Decorating Spring Boot Reactive WebClient for tracing the request and response data for http calls.


SpringBoot Reactive WebClient

🔍 Tracing HTTP Request through a single pane of glass

Decorating Spring Boot Reactive WebClient for tracing the request and response data for http calls.


  • Java 11
  • Maven

How to build and run

  • mvn clean package
  • mvn spring-boot:run

Decorating WebClient

public WebClient.Builder decorateBuilder(WebClient.Builder builder) {
    return builder
        .codecs(codecConfigurer -> {

API Endpoints

  • GET /ip
  • POST /anything


Send a GET request

curl -X GET 'http://localhost:8080/ip'


GET Request Tracing


Send a POST request

curl -X POST 'http://localhost:8080/anything'


POST Reqeuest Tracing


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