A spring boot application for providing loom-ld services

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Spring Boot loom-ld




It is a java project using maven to manage dependencies.


It is a spring boot application for providing loom-ld services.

The proposal

Develop a web service that allows writing and running these SPARQL-based link rules


  1. Review the state of the art for RDF linking or link discovery
  2. Develop a service that accepts SPARQL queries and runs them
    1. For the specification use the standard
    2. Use YASQUE/YASGUI for Web interface E.g.: https://github.com/oeg-upm/helio-publisher/blob/master/src/main/resources/templates/sparql.html
    3. Use Jena for the SPARQL processor
    4. Use sparkjava for the service Test the implementation with the query
  3. Add linking functions as JenaARQ extensions to the implementation

Build a set of HTML views to assist users for writing the link rules Compare the time required by our proposal for linking two datasets with Limes or Silk for the same datasets.

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    Best regards, Wenqi

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