A joint research effort for building highly optimized Reactive-Streams compliant operators.



A joint research effort for building highly optimized Reactive-Streams compliant operators. Current implementors include RxJava2 and Reactor.

Java 8 required.


repositories {
    maven { url 'https://repo.spring.io/libs-snapshot' }

dependencies {
    compile 'io.projectreactor:reactive-streams-commons:0.6.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT'

Snapshot directory.

Operator-fusion documentation

Supported datasources

I.e., converts non-reactive data sources into Publishers.

  • PublisherAmb : relays signals of that source Publisher which responds first with any signal
  • PublisherArray : emits the elements of an array
  • PublisherCallable : emits a single value returned by a Callable
  • PublisherCompletableFuture : emits a single value produced by a CompletableFuture
  • PublisherConcatArray : concatenate an array of Publishers
  • PublisherConcatIterable : concatenate an Iterable sequence of Publishers
  • PublisherDefer : calls a Supplier to create the actual Publisher the Subscriber will be subscribed to.
  • PublisherEmpty : does not emit any value and calls onCompleted; use instance() to get its singleton instance with the proper type parameter
  • PublisherError : emits a constant or generated Throwable exception
  • PublisherFuture : awaits and emits a single value emitted by a Future
  • PublisherGenerate : generate signals one-by-one via a function
  • PublisherInterval : periodically emits an ever increasing sequence of long values
  • PublisherIterable : emits the elements of an Iterable
  • PublisherJust : emits a single value
  • PublisherNever : doesn't emit any signal other than onSubscribe; use instance() to get its singleton instance with the proper type parameter
  • PublisherRange : emits a range of integer values
  • PublisherStream : emits elements of a Stream
  • PublisherTimer : emit a single 0L after a specified amount of time
  • PublisherUsing : create a resource, stream values in a Publisher derived from the resource and release the resource when the sequence completes or the Subscriber cancels
  • PublisherZip : Repeatedly takes one item from all source Publishers and runs it through a function to produce the output item

Supported transformations

  • ConnectablePublisherAutoConnect given a ConnectablePublisher, it connects to it once the given amount of subscribers subscribed
  • ConnectablePublisherRefCount given a ConnectablePublisher, it connects to it once the given amount of subscribers subscribed to it and disconnects once all subscribers cancelled
  • ConnectablePublisherPublish : allows dispatching events from a single source to multiple subscribers similar to a Processor but the connection can be manually established or stopped.
  • PublisherAccumulate : Accumulates the source values with an accumulator function and returns the intermediate results of this function application
  • PublisherAggregate : Aggregates the source values with an aggergator function and emits the last result.
  • PublisherAll : emits a single true if all values of the source sequence match the predicate
  • PublisherAny : emits a single true if any value of the source sequence matches the predicate
  • PublisherAwaitOnSubscribe : makes sure onSubscribe can't trigger the onNext events until it returns
  • PublisherBuffer : buffers certain number of subsequent elements and emits the buffers
  • PublisherBufferBoundary : buffers elements into continuous, non-overlapping lists where another Publisher signals the start/end of the buffer regions
  • PublisherBufferBoundaryAndSize : buffers elements into continuous, non-overlapping lists where the each buffer is emitted when they become full or another Publisher signals the boundary of the buffer regions
  • PublisherBufferStartEnd : buffers elements into possibly overlapping buffers whose boundaries are determined by a start Publisher's element and a signal of a derived Publisher
  • PublisherCollect : collects the values into a container and emits it when the source completes
  • PublisherCombineLatest : combines the latest values of many sources through a function
  • PublisherConcatMap : Maps each upstream value into a Publisher and concatenates them into one sequence of items
  • PublisherCount : counts the number of elements the source sequence emits
  • PublisherDistinct : filters out elements that have been seen previously according to a custom collection
  • PublisherDistinctUntilChanged : filters out subsequent and repeated elements
  • PublisherDefaultIfEmpty : emits a single value if the source is empty
  • PublisherDelaySubscription : delays the subscription to the main source until the other source signals a value or completes
  • PublisherDetach : detaches the both the child Subscriber and the Subscription on termination or cancellation.
  • PublisherDrop : runs the source in unbounded mode and drops values if the downstream doesn't request fast enough
  • PublisherElementAt : emits the element at the specified index location
  • PublisherFilter : filters out values which doesn't pass a predicate
  • PublisherFlatMap : maps a sequence of values each into a Publisher and flattens them back into a single sequence, interleaving events from the various inner Publishers
  • PublisherFlattenIterable : concatenates values from Iterable sequences generated via a mapper function
  • PublisherGroupBy : groups source elements into their own Publisher sequences via a key function
  • PublisherIgnoreElements : ignores values and passes only the terminal signals along
  • PublisherIsEmpty : returns a single true if the source sequence is empty
  • PublisherLatest : runs the source in unbounded mode and emits the latest value if the downstream doesn't request fast enough
  • PublisherLift : maps the downstream Subscriber into an upstream Subscriber which allows implementing custom operators via lambdas
  • PublisherMap : map values to other values via a function
  • PublisherPeek : peek into the lifecycle and signals of a stream
  • PublisherReduce : aggregates the source values with the help of an accumulator function and emits the the final accumulated value
  • PublisherRepeat : repeatedly streams the source sequence fixed or unlimited times
  • PublisherRepeatPredicate : repeatedly stream the source if a predicate returns true
  • PublisherRepeatWhen : repeats a source when a companion sequence signals an item in response to the main's completion signal
  • PublisherResume : if the source fails, the stream is resumed by another Publisher returned by a function for the failure exception
  • PublisherRetry : retry a failed source sequence fixed or unlimited times
  • PublisherRetryPredicate : retry if a predicate function returns true for the exception
  • PublisherRetryWhen : retries a source when a companion sequence signals an item in response to the main's error signal
  • PublisherSample : samples the main source whenever the other Publisher signals a value
  • PublisherScan : aggregates the source values with the help of an accumulator function and emits the intermediate results
  • PublisherSingle : expects the source to emit only a single item
  • PublisherSkip : skips a specified amount of values
  • PublisherSkipLast : skips the last N elements
  • PublisherSkipUntil : skips values until another sequence signals a value or completes
  • PublisherSkipWhile: skips values while the predicate returns true
  • PublisherStreamCollector : Collects the values from the source sequence into a java.util.stream.Collector instance; see Collectors utility class in Java 8+
  • PublisherSwitchIfEmpty : continues with another sequence if the first sequence turns out to be empty.
  • PublisherSwitchMap : switches to and streams a Publisher generated via a function whenever the upstream signals a value
  • PublisherTake : takes a specified amount of values and completes
  • PublisherTakeLast : emits only the last N values the source emitted before its completion
  • PublisherTakeWhile : relays values while a predicate returns true for the values (checked before each value)
  • PublisherTakeUntil : relays values until another Publisher signals
  • PublisherTakeUntilPredicate : relays values until a predicate returns true (checked after each value)
  • PublisherThrottleFirst : takes a value from upstream then uses the duration provided by a generated Publisher to skip other values until that other Publisher signals
  • PublisherThrottleTimeout : emits the last value from upstream only if there were no newer values emitted during the time window provided by a publisher for that particular last value
  • PublisherTimeout uses per-item Publishers that when they fire mean the timeout for that particular item unless a new item arrives in the meantime
  • PublisherWindow : splits the source sequence into possibly overlapping windows of given size
  • PublisherWindowBatch : batches the source sequence into continuous, non-overlapping windows where the length of the windows is determined by a fresh boundary Publisher or a maximum elemenets in that window
  • PublisherWindowBoundary : splits the source sequence into continuous, non-overlapping windows where the window boundary is signalled by another Publisher
  • PublisherWindowBoundaryAndSize : splits the source sequence into continuous, non-overlapping windows where the window boundary is signalled by another Publisher or if a window received a specified amount of values
  • PublisherWindowStartEnd : splits the source sequence into potentially overlapping windows controlled by a start Publisher and a derived end Publisher for each start value
  • PublisherWithLatestFrom : combines values from a master source with the latest values of another Publisher via a function
  • PublisherZip : Repeatedly takes one item from all source Publishers and runs it through a function to produce the output item
  • PublisherZipIterable : pairwise combines a sequence of values with elements from an iterable

Supported extractions

I.e., these allow leaving the reactive-streams world.

  • BlockingIterable : an iterable that consumes a Publisher in a blocking fashion
  • BlockingFuture : can return a future that consumes the source entierly and returns the very last value
  • BlockingStream : allows creating sequential and parallel j.u.stream.Stream flows out of a source Publisher
  • PublisherBase.blockingFirst : returns the very first value of the source, blocking if necessary; returns null for an empty sequence.
  • PublisherBase.blockingLast : returns the very last value of the source, blocking if necessary; returns null for an empty sequence.
  • PublisherBase.peekLast : returns the last value of a synchronous source or likely null for other or empty sequences.
  • Throttling on leading and trailing edge

    Throttling on leading and trailing edge


    It would be great when Reactor would support throttling on leading and trailing edge. This is quite a common use case when working on applications that provide data to some kind of reactive user interface, but may be an interesting feature in general.

    Disclaimer: This ticket describes throttling requirements from the perspective of a UI. Various kinds of consumers may have the same requirements, even though they are not explicitly mentioned.

    What does this mean?

    The popular JS library lodash implements this throttling behavior as a default (as mentioned before, quite a common use case for UI applications). Instead of trying to explain this with words, please check out the following JS Bin which shows the behavior in action:

    • JS Bin: http://jsbin.com/modenetujo/edit?js,console
    • lodash throttling documentation: https://lodash.com/docs#throttle

    For easier reference, here the example logic and resulting output:

    const windowSize = 100;
    const fn = _.throttle(v => console.log(v), windowSize);
    fn('a');                                     // start of first window
    setTimeout(() => fn('b'), windowSize * 0.5); // in first window, but dropped due to successive message
    setTimeout(() => fn('c'), windowSize * 0.9); // last message in first window
    setTimeout(() => fn('d'), windowSize * 1.2); // first message in new window
    // expected output:
    // a
    // c
    // d

    Why is this interesting?

    In reactive UIs, throttling logic which emits only on a single edge, i.e. either leading or trailing edge, is insufficient as:

    • The UI should not have to wait for the end of a time window to receive a value when there is only a single value (read: trailing edge only throttling).
    • Only emitting on the leading edge is insufficient as this can result in permanent inconsistent data (read: leading edge only throttling).
    question implementor : Reactor Stream operator 
    opened by bripkens 11
  • Fusing subscribeOn with upstream

    Fusing subscribeOn with upstream

    @akarnokd has written in several places that the classic case of:

    publisher.map(x -> someExpensiveComputation(x))
        .subscribe(x -> someFn(x))

    means that map and observeOn cannot be fused together. I understand this point well. However, I'm interested in a variant of this pipeline:

    publisher.map(x -> someExpensiveComputation(x))
        .subscribe(x -> someFn(x))

    I might be misunderstanding the matrix, but it seems to suggest that subscribeOn cannot be fused with the map which as far as I can tell is possible? Moreover, the matrix suggests that subscribeOn and observeOn can be fused together which I am failing to understand.

    Also a related question, is the async fusion in subscribeOn currently implemented? From the code it doesn't look like it (I'm looking at https://github.com/reactor/reactive-streams-commons/blob/master/src/main/java/rsc/publisher/PublisherSubscribeOn.java) but I'm not sure if it's been worked on locally.

    Finally is there a place where @smaldini and @akarnokd discuss what is happening in this repo? I would be very interested in following along!

    opened by LalitMaganti 8
  • Clarification on the Scheduler.Worker.schedule contract

    Clarification on the Scheduler.Worker.schedule contract

    The Scheduler.Worker#schedule javadoc says:

         * Creates a worker of this Scheduler that executed task in a strict
         * FIFO order, guaranteed non-concurrently with each other.
         * <p>
         * Once the Worker is no longer in use, one should call shutdown() on it to
         * release any resources the particular Scheduler may have used.
         * <p>Tasks scheduled with this worker run in FIFO order and strictly non-concurrently, but
         * there are no ordering guarantees between different Workers created from the same
         * Scheduler.
         * @return the Worker instance.

    The FIFO order seems to be preserved in all of the code examples but I don't understand the semantics being used for "strictly non-concurrently".

    For example it appears ExecutorServiceScheduler will have Workers that will run tasks concurrently unless a single thread executor is used.

    In other Reactive Streams implementations that have a scheduler aka rxjava there is no mention of that guarantee.

    Is there some implementation logic I'm missing or am I misunderstanding the doc?

    opened by agentgt 3
  • Question: Using Reactor streams

    Question: Using Reactor streams

    Hi, I am from a Financial Organization. have multiple use cases to use stream processing to send alerts and notifications to customers. We are interested in reactor-streams and I came to this project. I understand it is the second generation of Reactor Streams. Please confirm and let me know when is the targeted release for this project to be consumed for production?

    Please share if you have any documentation like user guide that would be helpful.

    Thanks and Regards Karthik

    opened by pckeyan 3
  • Make GroupBy and future partitioning operator store-agnostic

    Make GroupBy and future partitioning operator store-agnostic

    Currently GroupBy uses a Map to store grouped sequence references. We probably use 4 interactions with Map that could be eventually translated as many java.util.function or java.lang callbacks. The reason is that some repository might actually offer more refined strategies to create and fetch group references. We could use a pooled registry of groups for instance, attach some behavior to a fresh group (timeout) or just increase our route resolution possibilities.

    opened by smaldini 3
  • Naming?



    I only skimmed the README, but shouldn't the Transformations be named "Processor" rather than "Publisher"? (https://github.com/reactor/reactive-streams-commons#supported-transformations)

    opened by viktorklang 2
  • TestSubscriber constructor with delegate Subscriber

    TestSubscriber constructor with delegate Subscriber

    In Reactor I have created a TestSubscriber inspired from the one of RSC, and I have a question.

    I am not sure if we want (on Reactor side) to keep constructors using a delegate Subscriber because I am not sure about the use cases, could you please give me some hints about what use cases they fit in?

    Thanks in advance for your help.

    opened by sdeleuze 2
  • Unbounded FlatMap with slow consumer

    Unbounded FlatMap with slow consumer

    The unbounded flatMap has terrible performance if a consumer, such as observeOn processes slower.

    The main reasons:

    • copy-on-write subscriber tracking, which will create N arrays of ever increasing size with O(n * n) complexity and then it takes O(n * n) to remove them one-by-one
    • the cleanup loop runs over all n sources in case requested is zero to evict empty and completed sources, adding another O(n * n) complexity.

    For example, this test runs in about 30s:

    range(1, 100_000).flatMap(v -> range(1, 10)).subscribe(new TestSubscriber<>(0L));

    (then it takes 12s to drain by requesting 96 elements in a loop, see PublisherFlatMapTest.slowDrain().)

    The cleanup can be short circuited because if one finds a non-empty source, there is no need to continue removing any potential finished and empty sources after that, the request-based drain will take care of those entries eventually.

    The tracking overhead can be reduced via a free slot queue and power-of-2 allocations, but with some cost because of synchronized and no compaction as of now.

    The benchmark results (i7 4790, Windows 7 x64, Java 8u72):


    Where COW is the original copy-on-write tracking, FL is a free-list based solution which already shows some promise; COW-2 is COW where the cleanup is short-circuited and FL-2 is FL with the cleanup short circuited as well.

    FL-2 seems to be promising with a bunch of +/- 5% loss/gain, probably due to noise.

    I'm looking into non-synchronized options with the FL solution.

    opened by akarnokd 1
  • Add PublisherEvery

    Add PublisherEvery


    • PublisherBase<T> : <T> PublisherBase#every(int)
    • PublisherBase<T> : <T> PublisherBase#everyFirst(int)

    Return the last or the first element of the given batch count. Allows for simple sampling with fixed size.

    opened by smaldini 1
  • Design considerations

    Design considerations

    There are a few decisions to be made:

    1. Repo initialization with Gradle files and directories

    Who should do this? I have a gradle setup I usually copy into new projects that can upload to maven based on local settings.

    1. Rackage naming, structure

    What should be the base package name. In addition, we may need an internal package.

    1. Lock-free or not?

    Most serializing operators can be implemented in both ways but lock-free usually requires lock-free queues (i.e., JCTools).

    The project states it wants to avoid queue-use so we don't lock in on Disruptor or JCTools but is it possible to abstract away the queue operations, i.e., is the j.u.c.Queue interface an adequate abstraction?

    We can also have implementations for both cases in separate subpackages lockfree and locking.

    1. Which Java version?

    Java 8 allows nicer code but Java 6 allows Android use.

    1. Processor implementations

    Do we want to provide these as well? Note that the operator redo - which unifies retry and repeat behavior through the signal of a Publisher requires a PublishProcessor at least (or a BehaviorProcessor at most), although these may be inlined.

    1. Factory or classes

    Should the library provide the operators via factory methods, i.e., Publisher<R> map(Publisher<T> source, Function<T, R> mapper); or as named classes: class PublisherMap<T, R>?

    The latter case helps discovering what's in a chain.

    1. Operator fusion

    I'm in a relatively early stage of describing and prototyping operator fusion. What's definitely necessary is that each operator has a distinct class which also exposes its input parameters (i.e., the source and mapper in 6))

    1. Beta/Experimental annotation

    Do we want to copy the RxJava way of introducing new operators/classes?

    1. Benchmarks

    Do we want JMH benchmarks in the repo?

    1. Reactive-Streams TCK

    I have two problems with it: a) requires TestNG which is quite invasive in Eclipse and b) is designed to test either just and a replaying-type Processor implementation. It doesn't work properly for range for example because the test wants to verify if the output of the Publisher is the same as the test generated.

    1. Optimizations vs Reactive-Streams spec

    Certain internal operator optimizations, such as reusing a Subscriber instance, may violate the specification although completely safe to do.

    The spec says that you can't subscribe the same instance multiple times to the same or different Publishers and some implementations may actually check for this (such as RxJavaReactiveStreams).

    1. Inlining and API leaks

    To avoid allocations, some operators may build upon existing classes or implement interfaces that leak into the API. For example, an auto-sharing operator PublisherAutoShare may extend AtomicInteger directly to save on an atomic counter field. However, this class now has a bunch of other methods that leaked in and requires extra care from the users

    1. Building blocks

    There are a few frequent building blocks useful for operators (i.e., arbiters, terminal atomics tools). Do we want to officially support them as well or keep them hidden in internal?

    1. Field updaters, Atomic instances or Unsafe?

    Which technique do we want? Note that Java 8 is about to receive performance optimizations targeting field updaters so they get very close to Unsafe.

    opened by akarnokd 1
  • URL Cleanup

    URL Cleanup

    This commit updates URLs to prefer the https protocol. Redirects are not followed to avoid accidentally expanding intentionally shortened URLs (i.e. if using a URL shortener).

    Fixed URLs

    Fixed Success

    These URLs were switched to an https URL with a 2xx status. While the status was successful, your review is still recommended.

    • [ ] http://www.apache.org/licenses/ with 1 occurrences migrated to:
      https://www.apache.org/licenses/ (https result 200).
    • [ ] http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 with 3 occurrences migrated to:
      https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 (https result 200).
    opened by spring-operator 0
  • Gem 22) discussion

    Gem 22) discussion

    From @dsyer

    Interesting. Do you mean Mono.fromCallable() (because when I looked at the source code it seemed to me that the Callable.call() only happens when there is a subscribe())? In general, what's a good way to assert or inspect statements like that? What did I misunderstand?

    question discussion 
    opened by akarnokd 5
  • 101 Reactive Gems (working title)

    101 Reactive Gems (working title)

    In this issue, we should collect tips and tricks with reactive systems and dataflows.

    These are not particularly advanced topics but the markdown support on GitHub makes it easier to write them up.

    Once we run out of ideas, we may tidy it up and release it together (maybe a free ebook?).

    Please post only gems here and open discussion about them in separate issues. Thanks.

    opened by akarnokd 22
  • Use shaded dependency on JCTools instead of copy and paste

    Use shaded dependency on JCTools instead of copy and paste

    Currently this library uses some queue implementations lifted in spirit and to some extent code out of JCTools. The 2 projects share a contributor, @akarnokd. I would recommend this project directly shades JCTools and uses the originals. Versioned dependencies allow for clear release boundaries and well understood state of code while also enabling future improvements and corrections to be fed in easily. This is why everyone does it...

    opened by nitsanw 7
  • Explore Backpressurable#getCapacity optimizations

    Explore Backpressurable#getCapacity optimizations

    Backpressurable#getCapacity can be a useful tool to detect if the source Publisher is a Completable (0), Single (1), Unbounded (Long.MAX), Bounded (N > 1 && < Integer.MAX) or Mixed (-1) backpressure strategy.

    Some operator might adapt their supplied Queue while other can choose to short-circuit more expensive inner Subscriber.

    opened by smaldini 0
  • Explore timed microbatch operators

    Explore timed microbatch operators

    Currently written with a combination of 2 or 3 operators, timed microbatch like stream.window(10, () -> PublisherBase.timer(....)) or stream.buffer(10, () -> PublisherBase.timer(....)) would be useful.

    opened by smaldini 0
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