an Application Framework for implementing the MVVM Pattern with JavaFX

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GUI mvvmFX


mvvmFX is an application framework which provides you necessary components to implement the MVVM pattern with JavaFX.

MVVM is the enhanced version of the Presentation Model pattern and was created by Microsoft engineers for WPF. JavaFX and WPF does have similarities like data binding and descriptive UI declaration (FXML/XAML). Because of this fact we adopted best practices of the development with the Microsoft technology and introduced new helpers to support the development of applications with JavaFX and MVVM.

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The best way to get help with mvvmFX is to either ask questions on StackOverflow using the tag "mvvmfx" or to use our Google Groups mailing list. Additionally you can create issues, report bugs and add feature requests on the issue tracker at github.


  • Scope Concept

    Scope Concept

    Currently we rethink the behavior of scopes and we tend to adopt the DI-Mechanism from Angular2 for our Scopes.

    The mechanism injects same instances of a type into the views that are in a hierarchy.


    Given the a Hierarchie of Views:

    ViewHierarchie ParentView -ViewA -ViewC --ViewD -ViewB --ViewC --ViewD

    Szenario 1:

    ViewModelHierarchie ParentViewModel -ViewAViewModel - @InjectScope MyScope scope; (ObjectID = 1) --ViewCViewModel - @InjectScope MyScope scope; (ObjectID = 1) --ViewDViewModel - @InjectScope MyScope scope; (ObjectID = 1) -ViewBViewModel - @InjectScope MyScope scope; (ObjectID = 2) --ViewCViewModel - @InjectScope MyScope scope; (ObjectID = 2) --ViewDViewModel - @InjectScope MyScope scope; (ObjectID = 2)

    Szenario 2:

    ViewModelHierarchie ParentViewModel - @InjectScope MyScope scope; (ObjectID = 1) -ViewAViewModel - @InjectScope MyScope scope; (ObjectID = 1) --ViewCViewModel - @InjectScope MyScope scope; (ObjectID = 1) --ViewDViewModel - @InjectScope MyScope scope; (ObjectID = 1) -ViewBViewModel - @InjectScope MyScope scope; (ObjectID = 1) --ViewCViewModel - @InjectScope MyScope scope; (ObjectID = 1) --ViewDViewModel - @InjectScope MyScope scope; (ObjectID = 1)

    The principle is, that the highest Injection point decides for the subviews which scope instance is used.

    Feature improvement 
    opened by sialcasa 25
  • Discussion, requirements about NetBeansIDE-mvvmFX-Plugin

    Discussion, requirements about NetBeansIDE-mvvmFX-Plugin

    Like suggest from Alexander here a ticket for a planed NetBeans plugin.

    First steps I planed was:

    • Implement the 3 example projects from you (hello world, guice, cdi-weld) in the new Project wizard
    • Implement file generation for mvvmFX (ViewModel, View, fxml) in the right packages.

    I thing for the first version is that okay.

    • Then publish it to NetBeansPortal and UC.
    opened by Naoghuman 18
  • Invalidation Listener for FunctionBasedValidator

    Invalidation Listener for FunctionBasedValidator

    To enable validation logic to fire when dependencies of the source ObservableValue are invalidated for a FunctionBasedValidator, it would be useful to be able to add an InvalidationListener as below:

        private FunctionBasedValidator(ObservableValue<T> source) {
            source.addListener((observable, oldValue, newValue) -> {
            source.addListener( (InvalidationListener) (evt -> validate( source.getValue() )));

    I have tried extending the class but have no access to the validate method.

    I tried making my own ValidationClass re-using the existing logic, but the ValidationStatus class hides #addMessage and #clearMessage.

    Thanks, Grant

    Feature improvement 
    opened by gtnarg 16
  • #538 Using ControlsFxVisualizer causes node graph inconsistencies

    #538 Using ControlsFxVisualizer causes node graph inconsistencies

    Wrapped ValidationVisualizationBase in a Platform.runLater to ensure the node graph completes initialization before any Visualizers are created on top of it.

    Added a test class.

    Added a utility function that allows to pause the Platform thread in order to allow the test code to validate whether or not a function is using runLater. Pausing the thread is required since it is possible that the Runnable be executed before the test has had the time to validate.

    opened by ntherrien 10
  • CompositeValidator valid percentaje

    CompositeValidator valid percentaje

    Hi, guys

    I've come with the need of displaying the percentage of completion of a form and we decided to display the percentage of valid inputs in the form, so I looked on CompositeValidator to see if there was a way to get the validators or at least the number of validators in the composite and there is not.

    Although I know this is just a really really really backlog feature, it would be nice to have it.

    Thanks guys

    opened by jpitchardu 8
  • Lifecycle Concept for View / ViewModels.

    Lifecycle Concept for View / ViewModels.

    There is already a lifecycle hook (Initialize). It would be great to have the possibility to have other phases like a dispose() hook, that is called when the user decided to kill a group of views.

    Dispose should

    • give the user the option to remove Observers from the NotificationCenter or other long living objects
    • allow the user to do house-keeping before the View and ViewModel are killed
    opened by sialcasa 8
  • [notifications]  The notification mechanism between VM and V may leak.

    [notifications] The notification mechanism between VM and V may leak.

    Currently the ViewModel gets referenced in the global Notification Center when the subscribe method in interface ViewModel is called. This may create memory leaks, because the ViewModel is still referenced as an Observer in the Notification Center, when it is expected to be garbage collected.

    This is due to:

    Everything you register as the recipient of an Event, e.g. in GUI frameworks, cannot be garbage collected as long as it is registered and the event source is alive.

    This may introduce memory leaks, if a developer is not aware of that strong reference from the event source to the event subscriber.

    bug improvement 
    opened by sialcasa 8
  • Commands


    A command combines an action with a condition. This can be used for example to provide an {@link #execute()}-action which should perform on a button click. The button should be disabled, while the Command is not executable.

    opened by sialcasa 8
  • Update Guice version.

    Update Guice version.

    mvvmfx-guice uses fx-guice:8.0.0 as dependency which itself uses guice:3.0 but the latest release of Guice is version 4.1.

    Update to new version 4.1. This can include a pullrequest to fx-guice project. However, in the long run it would be better to find an independend solution so that we can update our dependencies on our own. Even better would be to provide a solution so that the user of mvvmfx-guice can choose her desired version.

    API breaking change Guice Needs discussion 
    opened by manuel-mauky 7
  • Added utility class for loading fxml views

    Added utility class for loading fxml views

    Some time ago I created a small utility class that was capable of loading and setting the stage up for a fxml view. It might help out other people so I created a pull request. The code is documented but not the methods itself.

    opened by mainrs 7
  • Scopes


    There should be the possibility to define scopes to group views together. This could be implemented in a way that there is a "Scope-ViewModel" that is injected into the viewModels.

    opened by manuel-mauky 7
  • Bump resteasy-client from 3.0.9.Final to 3.14.0.Final in /examples/books-example

    Bump resteasy-client from 3.0.9.Final to 3.14.0.Final in /examples/books-example

    Bumps resteasy-client from 3.0.9.Final to 3.14.0.Final.

    Release notes

    Sourced from resteasy-client's releases.


    In this release:

    springboot.ver = 2.5.7 resteasy.ver = 3.15.3.Final

    • 460ce3e [RESTEASY-2786] 3.14.0-SNAPSHOT->3.14.0.Final
    • 1918547 [RESTEASY-2772] Backing out changes for RESTEASY-2772. (#2627)
    • 2e6bcbe [RESTEASY-2641] ported nonProxyHost code from master (#2624)
    • 685132a [RESTEASY-1865] ported proposed code changes to branch (#2625)
    • 771f2c6 [RESTEASY-2728] Clients running in a resource method throw safer WebApplicati...
    • 3b2dc7e Fix wfly21 exclusions
    • 7f297ab [RESTEASY-2707] added security block
    • 8a394e4 [RESTEASY-2765] Fix validation of empty array
    • 4c656d1 Update target containers to test against WFLY 21.0.1.Final
    • 1f773f3 [RESTEASY-2772] changed exception type and adjusted unit tests
    • Additional commits viewable in compare view

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    opened by dependabot[bot] 0
  • How to get the index in an item of a list view

    How to get the index in an item of a list view

    Currently I use the class CachedView Model Cell Factory.createForFxmlView(MyView.class) and I would like to know how I could get the getIndex method in my MyViewModel.class class since if I use ListCell returns a value of -1

    I would like how this can be used in a listView.

    Item View:

    public class MyView implements FxmlView<MyViewModel> {
     private Label lblIndex;
     private MyViewModel viewModel;
     public void initialize() {

    Item ViewModel:

    public class MyViewModel implements ViewModel {
     private final IntegerProperty indexProperty = new SimpleIntegerProperty();
     public MyViewModel(int index){
     public IntegerProperty getIndexProperty() {
      return indexProperty;

    Example using ListCell in ViewModel

    public class MyViewModel extends ListCell<T> implements ViewModel {
     private final IntegerProperty indexProperty = new SimpleIntegerProperty();
     public MyViewModel(){
      indexProperty.set(this.getIndex()); // getIndex return -1 value;
     public IntegerProperty getIndexProperty() {
      return indexProperty;

    opened by Jtpatato21 0
  • Crossfield validation's strange behaviour - freeze

    Crossfield validation's strange behaviour - freeze

    Currently I'm using mvvmfx validation ver.1.8.0 for my app. I have two PasswordFields named 'password' and 'confirmPassword' in View ,to which two string properties are binded from the ViewModel.

    I do the following validation:

    Validator passwordValidator = new BlankTextValidator(password, getValidationBundle().getString("cannot_be_blank"));

    where BlankTextValidator is:

    public class BlankTextValidator extends FunctionBasedValidator {

    private static final Predicate<String> isNotBlank = input -> !UtilMethods.isBlank(input);
    public BlankTextValidator(ObservableValue<String> source, String message) {
        super(source, isNotBlank, ValidationMessage.error(message));


    I use this validator in quite many places and it works just as expected. For confirmation I use ObservableRuleBasedValidator:

    BooleanBinding confirmPasswordNotBlank = Bindings.createBooleanBinding(() -> !UtilMethods.isBlank(confirmPassword.get()), confirmPassword); BooleanBinding passwordMatches = password.isEqualTo(confirmPassword);

    ObservableRuleBasedValidator ruleBasedValidator = new ObservableRuleBasedValidator(); ruleBasedValidator.addRule(confirmPasswordNotBlank,ValidationMessage.error(getValidationBundle().getString("password_confirm_required"))); ruleBasedValidator.addRule(passwordMatches, ValidationMessage.error(getValidationBundle().getString("password_mismatch")));

    I use CompositeValidator, to which i add the abovementioned valiidators. In View i use ControlsFxVisualizer and also add validation for each control.

    ValidationVisualizer visualizer = new ControlsFxVisualizer(); visualizer.initVisualization(adminViewModel.passwordValidation(), passwordField); visualizer.initVisualization(adminViewModel.confirmPasswordValidation(), confirmField);

    So far, so good. PasswordField's validation is ok, but comfirmField's validation freezes on first rule, No matter if the field is blank or not. I have tried your implementation from . With the same result!

    Another strange issue: I use checkcombobox and make validation so that at least one of the fields of the list is checked. In this case i bind every checkbox to BooleanProperty in ViewModel.

    The Validation:

    public class CheckComboBoxValidator extends ObservableRuleBasedValidator {

    public CheckComboBoxValidator(Collection<BooleanProperty> booleanProperties, String message) {
        ObservableValue<ValidationMessage> hasAtLeastOneCheck = Bindings.createObjectBinding(() -> {
            boolean hasAtLeastOneChecked =
                .anyMatch(bp -> bp.getValue().equals(true));
            if (!hasAtLeastOneChecked) {
                return ValidationMessage.error(message);
            return null;
        }, booleanProperties.toArray(new BooleanProperty[0]));


    The Validation works, but checkcombobox freezes(becomes not responsive) in case of :

    1. There are peviously checked fields (by default)
    2. Then the user unchecks all of them. The problem resolves when the user selects another control.
    opened by daniel-sarov 2
  • Bump logback-classic from 1.1.2 to 1.2.0 in /examples/contacts-example

    Bump logback-classic from 1.1.2 to 1.2.0 in /examples/contacts-example

    Bumps logback-classic from 1.1.2 to 1.2.0.

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    • @dependabot rebase will rebase this PR
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    opened by dependabot[bot] 0
  • Bump logback-classic from 1.1.2 to 1.2.0 in /examples/books-example

    Bump logback-classic from 1.1.2 to 1.2.0 in /examples/books-example

    Bumps logback-classic from 1.1.2 to 1.2.0.

    Dependabot compatibility score

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    opened by dependabot[bot] 0
Alexander Casall
Alexander Casall

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