Hjson for Java

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Hjson, the Human JSON. A configuration file format for humans. Relaxed syntax, fewer mistakes, more comments.

Hjson Intro

  # specify rate in requests/second (because comments are helpful!)
  rate: 1000

  // prefer c-style comments?
  /* feeling old fashioned? */

  # did you notice that rate doesn't need quotes?
  hey: look ma, no quotes for strings either!

  # best of all
  notice: []
  anything: ?

  # yes, commas are optional!

The Java implementation of Hjson is based on minimal-json. For other platforms see hjson.github.io.


You can install the Hjson command line tool by downloading and unpacking the latest hjson.zip.

  • run hjson -h for help
  • hjson file.json will convert to Hjson.
  • hjson -j file.hjson will convert to JSON.

Install from Maven Central


Add a dependency to your build.gradle:

dependencies {
  compile 'org.hjson:hjson:3.0.0'


Add a dependency to your pom.xml:



Add a dependency to your ivy.xml:

  <dependency org="org.hjson" name="hjson" rev="3.0.0"/>


You can either

  • use this libary directly
  • or just convert Hjson to JSON and use it with your favorite JSON library.


// convert Hjson to JSON
String jsonString = JsonValue.readHjson(readerOrHjsonString).toString();

// convert JSON to Hjson
String hjsonString = JsonValue.readHjson(readerOrJSONString).toString(Stringify.HJSON);


JsonObject jsonObject = JsonValue.readHjson(string).asObject();
JsonArray jsonArray = JsonValue.readHjson(reader).asArray();

JsonValue.readHjson() will accept both Hjson and JSON. You can use JsonValue.readJSON() to accept JSON input only.

Object sample

String name = jsonObject.get("name").asString();
int age = jsonObject.get("age").asInt(); // asLong(), asFloat(), asDouble(), ...

// or iterate over the members
for (Member member : jsonObject) {
  String name = member.getName();
  JsonValue value = member.getValue();
  // ...

Array sample

String name = jsonArray.get(0).asString();
int age = jsonArray.get(1).asInt(); // asLong(), asFloat(), asDouble(), ...

// or iterate over the values
for(JsonValue value : jsonArray) {
  // ...

Nested sample

// Example: { "friends": [ { "name": "John", "age": 23 }, ... ], ... }
JsonArray friends = jsonObject.get("friends").asArray();
String name = friends.get(0).asObject().get("name").asString();
int age = friends.get(0).asObject().get("age").asInt();


JsonObject jsonObject = new JsonObject().add("name", "John").add("age", 23);
// -> { "name": "John", "age", 23 }

JsonArray jsonArray = new JsonArray().add("John").add(23);
// -> [ "John", 23 ]


jsonObject.set("age", 24);
jsonArray.set(1, 24); // access element by index



Writing is not buffered (to avoid buffering twice), so you should use a BufferedWriter.

jsonObject.writeTo(writer, Stringify.HJSON);


jsonObject.toString(Stringify.HJSON); // Hjson output
jsonObject.toString(Stringify.FORMATTED); // formatted JSON output
jsonObject.toString(Stringify.PLAIN); // plain JSON output, default
jsonObject.toString(); // plain




see history.md

  • whitespace between unquotedName and colon(:) causes ParseException

    whitespace between unquotedName and colon(:) causes ParseException

    The bug can be reproduced by "{x :1}" as following: String js = "{x :1}"; //{123, 120, 32, 58, 49, 125} org.hjson.JsonValue jv = org.hjson.JsonValue.readHjson(js);

    ParseException: Found ' ' where a key name was expected (check your syntax or use quotes if the key name includes {}[],: or whitespace) at 1:2

    opened by saijone 3
  • parsing failure with space after unquoted key

    parsing failure with space after unquoted key

    This works:

    x: {},

    The following does not work (space after x):

    x : {},

    throws "Found ' ' where a key name was expected". net.sf.json.JSONObject does parse this correctly however!

    opened by heywiki 3
  • hjson requires closing curly bracket in its own line

    hjson requires closing curly bracket in its own line

    This works fine with json:


    It throws the following in hjson (2.1.1)

    org.hjson.ParseException: End of input while parsing an object (did you forget a closing '}'?) at 3:-1
    	at org.hjson.HjsonParser.error(HjsonParser.java:482)

    Only after you set the closing curly bracket in its own line, it works. My basic assumption is that hjson should be more forgiving than json. If hjson requires the closing bracket it its own line, than at least the error message is misleading.

    opened by heywiki 1
  • anonymous objects as array values

    anonymous objects as array values

    Parsing fails with anonymous object values within an array. Tested with 2.1.1:

            { name:'X' }

    Exception is

    org.hjson.ParseException: Found ']' where a key name was expected (check your syntax or use quotes if the key name includes {}[],: or whitespace) at 5:4
    	at org.hjson.HjsonParser.error(HjsonParser.java:482)
    opened by heywiki 1
  • ParseException raised on valid Hjson.

    ParseException raised on valid Hjson.

    The small hjson below is turned into Json on https://hjson.org/try.html:

          foo : "

    When this same small hjson is given to hjson-java, the following exception is raised:

    Exception in thread "main" org.hjson.ParseException: Expected valid string character at 3:8
      at org.hjson.HjsonParser.error(HjsonParser.java:482)
      at org.hjson.HjsonParser.expected(HjsonParser.java:476)
      at org.hjson.HjsonParser.readStringInternal(HjsonParser.java:280)
      at org.hjson.HjsonParser.readString(HjsonParser.java:272)
      at org.hjson.HjsonParser.readValue(HjsonParser.java:106)
      at org.hjson.HjsonParser.readObject(HjsonParser.java:189)
      at org.hjson.HjsonParser.readValue(HjsonParser.java:108)
      at org.hjson.HjsonParser.readArray(HjsonParser.java:163)
      at org.hjson.HjsonParser.readValue(HjsonParser.java:107)
      at org.hjson.HjsonParser.parse(HjsonParser.java:81)
      at org.hjson.JsonValue.readHjson(JsonValue.java:130)
      at my.HjsonPOC.main(HjsonPOC.java:16)

    Here is a snippet to reproduce the problem:

    String test = "[\r\n" + //
        " {\r\n" + //
        " foo : \"\r\n" + //
        " \"\r\n" + //
        " }\r\n" + //
    String jsonString = JsonValue.readHjson(test).toString(); //  ParseException raised !
    // Expected Json string:
    //  {
    //    "foo": "\r\n      "
    //  }
    opened by Stephan972 1
  • Tabs in multiline string

    Tabs in multiline string

    When the string contains tabs (\t), it's not exported as a multiline string, but as JSON-string. That significantly impacts readability.

    By HJSON syntax, there's to limit on tabs in the multiline string. Is it possible to export string with tabs as a multiline string?


    opened by hundera 1
  • Option to disallow duplicate keys in input

    Option to disallow duplicate keys in input

    It'd be useful to be able to configure the parser to fail on duplicate keys in input in order to catch user errors in e.g. configuration files.

    I.e. fail on:

    some_config: {
      param1: foo
      param2: bar
      param2: baz  # Really intended to set param3 here but made a copypasta mistake

    What do you think?

    opened by danielnorberg 1
  • Fixes issues with the Travis-CI build

    Fixes issues with the Travis-CI build

    Fix for #21

    Updates travis.yml

    • Removes Oracle JDK 7 and 8
    • Add Open JDK 8 and 11

    Updates build.gradle

    • Updates source and target compatibility to 1.8 (was 1.7)

    Improves .gitignore adds Eclipse, adds some comment, where the excluded files may come from.

    opened by verhagen 0
  • Reading in an array of strings, which is on one line, isn't possible

    Reading in an array of strings, which is on one line, isn't possible

    :white_check_mark: Array of integers on a single line works

    favNumbers: [ 1, 2, 3, 6, 42 ]

    :x: Array of plain Strings on a single line does not works

    tags: [ java, json, hjson ]

    :white_check_mark: Array of single quoted Strings on a single line does works

    tags: [ 'java', 'json', 'hjson' ]

    :white_check_mark: Array of double quoted Strings on a single line does works

    tags: [ "java", "json", "hjson" ]
    opened by verhagen 0
  • Build on Travis-CI causes issues

    Build on Travis-CI causes issues

    opened by verhagen 0
  • WritingBuffer is confusing

    WritingBuffer is confusing

    Can someone please explain this:

    "A lightweight writing buffer to reduce the amount of write operations to be performed on the underlying writer. This implementation is not thread-safe. It deliberately deviates from the contract of the Writer. In particular, it does not flush or close the wrapped writer nor does it ensure that the wrapped writer is open."

    Also, why is a BufferedWriter not being used?

    It's very concerning to see a writer have an empty close() method as this can lead to some very serious memory leaks. This implementation violates a lot of basic things in Java. I would like to help improve this but I don't currently know how since none of the code is documented and the code is not very readable.

    opened by jlgager24 0
  • JsonValue.valueOf( float / double ) should check NaN and ±Infinite values

    JsonValue.valueOf( float / double ) should check NaN and ±Infinite values

    JsonValue.valueOf( Math.log(-1)).toString();
    will throw up a NumberFormatException like a drunken sailor, because inside JsonNumber.toString() the called function BigDecimal.valueOf() doesn't really like non-finite values.

    opened by biziclop 1
  • Would like to get unwrapped value from JsonValue

    Would like to get unwrapped value from JsonValue

    I notice a lot's of class have been extended from JsonValue, such as JsonString, JsonNumber.

    I am wondering why could not support getUnwrapped() value from the JsonValue.

    which, returns java.lang.Object. Such as Long, Integer, Double and String.

    That will be very helpful, since java.util.Properties need a Object value.

    opened by jeancky 0
  • Comment storage and formatting options

    Comment storage and formatting options

    I was working on another project using Hjson-java and realized it was missing a few things I needed. Namely, the ability to retain comments (my project uses them very liberally), as well as a few formatting options that I felt would make certain kinds of data a little bit more concise. So, I did just that. Here are some of the pros and cons that would be associated with merging this branch:

    New Features

    • Comments will be retained when parsed, and can also be added easily in-code.
    • There are three supported comment positions:
      • BOL: Beginning-of-line or before-line comments. These are placed on the line above any key or value. In the context of a root JsonObject, these will serve as the file's header.
      • EOL: End-of-line comments. These are placed after any value on the same line. In the context of a root JsonObject, these will serve as the file's footer and thus will be placed on a separate line.
      • INTERIOR: Essentially any other non-inline comment that isn't directly associated with a value. These might be used in an array or object with no fields or values.
    • Additionally, there are three supported comment styles:
      • HASH: Any text following a hash (#) symbol until the end of the current line. These do support multiple lines.
      • LINE: A C style line comment, indicated by two forward slashes (//). Like hash comments, these last until the end of the current line, but can technically be repeated on subsequent lines, with no issues.
      • BLOCK: These will encapsulate any text following a (/*) and preceding a (*/) and naturally can span multiple lines. Although users are free to include additional asterisks (*) on subsequent lines, these will not be placed when formatted by hjson-java.
    • Comments are stored inside of their respective JsonValue objects and ultimately must be added as such. Users can add comments in-code by calling JsonValue#setComment or any of its variants, as well as JsonObject#set, JsonObject#add, JsonObject#setComment or any of their variants, as well as the equivalent methods in JsonArray.
    • More information is saved about how configurations are formatted when parsing Hjson files, including:
      • Whether an array or object is "compact," i.e. whether the entire container is placed on a single line.
      • Whether multiple values in an array or object are placed per-line. If this number is inconsistent, the mean value will be taken and used, instead.
    • Users can apply a variety of new formatting options when using HjsonOptions and HjsonWriter.
      • indent: Indicates the number of spaces to be placed on each new line per-level.
      • commentIndent: Indicates the number of spaces to be placed before each comment that takes up its own line or lines.
      • nlBraces: Indicates whether braces and brackets should be placed on subsequent lines vs. the same line, as in the K&R or Java syntax.
      • allowCompact: Indicates whether values in an object or array should be allowed to remain compact (see above) when serialized.
      • allowMultiVal: Indicates whether multiple values in an object or array are allowed to be placed on a single line.
    • Values in a JsonObject can be sorted alphabetically by key by calling JsonObject#sort.
    • Setters inside of HjsonObjects now return this to enable chaining.
    • Removed unused imports.

    Potential Cons

    • JsonObject#sort relies on List#sort, which requires a lambda expression. I did not see these used anywhere else in the code, so I suspect that this may increase the minimum Java requirements to version 8. This can of course be removed, however.
    • Comments and other new settings inside of JsonObject and JsonArray are not technically made immutable when JsonObject#unmodifiableObject or equivalent function is called. I'm not sure if this is a memory safety issue or more of just a measure intended to prevent the actual data contained by the objects from being changed. If this is an issue, please let me know how you would solve it, so I can make changes.
    • I was not able to figure out why the final character inside of footers was not getting written by HjsonWriter. My workaround was to include an additional space at the end of the string when calling HjsonWriter#reset. I'm not very happy with this solution.
    • I did not get HjsonWriter#readBetweenVals (replacement for skipWhiteSpace()) to ignore the final new line character at the end of some comments. As a result, I wound up calling String#trim on the value that gets returned. This is technically not ideal and, as such, I'm not very happy with that either.
    • Potentially others. You may want to review.

    See it in Action

    You can view this test input file to see almost everything I listed in-action. You can also view this output file which was generated by parsing a JsonObject from a file, adding a few new keys and comments, and finally serializing the new object to the disk. And of course, if you do test this and discover any issues or notice anything right away that could be improved, please let me know and I may be able to work on it sometime soon.


    Edit: I see that the Travis CI build has failed due to an issue with using a lambda expression for JsonObject#sort. I'll wait to hear from someone else about whether this needs to be changed. Again, it could of course just be removed. See above.

    opened by PersonTheCat 7
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