:29:25] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML/]: Fatal errors were detected during the transition from POSTINITIALIZATION to AVAILABLE. Loading cannot continue
    [00:29:25] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML/]: 
    	States: 'U' = Unloaded 'L' = Loaded 'C' = Constructed 'H' = Pre-initialized 'I' = Initialized 'J' = Post-initialized 'A' = Available 'D' = Disabled 'E' = Errored
    	UCHIJ	mcp{9.19} [Minecraft Coder Pack] (minecraft.jar) 
    	UCHIJ	FML{} [Forge Mod Loader] (forge-1.10.2- 
    	UCHIJ	Forge{} [Minecraft Forge] (forge-1.10.2- 
    	UCHIJ	Micdoodlecore{} [Micdoodle8 Core] (minecraft.jar) 
    	UCHIJ	spongeapi{5.2.0-SNAPSHOT-a3257a0} [SpongeAPI] (minecraft.jar) 
    	UCHIJ	sponge{1.10.2-2254-5.2.0-BETA-2272} [SpongeForge] (spongeforge-1.10.2-2254-5.2.0-BETA-2272.jar) 
    	UCHIE	galacticraftcore{4.0.0} [Galacticraft Core] (GalacticraftCore-1.10.2- 
    	UCHIE	galacticraftplanets{4.0.0} [Galacticraft Planets] (Galacticraft-Planets-1.10.2- 
    [00:29:25] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML/]: The following problems were captured during this phase
    [00:29:25] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML/]: Caught exception from Galacticraft Core (galacticraftcore)
    java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid dimension id -28
    	at net.minecraft.world.DimensionType.lambda$getById$0(DimensionType.java:636) ~[atm.class:?]
    	at java.util.Optional.orElseThrow(Optional.java:290) ~[?:1.8.0_111]
    	at net.minecraft.world.DimensionType.func_186069_a(DimensionType.java:636) ~[atm.class:?]
    	at micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.core.GalacticraftCore.postInit(GalacticraftCore.java:372) ~[GalacticraftCore.class:?]
    	at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:1.8.0_111]
    	at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62) ~[?:1.8.0_111]
    	at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43) ~[?:1.8.0_111]
    	at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:498) ~[?:1.8.0_111]
    	at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.handleModStateEvent(FMLModContainer.java:616) ~[forge-1.10.2-]
    	at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:1.8.0_111]
    	at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62) ~[?:1.8.0_111]
    	at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43) ~[?:1.8.0_111]
    	at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:498) ~[?:1.8.0_111]
    	at com.google.common.eventbus.EventSubscriber.handleEvent(EventSubscriber.java:74) ~[minecraft_server.1.10.2.jar:?]
    	at com.google.common.eventbus.SynchronizedEventSubscriber.handleEvent(SynchronizedEventSubscriber.java:47) ~[minecraft_server.1.10.2.jar:?]
    	at com.google.common.eventbus.EventBus.dispatch(EventBus.java:322) ~[minecraft_server.1.10.2.jar:?]
    	at com.google.common.eventbus.EventBus.dispatchQueuedEvents(EventBus.java:304) ~[minecraft_server.1.10.2.jar:?]
    	at com.google.common.eventbus.EventBus.post(EventBus.java:275) ~[minecraft_server.1.10.2.jar:?]
    	at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.sendEventToModContainer(LoadController.java:243) ~[LoadController.class:?]
    	at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.propogateStateMessage(LoadController.java:221) ~[LoadController.class:?]
    	at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:1.8.0_111]
    	at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62) ~[?:1.8.0_111]
    	at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43) ~[?:1.8.0_111]
    	at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:498) ~[?:1.8.0_111]
    	at com.google.common.eventbus.EventSubscriber.handleEvent(EventSubscriber.java:74) ~[minecraft_server.1.10.2.jar:?]
    	at com.google.common.eventbus.SynchronizedEventSubscriber.handleEvent(SynchronizedEventSubscriber.java:47) ~[minecraft_server.1.10.2.jar:?]
    	at com.google.common.eventbus.EventBus.dispatch(EventBus.java:322) ~[minecraft_server.1.10.2.jar:?]
    	at com.google.common.eventbus.EventBus.dispatchQueuedEvents(EventBus.java:304) ~[minecraft_server.1.10.2.jar:?]
    	at com.google.common.eventbus.EventBus.post(EventBus.java:275) ~[minecraft_server.1.10.2.jar:?]
    	at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.redirect$onPost$zzb000(LoadController.java:552) ~[LoadController.class:?]
    	at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.distributeStateMessage(LoadController.java:145) [LoadController.class:?]
    	at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader.initializeMods(Loader.java:810) [Loader.class:?]
    	at net.minecraftforge.fml.server.FMLServerHandler.finishServerLoading(FMLServerHandler.java:108) [FMLServerHandler.class:?]
    	at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onServerStarted(FMLCommonHandler.java:333) [FMLCommonHandler.class:?]
    	at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.func_71197_b(DedicatedServer.java:214) [ld.class:?]
    	at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:431) [MinecraftServer.class:?]
    	at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745) [?:1.8.0_111]
    [00:29:25] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: Can't revert to frozen GameData state without freezing first.
    [00:29:25] [Server thread/TRACE] [mcp/mcp]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod mcp
    [00:29:25] [Server thread/TRACE] [mcp/mcp]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod mcp
    [00:29:25] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - Minecraft Coder Pack took 0.000s
    [00:29:25] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/FML]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod FML
    [00:29:25] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/FML]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod FML
    [00:29:25] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - Forge Mod Loader took 0.000s
    [00:29:25] [Server thread/TRACE] [Forge/Forge]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod Forge
    [00:29:25] [Server thread/TRACE] [Forge/Forge]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod Forge
    [00:29:25] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - Minecraft Forge took 0.000s
    [00:29:25] [Server thread/TRACE] [Micdoodlecore/Micdoodlecore]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod Micdoodlecore
    [00:29:25] [Server thread/TRACE] [Micdoodlecore/Micdoodlecore]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod Micdoodlecore
    [00:29:25] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - Micdoodle8 Core took 0.000s
    [00:29:25] [Server thread/TRACE] [spongeapi/spongeapi]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod spongeapi
    [00:29:25] [Server thread/TRACE] [spongeapi/spongeapi]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod spongeapi
    [00:29:25] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - SpongeAPI took 0.000s
    [00:29:25] [Server thread/TRACE] [sponge/sponge]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod sponge
    [00:29:25] [Server thread/TRACE] [sponge/sponge]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod sponge
    [00:29:25] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - SpongeForge took 0.005s
    [00:29:25] [Server thread/TRACE] [galacticraftcore/galacticraftcore]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod galacticraftcore
    [00:29:25] [Server thread/TRACE] [galacticraftcore/galacticraftcore]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod galacticraftcore
    [00:29:25] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - Galacticraft Core took 0.009s
    [00:29:25] [Server thread/ERROR] [galacticraftplanets/]: Skipping event FMLServerStoppedEvent and marking errored mod galacticraftplanets since required dependency galacticraftcore has errored
    [00:29:25] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: ServerStopped - Galacticraft Planets took 0.000s
    [00:29:25] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Finished: ServerStopped took 0.016s
    [00:29:25] [Server thread/INFO] [FML/]: The state engine was in incorrect state ERRORED and forced into state SERVER_STOPPED. Errors may have been discarded.
    [00:29:25] [Server thread/INFO] [FML/]: The state engine was in incorrect state ERRORED and forced into state AVAILABLE. Errors may have been discarded.
    type: bug status: accepted version: 1.10 (u) version: 1.11 (u) system: world 
    opened by silent-mobious 44
  • Sponge gets into problems with ender eye.

    Sponge gets into problems with ender eye.

    When I use the enderEye on our server it writes

    6:44:50 PM CONSOLE: thread/FATAL]: Error executing task

    We generated the strongholds before adding sponge so we're pretty sure they are there. We removed sponge and throwing the ender pearls worked after adding again the pearl won't fly.

    type: bug status: accepted version: 1.10 (u) version: 1.11 (u) version: 1.12 
    opened by Raycoms 43
  • any item duped when placed

    any item duped when placed

    I am currently running

    • SpongeForge version: 1.12.2-2768-7.1.6-RC3665
    • Forge version:
    • Java version: 1.8
    • Operating System: Ubuntu

    Plugins (18): Minecraft, Minecraft Coder Pack, SpongeAPI, Sponge, GriefPrevention, Integrity, LolnetAPI, LolnetForceRestarter, LuckPerms, Nucleus, Prism, ServerManager, Shop, SkyClaims, Sledgehammer, SpongePrometheusExporter, WorldEdit, spark

    Mods (197): Minecraft, Minecraft Coder Pack, Forge Mod Loader, Minecraft Forge, SpongeAPI, Sponge, Advancement Book, Animal Crops, Apotheosis, AppleCore, AppleSkin, Applied Energistics 2, Aroma1997Core, Astral Sorcery, B.A.S.E, BNBGamingLib, Barrels, Drums, Storage & More, Baubles, Bed Patch, BiblioCraft, BnBGamingCore, Bonsai Trees, Bookshelf, Building Gadgets, Caliper, Calm Down Zombie Guy, Carry On, Ceramics, Chargers, ChineseWorkshop, Chisel, Chisels & Bits, Chunk Manager, Click Machine, Clumps, CoFH Core, CoFH World, CodeChicken Lib, ComPatchedStorage, CommonCapabilities, Compact Machines 3, CompactStorage, Construct's Armory, ContentTweaker, Cooking for Blockheads, Corail Tombstone, CraftTweaker JEI Support, CraftTweaker2, Cucumber Library, Culinary Construct, Cyclic, Cyclops Core, Dark Utilities, Deep Mob Learning, Dimension Stages, Elevator Mod, Ender Crop, Ender Utilities, EnderCore, EnderStorage, Extended Crafting, Extra Cells 2, Extra Cells Patch, Farming for Blockheads, FastFurnace, FastWorkbench, Fence Overhaul, FindMe, Flux Networks, FoamFix, FoamFixCore, Forge Microblocks, Forge Multipart CBE, Forgiving Void, Game Stages, Guide-API, Headcrumbs, Horse Power, Hunting Dimension, HydroGel, InControl, Industrial Foregoing, Inspirations, Integrated Dynamics, Integrated Tunnels, IntegratedDynamics-Compat, IntegratedTunnels-Compat, Iron Jetpacks, Item Stages, JourneyMap, Just Enough Items, KleeSlabs, Limitless Structure Blocks, MCMultiPart, MTLib, MalisisCore, MalisisDoors, Mantle, MatterOverdrive: Legacy Edition, McJtyLib, Mekanism, MekanismGenerators, Mercurius, Minecraft Multipart Plugin, Misc Server Utils, Mob Stages, Mod Tweaker, ModPack Basic Tools, ModPack Utilities, More Buckets, More Cauldrons, Mystcraft, Mystical Agradditions, Mystical Agriculture, NuclearCraft, OG Dragon+, OpenComputers, OpenComputers (Core), OpenComputers Xnet Driver, OreExcavation, Parabox, Pickle Tweaks, PigUtils, Pipe Master 2000, Placebo, Practical Logistics 2, Prestige, Primitive Crafting, ProjectE, RFToolsPower, Ranged Pumps, Real Filing Cabinet, RecipeStages, Redstone Flux, Resource Hogs, Rustic, Shadowfacts' Forgelin, SilentBoss, Simple Generators, Simple Inventory sorting, Simple Storage Network, Sky Grid, SkyBonsais, Slab Machines, SlimyBoyos, Smooth Font Core, Snad, SonarCore, SpongeForge, Squeezer Patch, Statues mod, Stuff A Sock In It, Super Sound Muffler, Surge, SwingThroughGrass, Sync, TallGates, TelePastries, Tesla Core Lib, Tesla Core Lib Registries, The Lost Cities, The Twilight Forest, The Weirding Gadget, Thermal Dynamics, Thermal Foundation, Thermal Innovation, TickProfiler, Tinkers Tool Leveling, Tinkers' Complement, Tinkers' Construct, Tiny Progressions, TogetherForever, Topography, TorchMaster, Translocators, Tree Growing Simulator 2016, Triumph, Twitchcrumbs, Universal Modifiers, Valkyrie Lib, ViesCraft, Waddles, Waila, Waila Stages, Wall-Jump!, What Are We Looking At, Wither Crumbs, World Utils, XL Food Mod, XNet, YNot, Yoyos, ZenStages, bouncy_creepers, mob_grinding_utils, sky_orchards, uppers

    Issue Description all players on the server can place blocks with out it using the block from there inventory

    while this happens we are getting https://pastebin.com/EwzFyMAZ this error in the log

    type: bug status: needs testing version: 1.12 
    opened by dezil 36
  • [1.10.2] move block event?

    [1.10.2] move block event?

    RFTools Elevator as seen on the picture will move to the desired level but also stay on current and hence duplicating the blocks it uses as floor.


    this all started when we enabled sponge on the server nothing shows in the logs and

    current sponge installed is: spongeforge-1.10.2-2026-5.0.0-BETA-1626

    type: bug system: event version: 1.10 (u) 
    opened by FiveEYZ 36
  • Tekkit 2 Railcraft incompatible with SpongeForge 1.12.2

    Tekkit 2 Railcraft incompatible with SpongeForge 1.12.2


    2838-7.4.7, 7.4.8-RC4142

    Operating System

    Linux (5.10.0-9-amd64/amd64)

    Java Version



    I'd list plugins I use in production, but I can replicate this with just SpongeForge on its own.

    Describe the bug

    I'm reposting https://github.com/Railcraft/Railcraft/issues/2089 as I've had no response from that end, so hoping that perhaps we can figure something out from this end?

    Description of the Bug Hosting server for the Technic Tekkit 2 modpack. Forge-1.12.2- With SpongeForge (SF) present, there are a few combinations of mostly negative results with Railcraft. Tekkit 2 is also using a version of 12.1.0-beta-8 from Speiger, which I believe is just https://github.com/Railcraft/Railcraft/pull/2086 but cannot be sure. I mention this in case this gets merged.

    In 12.0.0, everything worked perfectly. In 12.1.0-beta-8, with both tested version of SF, railcraft did not work or at worst did not work and caused heavy TPS loss In 12.1.0-beta-8-Speiger (made for Tekkit 2, v1.1.3), with recommend SF railcraft works but has a heavy TPS impact (a single iron tank can drop TPS from 20 to 16). With the latest SF railcraft does not work and also causes heavy TPS loss.

    With SpongeForge 2838-7.4.7 (recommended) present: | Railcraft Version | Does mod work? | Negative performance impact? | | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | | railcraft-12.0.0 | YES | no | | railcraft-12.1.0-beta-8 | NO | no | | railcraft-12.1.0-beta-8-technic2 | some | YES | For example, railcraft-12.1.0-beta-8-technic2 on this build of SpongeForge has issues with the likes of multiblock structures not completing.

    With SpongeForge 2838-7.4.8-RC4142 (latest) present: | Railcraft Version | Does mod work? | Negative performance impact? | | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | | railcraft-12.0.0 | YES | no | | railcraft-12.1.0-beta-8 | NO | YES | | railcraft-12.1.0-beta-8-technic2 | NO | YES |

    Logs There is no unusual content printed to the logs - only warnings regarding the server running behind in those instances where I've specified heavy performance impact.

    I did however do a 5 minute timings report with Spark. The context here is that my server TPS was at 3. Destroying perhaps 7 iron tanks by removing a block brought TPS back up to 20. I did one timing report before and after placing the final block in those tanks. I have also encountered the same performance drop with Blast Furnaces and tanks at other locations and times, just whatever happens to be loaded by a player at the time.

    • Forge-1.12.2-
    • SpongeForge 2838-7.4.7
    • In 12.1.0-beta-8-Speiger (works but causes heavy TPS loss)
    1. https://spark.lucko.me/5mYwHDzUGu (TPS normal, tanks not finished)
    2. https://spark.lucko.me/4NgodjGhtu (TPS down to 5, tanks finished)

    I do also have some in-game footage, for whatever it's worth:

    • https://streamable.com/us7o4b - Disabling one tank brings TPS from 11 to 20
    • https://streamable.com/1pi0mq - After the previous video, enabling 7 tanks brought TPS from 20 to 5, this continued to lower to 3

    I would have loved to have tested each of the beta's between 12.0.0 and beta 8 but sadly do not have the time beyond this report!

    I'm not sure how much further I can help but feel free to ask; thanks for looking at this report.

    Link to logs

    No response

    opened by Pulz-TCP 0
  • SpongeForge crash when breaking a bed

    SpongeForge crash when breaking a bed



    Operating System


    Java Version

    Java 8


    Recurrent Complex (by Ivorforce)
    AutoRegLib (by Vazkii)
    Waystones (by BlayTheNinth)
    Controlling (by Jaredlll08)
    Blue Skies (by ModdingLegacy)
    FancyMenu [Forge] (by Keksuccino)
    Legendary Tooltips (by Grend_G)
    MysticalLib (by Noobanidus)
    Patchouli (by Vazkii)
    Ice and Fire: Dragons (by sbom_xela)
    Mowzie's Mobs (by bobmowzie)
    Hwyla (by TehNut)
    Classy Hats (by wiresegal)
    ForgeEndertech (by EnderLanky)
    Cosmetic Armor Reworked (by LainMI)
    Konkrete [Forge] (by Keksuccino)
    Enchantment Descriptions (by DarkhaxDev)
    Forge Essentials Client (by olee92)
    Jade 🔍 (by Snownee_)
    Dragon Mounts 2 (DISCONTINUED) (by TheRPGAdventurer101)
    Foam​Fix (by asiekierka)
    Defiled Lands (by Lykrast)
    Spartan Weaponry: Twilight Forest (by kreloxcz)
    RenderLib (by meldexun)
    The Midnight (by CrypticMushroomLive)
    Inventory Tweaks [1.12 only] (by JimeoWan)
    Bewitchment (Legacy) (by sunconure11)
    YUNG's Better Caves (Forge) (by YUNGNICKYOUNG)
    Wings Horns & Hooves, the Ultimate Unicorn Mod (by KaneApollo)
    Spartan Weaponry (by ObliviousSpartan)
    The Aether (by GildedGames)
    Prism (by Grend_G)
    Pack Crash Info (by BloodWorkXGaming)
    Mouse Tweaks (by YaLTeR)
    Stygian End: Biome Expansion (by super_fluke)
    IvToolkit (by Ivorforce)
    [ANGRY PIXEL] The Betweenlands (by MrCompost)
    Horse Tweaks (by BlayTheNinth)
    Spartan Shields (by ObliviousSpartan)
    Electroblob's Wizardry (by Electroblob)
    BetterFps (by Guichaguri)
    Akashic Tome (by Vazkii)
    Additional Structures (by XxRexRaptorxX)
    Despawning Spawners (by Buuz135)
    Craftable Horse Armour & Saddle [CHA&S] (by EwyBoy)
    BetterNether (by Quiqueck)
    Chisel (by tterrag1098)
    MixinBootstrap (by LX_Gaming)
    Bookshelf (by DarkhaxDev)
    Antique Atlas (by Hunternif)
    Baubles (by Azanor13)
    Vampires Need Umbrellas (by Focamacho)
    AEble (by 指考上交大電機)
    Morpheus (by Quetzi)
    BountifulBaubles (by Cursed1nferno)
    Quark (by Vazkii)
    Shadowfacts' Forgelin (by ShadowfactsDev)
    Wolf Armor and Storage Legacy (by satyrnidae)
    The Twilight Forest (by Benimatic)
    Clumps (by Jaredlll08)
    Mo' Bends (by IVESIRIS)
    Blood Magic (by WayofTime)
    Ambience (Music Mod) (by Vazkii)
    Just Enough Items (JEI) (by mezz)
    Collision Damage (by fonnymunkey)
    Mystical World (by Noobanidus)
    Roots (by Noobanidus)
    Wizardry Mod (by Demoniaque1)
    SuperMartijn642's Config Lib (by SuperMartijn642)
    Astral Sorcery (by HellFirePvP)
    LibrarianLib (by wiresegal)
    Entity Culling (by meldexun)
    LLibrary (by mmdlexiconn)
    Damage Indicators Mod (by rich1051414)
    Electroblob's Wizardry: Twilight Forest Spell Pack (by Electroblob)
    The Aurorian (by shiroroku)
    ConnectedTexturesMod (by tterrag1098)
    Enchanting Plus (by DarkhaxDev)
    XP Tome (by bl4ckscor3)
    Vampirism - Become a vampire! (by maxanier)
    Botania (by Vazkii)
    GraveStone Mod (by henkelmax)
    Just Enough Resources (JER) (by way2muchnoise)
    Spartan and Fire (by cbkovak)
    RealBench (by Prototik)
    Eye of Dragons (by mkaaay2910)
    Extra Spells (Electroblob's Wizardry) (by meldexun)
    Bloodmoon (by Lumien231)
    Spartan Weaponry Arcana (by ObliviousSpartan)
    BedBreakBegone (by fonnymunkey)
    Iceberg (by Grend_G)
    Aquaculture 2 (by Shadowclaimer)
    Guide-API (by TehNut)

    Describe the bug

    Whenever a player breaks any bed the server just crashes for no reason and instantly.

    Link to logs


    opened by matrixidot 0
  • Crash it has somethig to do with rail

    Crash it has somethig to do with rail



    Operating System


    Java Version


    minecraft                  | 1.12.2                   | minecraft.jar                                      | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | mcp                        | 9.42                     | minecraft.jar                                      | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | FML                        |                | forge-1.12.2-            | e3c3d50c7c986df74c645c0ac54639741c90a557 |
           | LCHIJA | forge                      |             | forge-1.12.2-            | e3c3d50c7c986df74c645c0ac54639741c90a557 |
           | LCHIJA | ivtoolkit                  | 1.3.3-1.12               | minecraft.jar                                      | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | micdoodlecore              |                          | minecraft.jar                                      | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | spongeapi                  | 7.4.0-5ea6215            | spongeforge-1.12.2-2838-7.4.7.jar                  | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | sponge                     | 1.12.2-7.4.7             | spongeforge-1.12.2-2838-7.4.7.jar                  | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | spongeforge                | 1.12.2-2838-7.4.7        | spongeforge-1.12.2-2838-7.4.7.jar                  | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | foamfixcore                | 7.7.4                    | minecraft.jar                                      | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | techguns_core              | 1.12.2-1.0               | minecraft.jar                                      | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | damageindicatorsmod        | 1.0                      | [1.12.2]DamageIndicatorsMod-3.5.1.jar              | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | bspkrscore                 |                  | [1.12]bspkrsCore-universal-             | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | treecapitator              | 1.43.0                   | [1.12]TreeCapitator-client-1.43.0.jar              | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | jei                        |               | jei_1.12.2-                          | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | abyssalcraft               | 1.10.4                   | AbyssalCraft-1.12.2-1.10.4.jar                     | 220f10d3a93b3ff5fbaa7434cc629d863d6751b9 |
           | LCHIJA | actuallyadditions          | 1.12.2-r152              | ActuallyAdditions-1.12.2-r152.jar                  | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | codechickenlib             |                | CodeChickenLib-1.12.2-      | f1850c39b2516232a2108a7bd84d1cb5df93b261 |
           | LCHIJA | ancientwarfare             | 1.12.2-        | ancientwarfare-1.12.2-               | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | buildcraftlib              |                | buildcraft-core-                      | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | buildcraftcore             |                | buildcraft-core-                      | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | redstoneflux               | 2.1.1                    | RedstoneFlux-1.12-            | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | ancientwarfareautomation   | 1.12.2-        | ancientwarfare-1.12.2-               | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | ancientwarfarenpc          | 1.12.2-        | ancientwarfare-1.12.2-               | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | ancientwarfarestructure    | 1.12.2-        | ancientwarfare-1.12.2-               | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | ancientwarfarevehicle      | 1.12.2-        | ancientwarfare-1.12.2-               | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | animalbikes                | 1.11.2                   | AnimalBikes_1.12.2(13Jan19).jar                    | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | appleskin                  | 1.0.14                   | AppleSkin-mc1.12-1.0.14.jar                        | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | ctm                        | MC1.12.2-        | CTM-MC1.12.2-                          | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | appliedenergistics2        | rv6-stable-7             | appliedenergistics2-rv6-stable-7.jar               | dfa4d3ac143316c6f32aa1a1beda1e34d42132e5 |
           | LCHIJA | aquaculture                | 1.6.8                    | Aquaculture-1.12.2-1.6.8.jar                       | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | aroma1997core              |                  | Aroma1997Core-1.12.2-                   | dfbfe4c473253d8c5652417689848f650b2cbe32 |
           | LCHIJA | aroma1997sdimension        |                  | Aroma1997s-Dimensional-World-1.12.2-    | dfbfe4c473253d8c5652417689848f650b2cbe32 |
           | LCHIJA | aromabackup                |                  | AromaBackup-1.12.2-                     | dfbfe4c473253d8c5652417689848f650b2cbe32 |
           | LCHIJA | aromabackuprecovery        |                  | AromaBackup-1.12.2-                     | dfbfe4c473253d8c5652417689848f650b2cbe32 |
           | LCHIJA | aether_legacy              |                  | ather.jar                                          | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | biomesoplenty              |               | BiomesOPlenty-1.12.2-      | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | atop                       | 1.6                      | ATOP-1.12.2-v.1.6.jar                              | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | baubles                    | 1.5.2                    | Baubles-1.12-1.5.2.jar                             | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | atum                       | 2.0.20                   | Atum-1.12.2-2.0.20.jar                             | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | chisel                     | MC1.12.2-        | Chisel-MC1.12.2-                       | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | endercore                  | 1.12.2-0.5.76            | EnderCore-1.12.2-0.5.76.jar                        | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | thaumcraft                 | 6.1.BETA26               | Thaumcraft-1.12.2-6.1.BETA26.jar                   | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | cofhcore                   | 4.6.6                    | CoFHCore-1.12.2-              | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | brandonscore               | 2.4.20                   | BrandonsCore-1.12.2-       | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | cofhworld                  | 1.4.0                    | CoFHWorld-1.12.2-             | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | thermalfoundation          | 2.6.7                    | ThermalFoundation-1.12.2-     | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | draconicevolution          | 2.3.28                   | Draconic-Evolution-1.12.2- | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | thermalexpansion           | 5.5.7                    | ThermalExpansion-1.12.2-      | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | enderio                    | 5.3.70                   | EnderIO-base-1.12.2-5.3.70.jar                     | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | enderiointegrationtic      | 5.3.70                   | EnderIO-integration-tic-1.12.2-5.3.70.jar          | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | mantle                     | 1.12-            | Mantle-1.12-                           | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | twilightforest             | 3.11.1021                | twilightforest-1.12.2-3.11.1021-universal.jar      | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | tconstruct                 | 1.12.2-        | TConstruct-1.12.2-                   | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | mmdlib                     | 1.0.0-rc2                | MMDLib-1.12-1.0.0-rc2.36.jar                       | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | basemetals                 | 2.5.0-rc2                | BaseMetals-1.12-2.5.0-rc2.332.jar                  | d476d1b22b218a10d845928d1665d45fce301b27 |
           | LCHIJA | battletowers               | 1.6.5                    | BattleTowers-1.12.2.jar                            | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | baublelicious              | 1.4.0-4                  | Baublelicious-1.4.0-4.jar                          | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | forgelin                   | 1.8.4                    | Forgelin-1.8.4.jar                                 | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | bcoreprocessing            | 1                        | bc-ore-processing-                  | d476d1b22b218a10d845928d1665d45fce301b27 |
           | LCHIJA | bdlib                      |                | bdlib-                       | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | betteradvancements         |                 | BetterAdvancements-1.12.2-             | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | betterbuilderswands        | 0.11.1                   | BetterBuildersWands-1.12-    | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | betternether               |                  | betternether-                           | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | bibliocraft                | 2.4.6                    | BiblioCraft[v2.4.6][MC1.12.2].jar                  | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | byg                        | 1.7.1                    | BiomesYouGo1.7.1.jar                               | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | guideapi                   | 1.12-2.1.8-63            | Guide-API-1.12-2.1.8-63.jar                        | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | bloodmagic                 | 1.12.2-2.4.3-105         | BloodMagic-1.12.2-2.4.3-105 (1).jar                | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | bloodmoon                  | 1.5.3                    | Bloodmoon-MC1.12.2-1.5.3.jar                       | d72e0dd57935b3e9476212aea0c0df352dd76291 |
           | LCHIJA | blue_skies                 | 1.1.3                    | blue_skies-1.12.2-v1.1.3.jar                       | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | bookshelf                  | 2.3.590                  | Bookshelf-1.12.2-2.3.590.jar                       | d476d1b22b218a10d845928d1665d45fce301b27 |
           | LCHIJA | bookworm                   | 1.12.2-           | bookworm-1.12.2-                        | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | botania                    | r1.10-364                | Botania+r1.10-364.4.jar                            | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | buildcraftbuilders         |                | buildcraft-builders-                  | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | buildcraftenergy           |                | buildcraft-energy-                    | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | buildcraftfactory          |                | buildcraft-factory-                   | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | buildcraftrobotics         |                | buildcraft-robotics-                  | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | carryon                    | 1.12.3                   | carryon-1.12.2-                       | fd21553434f4905f2f73ea7838147ac4ea07bd88 |
           | LCHIJA | castle_dungeons            | 1.3                      | castle_dungeons-2.2p1-1.12.2-forge.jar             | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | chickens                   | 6.0.4                    | chickens-6.0.4.jar                                 | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | chunkpregenerator          | 2.5.0                    | Chunk+Pregenerator-V1.12-2.5.7.jar                 | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | chunkgen                   | 1.3                      | chunkgen-1.12-1.5.0.jar                            | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | clumps                     | 3.1.2                    | Clumps-3.1.2.jar                                   | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | colorfulhealthbar          | @VERSION@                | colorfulhealthbar-0.0.4a.jar                       | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | controlling                | 3.0.10                   | Controlling-3.0.10.jar                             | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | cosmeticarmorreworked      | 1.12.2-v5a               | CosmeticArmorReworked-1.12.2-v5a.jar               | aaaf83332a11df02406e9f266b1b65c1306f0f76 |
           | LCHIJA | crimsonrevelations         | 0.8                      | crimsonrevelations-0.8.jar                         | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | cucumber                   | 1.1.3                    | Cucumber-1.12.2-1.1.3.jar                          | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | ptrmodellib                | 1.0.5                    | PTRLib-1.0.5.jar                                   | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | props                      |                  | Decocraft-                       | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | defiledlands               | 1.4.3                    | defiledlands-1.12.2-1.4.3.jar                      | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | dimdoors                   | 3.0.10                   | DimensionalDoors-1.12.2-3.0.12.jar                 | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | disenchanter               | 1.8                      | disenchanter[1.12]1.8.jar                          | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | divinerpg                  | 1.7.1                    | DivineRPG-1.7.1.jar                                | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | doggytalents               |                 | DoggyTalents-1.12.2-                   | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | dldungeonsjbg              | 1.14.12                  | DoomlikeDungeons-1.14.12-MC1.12.2.jar              | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | mocreatures                | 12.0.5                   | DrZharks MoCreatures Mod-12.0.5.jar                | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | ebwizardry                 | 4.3.7                    | ElectroblobsWizardry-4.3.8.jar                     | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | eplus                      | 5.0.176                  | EnchantingPlus-1.12.2-5.0.176.jar                  | d476d1b22b218a10d845928d1665d45fce301b27 |
           | LCHIJA | enderiobase                | 5.3.70                   | EnderIO-base-1.12.2-5.3.70.jar                     | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | enderioconduits            | 5.3.70                   | EnderIO-conduits-1.12.2-5.3.70.jar                 | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | enderiopowertools          | 5.3.70                   | EnderIO-conduits-1.12.2-5.3.70.jar                 | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | enderioendergy             | 5.3.70                   | EnderIO-endergy-1.12.2-5.3.70.jar                  | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | forestry                   |                | forestry_1.12.2-                      | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | enderiointegrationforestry | 5.3.70                   | EnderIO-integration-forestry-1.12.2-5.3.70.jar     | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | enderiointegrationticlate  | 5.3.70                   | EnderIO-integration-tic-1.12.2-5.3.70.jar          | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | enderiomachines            | 5.3.70                   | EnderIO-machines-1.12.2-5.3.70.jar                 | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | enderiozoo                 | 5.3.70                   | EnderIO-zoo-1.12.2-5.3.70.jar                      | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | enderutilities             | 0.7.15                   | enderutilities-1.12.2-0.7.15.jar                   | 2b03e1423915a189b8094816baa18f239d576dff |
           | LCHIJA | endreborn                  | 0.3.8                    | EndReborn+[0.3.9].jar                              | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | renderlib                  | 1.1.10                   | RenderLib-1.12.2-1.1.10.jar                        | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | entityculling              | 6.2.5                    | EntityCulling-1.12.2-6.2.5.jar                     | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | erebus                     | 1.0.32                   | Erebus-1.0.32.jar                                  | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | exoticbirds                | 1.0                      | Exotic+Birds+1.12.2-3.2.0.jar                      | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | umm3185118519              | release 1.5 - MC 1.12.2  | Extended+ItemsOres+[1.12.2]+(release+1.5).jar      | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | waila                      | 1.8.26                   | Hwyla-1.8.26-B41_1.12.2.jar                        | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | extrabotany                | 60                       | ExtraBotany-r1.1-60-beta-hotfix.jar                | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | extrabows                  | v1.12.2 b13              | extrabows-v1.12.2+b13.jar                          | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | llibrary                   | 1.7.20                   | llibrary-1.7.20-1.12.2.jar                         | b9f30a813bee3b9dd5652c460310cfcd54f6b7ec |
           | LCHIJA | iceandfire                 | 1.9.1                    | iceandfire-1.9.1-1.12.2.jar                        | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | eyeofdragons               | 0.0.1                    | eyeofdragons-0.0.2.jar                             | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | familiarfauna              | 1.0.11                   | FamiliarFauna-1.12.2-1.0.11.jar                    | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | fantasticlib               |               | FantasticLib-                        | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | farlanders                 | 1.0.1                    | farlanders-1.12.2-1.0.1.jar                        | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | foamfix                    | @VERSION@                | foamfix-0.10.15-1.12.2.jar                         | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | cfm                        | 6.3.0                    | furniture-6.3.2-1.12.2.jar                         | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | futuremc                   | 0.2.6                    | future-mc-0.2.11.jar                               | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | galacticraftcore           |                | GalacticraftCore-1.12.2-              | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | galacticraftplanets        |                | Galacticraft-Planets-1.12.2-          | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | geckolib3                  | 3.0.30                   | geckolib-forge-1.12.2-3.0.31.jar                   | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | gendustry                  |                  | gendustry-                     | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | gravestone                 | 1.10.3                   | gravestone-1.10.3.jar                              | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | ichunutil                  | 7.2.2                    | iChunUtil-1.12.2-7.2.2.jar                         | 4db5c2bd1b556f252a5b8b54b256d381b2a0a6b8 |
           | LCHIJA | gravitygun                 | 7.1.0                    | GravityGun-1.12.2-7.1.0.jar                        | 4db5c2bd1b556f252a5b8b54b256d381b2a0a6b8 |
           | LCHIJA | greatgreekgodsmod          | 1.0.0                    | Great-Greek-Gods-Mod-1.12.2-v.1.0.2.jar            | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | grimoireofgaia             | 1.7.2                    | GrimoireOfGaia3-1.12.2-1.7.2.jar                   | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | gunpowderlib               | 1.12.2-1.1               | GunpowderLib-1.12.2-1.1.jar                        | 4ffa87db52cf086d00ecc4853a929367b1c39b5c |
           | LCHIJA | refinedstorage             | 1.6.16                   | refinedstorage-1.6.16.jar                          | 57893d5b90a7336e8c63fe1c1e1ce472c3d59578 |
           | LCHIJA | railcraft                  | 12.0.0                   | railcraft-12.0.0.jar                               | a0c255ac501b2749537d5824bb0f0588bf0320fa |
           | LCHIJA | immersiveengineering       | 0.12-98                  | ImmersiveEngineering-0.12-98.jar                   | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | immersivecables            | 1.3.2                    | ImmersiveCables-1.12.2-1.3.2.jar                   | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | increasemobs               | 1.1.0                    | IncreaseMobs_1.12.2-v1.1.0.jar                     | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | teslacorelib               | 1.0.18                   | tesla-core-lib-1.12.2-1.0.18.jar                   | d476d1b22b218a10d845928d1665d45fce301b27 |
           | LCHIJA | industrialforegoing        | 1.12.2-1.12.2            | industrialforegoing-1.12.2-1.12.13-237.jar         | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | mysticalagriculture        | 1.7.5                    | MysticalAgriculture-1.12.2-1.7.5.jar               | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | mysticalagradditions       | 1.3.2                    | MysticalAgradditions-1.12.2-1.3.2.jar              | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | harvestcraft               | 1.12.2zb                 | Pam's+HarvestCraft+1.12.2zg.jar                    | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | mcjtylib_ng                | 3.5.4                    | mcjtylib-1.12-3.5.4.jar                            | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | rftools                    | 7.73                     | rftools-1.12-7.73.jar                              | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | integrationforegoing       | 1.12.2-1.11              | IntegrationForegoing-1.12.2-1.11.jar               | 4ffa87db52cf086d00ecc4853a929367b1c39b5c |
           | LCHIJA | inventorypets              | 2.0.15                   | inventorypets-1.12-2.0.15.jar                      | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | inventorytweaks            | 1.63+release.109.220f184 | InventoryTweaks-1.63.jar                           | 55d2cd4f5f0961410bf7b91ef6c6bf00a766dcbe |
           | LCHIJA | ironbackpacks              | 1.12.2-3.0.8-12          | IronBackpacks-1.12.2-3.0.8-12.jar                  | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | ironchest                  | 1.12.2-        | ironchest-1.12.2-                    | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | ironfurnaces               | 1.3.5                    | ironfurnaces-1.3.5.jar                             | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | journey                    |                 | Journey-Into-The-Light-1.12.2-         | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | journeymap                 | 1.12.2-5.7.1             | journeymap-1.12.2-5.7.1.jar                        | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | jeid                       | 1.0.4-SNAPSHOT           | JustEnoughIDs-1.0.4-SNAPSHOT-thin.jar              | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | jeresources                |                 | JustEnoughResources-1.12.2-            | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | libraryex                  | 1.2.2                    | LibraryEx-1.12.2-1.2.2.jar                         | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | lordcraft                  | 1.0.0                    | Lord+Craft+2.10.3.jar                              | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | lucky                      | 7.6.0                    | lucky-block-forge-1.12.2-2.0.jar                   | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | luckyores                  | 1.0                      | luckyores-1.12.2-1.3.jar                           | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | lycanitesmobs              | - MC 1.12.2      | lycanitesmobs-1.12.2-                   | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | magicbees                  | 1.0                      | MagicBees-1.12.2-3.1.10.jar                        | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | mca                        | 6.1.0                    | MCA-1.12.2-6.1.0-universal.jar                     | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | mcwfences                  | 1.0.0                    | mcw-fences-1.0.0-mc1.12.2.jar                      | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | medieval_craft             | 1.14.4                   | MedievalCraft-1.12.2-1.18.1.jar                    | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | mjrlegendslib              | 1.12.2-1.2.1             | MJRLegendsLib-1.12.2-1.2.1.jar                     | b02331787272ec3515ebe63ecdeea0d746653468 |
           | LCHIJA | testdummy                  | 1.12                     | MmmMmmMmmMmm-1.12-1.14.jar                         | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | mopickaxes                 | 10.0: Final BETA         | Mo-Pickaxes-Mod-Forge-1.12.2.jar                   | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | mob_grinding_utils         | 0.3.13                   | MobGrindingUtils-0.3.13.jar                        | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | moretool                   | 1.0.0                    | More+Tool+ver1.0.0.jar                             | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | moreplayermodels           | 1.12.2                   | MorePlayerModels_1.12.2-(05Dec19).jar              | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | morph                      | 7.2.0                    | Morph-1.12.2-7.2.1.jar                             | 4db5c2bd1b556f252a5b8b54b256d381b2a0a6b8 |
           | LCHIJA | mo_swords                  | v5                       | moSwords-1.12.2v5.jar                              | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | mousetweaks                | 2.10.1                   | MouseTweaks-2.10.1-mc1.12.2.jar                    | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | mowziesmobs                | 1.5.8                    | mowziesmobs-1.5.8.jar                              | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | mutantbeasts               | 1.12.2-1.0.2             | MutantBeasts-1.12.2-1.0.2.jar                      | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | mystagradcompat            | 1.2                      | mystagradcompat-1.2.jar                            | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | naturescompass             | 1.8.5                    | NaturesCompass-1.12.2-1.8.5.jar                    | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | netherendingores           | 1.12.2-1.4.2             | Netherending-Ores-1.12.2-1.4.2.jar                 | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | netherex                   | 2.2.5                    | NetherEx-1.12.2-2.2.5.jar                          | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | recipehandler              | 0.13                     | NoMoreRecipeConflict-0.13(1.12.2).jar              | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | offlineskins               | 1.12.2-v6                | OfflineSkins-1.12.2-v6.jar                         | aaaf83332a11df02406e9f266b1b65c1306f0f76 |
           | LCHIJA | omlib                      | 3.1.5-256                | omlib-1.12.2-3.1.5-256.jar                         | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | openmodularturrets         | 3.1.14-382               | openmodularturrets-1.12.2-3.1.14-382.jar           | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | orespawn                   | 3.3.1                    | OreSpawn-1.12-                        | d476d1b22b218a10d845928d1665d45fce301b27 |
           | LCHIJA | overloaded                 | 0.0.59                   | Overloaded-1.12.2-0.0.59.jar                       | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | overpoweredarmorbar        | @VERSION@                | overloadedarmorbar-1.0.4g.jar                      | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | pickletweaks               | 2.1.3                    | PickleTweaks-1.12.2-2.1.3.jar                      | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | portalgun                  | 7.1.0                    | PortalGun-1.12.2-7.1.0.jar                         | 4db5c2bd1b556f252a5b8b54b256d381b2a0a6b8 |
           | LCHIJA | potioncore                 | 1.9_for_1.12.2           | PotionCore-1.9_for_1.12.2.jar                      | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | projecte                   | 1.12.2-PE1.4.1           | ProjectE-1.12.2-PE1.4.1.jar                        | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | projectex                  |                 | ProjectEX-                             | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | projectintelligence        | 1.0.9                    | ProjectIntelligence-1.12.2-  | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | reccomplex                 |                  | RecurrentComplex-                       | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | xreliquary                 | 1.12.2-         | Reliquary-1.12.2-                     | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | removed_flowers            | 1.0.0                    | Removed Flowers (1.12.2).jar                       | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | rftoolspower               | 1.2.0                    | rftoolspower-1.12-1.2.0.jar                        | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | corerm                     | 1.3.3                    | RikMuldsCore_1.3.3.jar                             | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | roguelike                  | 1.8.0                    | RoguelikeDungeons-1.12.2-1.8.0.jar                 | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | ruins                      | 17.2                     | Ruins-1.12.2.jar                                   | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | sereneseasons              | 1.2.18                   | SereneSeasons-1.12.2-1.2.18-universal.jar          | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | setbonus                   |               | SetBonus-                            | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | storagenetwork             | 1.8.3                    | SimpleStorageNetwork-1.12.2-1.8.3.jar              | 0e5cb559be7d03f3fc18b8cba547d663e25f28af |
           | LCHIJA | somanyenchantments         | 0.5.5                    | SoManyEnchantments-0.5.5.jar                       | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | techguns                   |                  | techguns-1.12.2-                 | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | thaumicaugmentation        | 1.12.2-2.1.9             | ThaumicAugmentation-1.12.2-2.1.9.jar               | 8f678591ba6f78d579e553a8aa94b4c4766cb13d |
           | LCHIJA | thaumicrestoration         | 1.5.0                    | ThaumicRestoration-1.5.0.jar                       | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | thaumictinkerer            | 1.12.2-5.0-620a0c5       | thaumictinkerer-1.12.2-5.0-620a0c5.jar             | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | theaurorian                | 1.12.2-Release           | theaurorian-1.12.2-release-may3021.jar             | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | camping                    | 2.4.3                    | TheCampingMod_2.4.3.jar                            | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | thermaldynamics            | 2.5.6                    | ThermalDynamics-1.12.2-       | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | thermalinnovation          | 0.3.6                    | ThermalInnovation-1.12.2-     | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | tcomplement                | 1.12.2-0.4.3             | TinkersComplement-1.12.2-0.4.3.jar                 | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | tlsywen                    | 1.0                      | tlsywen-1.1 (1).jar                                | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | tropicraft                 |                | tropicraft-MC1.12.2-                  | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | undergroundbiomes          | 1.3.14                   | UndergroundBiomesConstructs-1.12-1.3.14.jar        | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | useless_sword              | 1.2.2                    | UselessSword-1.12.2-V1.2.2.jar                     | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | vanillafix                 | 1.0.10-150               | VanillaFix-1.0.10-150.jar                          | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | wailaharvestability        | 1.1.12                   | WailaHarvestability-mc1.12-1.1.12.jar              | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | wonderful_enchantments     | 0.6.0                    | wonderful-enchantments-1.12.2-0.6.0.jar            | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | worldedit                  | 6.1.10                   | worldedit-forge-mc1.12.2-6.1.10-dist (1).jar       | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | zawa                       | 1.12.2-2.1.3             | zawa-1.12.2-2.1.3.jar                              | 3ee471ded1bba54aa82f4f5ca5ca82dd67b8ef42 |
           | LCHIJA | zevac.survivalflight       | 0.1.11                   | Zevac.SurvivalFlight_1.12.x-0.1.11.jar             | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | betteranimalsplus          | 9.0.1                    | betteranimalsplus-1.12.2-9.0.1.jar                 | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | candymod                   | 1.1.5                    | candyworld-1.1.5.jar                               | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | structurize                | 1.12.2-0.10.277-RELEASE  | structurize-1.12.2-0.10.277-RELEASE.jar            | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | minecolonies               | 1.12.2-0.11.841-ALPHA    | minecolonies-1.12.2-0.11.841-BETA-universal.jar    | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | thebetweenlands            | 3.8.1                    | TheBetweenlands-3.8.1-universal.jar                | 38067d6878811efb38b6a045521cfd80b9b60b38 |
           | LCHIJA | wizardryutils              | 1.12.2-1.1.3             | WizardryUtils-1.12.2-1.1.3.jar                     | None                                     |
           | LCHIJA | teslacorelib_registries    | 1.0.18                   | tesla-core-lib-1.12.2-1.0.18.jar                   | None                                     |

    Describe the bug

    my game keeps crashing its something to do with a rail. paste.gg is not avable too me that's why I didn't use it

    Link to logs


    opened by Natedogwoooof 0
  • Crash of the server when loading the Sponge app.

    Crash of the server when loading the Sponge app.



    Operating System

    Linux Server

    Java Version

    Java 8



    Describe the bug

    I just added .jar Sponge and the server stopped starting with this error.

    Link to logs


    opened by aloyen 0
  • Terrafirmacraft pit kiln does not work with spongeforge

    Terrafirmacraft pit kiln does not work with spongeforge


    7.4.7 stable and latest

    Operating System


    Java Version



    Terrafirmacraft and spongeforge

    Describe the bug

    It is a known issue, connected to tileentity null. I just wanted to ask is there any chance to fix it by configuring or coding? I saw there was an older version of spongeforge in which attempts were made to fix the problem, but due to some reasons when it was updated, fix was deleted(probably due to some issues). Since 2020 the state of problem is the same and I do not know what to do with it.

    Link to logs

    SpongePowered/SpongeForge#3035 SpongePowered/Sponge#2462

    opened by Levkovalev 0
  • How to disable SpongeForge mod while I only want use Forge on a panel server

    How to disable SpongeForge mod while I only want use Forge on a panel server



    Operating System


    Java Version

    1.8.0_312, Temurin OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode), Temurin



    Describe the bug

    I am using a panel server with SpongeForge. I started the server but there is too much error with SpongeForge.jar I would like to disable it so I delete it. But the host of the server force to add the SpongeForge.jar while launching minecraft server. Is there any way to config to stop SpongeForge from loading?

    Link to logs

    No response

    opened by Pevernow 1
Organization behind the Sponge Project
Small mod for Minecraft Forge 1.16.5 that sends messages of in-game events to a channel in your Discord server. This mod also enables cross-chatting between Minecraft and Discord.

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